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EoD beta has slapped Mesmers in the face.


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Vindicator dodges are insane, Engineer AI pet is insane, thief now has more sustain then mesmer with as much condition pressure and the same amount of disengaging pressure and they have CI 2k torment on interrupt, thief wells are actually usable.

Remember folks phantasms were killed because AI was too passive to play, while minionmancers were a thing and now they release this new engineer class which pet can burst out 6k, chrono still can't self shatter btw. This is just a PSA. It's time to return old CI and weakness on clone destruction and undo phantasm changes Anet you guys just walked back every excuse that you gave for nerfing mesmer with these releases.

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Let's not get crazy here.  Vindicator has one decent dodge, the 100/150 dodges are complete trash.  Engineer is a meme where it dies to mostly everything, especially conditions.  Ignoring Spectre as I only dueled one (condi) as condi interrupt Mirage for one fight and did really no damage so anecdotal. 

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Just imagine Jaunt was so op they nerfed it's damage multiple times, it's cooldown, it's charge count, and then the specter shows up with shadowstepping alacrity wells that makes Jaunt look like a joke, bwahahahaha! The specter shroud is what the new shroud on harbinger should have looked like, not the half life eating never going to be top damage shroud, or wells that look like they should have been on the chronomancer in the first place.


You think they'll ever go back and give mesmers a proper upgrade to compete with comparable skills from this expansion? nah don't think so. Give up on mesmers already, cause this company already has long ago.

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It is a bit odd that Anet are seemingly re-introducing to the game via EoD mechanics that were previously nerfed out of existence for being too "degenerative".  And yes, many of these are things that were on Mesmer.

Honestly, Well of Silence on Spectre feels like pre-nerf Chaos Storm (but with guaranteed dazes) combined with pre-nerf Chaotic Interruption. I was actually in shock when I rolled my beta Spectre and just caused utter chaos with this skill. It felt...so degenerate and kind of naughty 😘


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I see no need to touch these elite specs however, I will say that I do like the Specters Rot Wallow Venom and wondered why we didn’t get something like this for Confusion. Even though he’s Confusion needs yet again more tweaking, but I think it would be cool to have a Confusion version.

Overall, a part from the oppressive barriers, it definitely feels like Anet loaded a lot into the Specter. 

Edited by Tseison.4659
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Don't forget that Mechanist can do permanent alacrity without pressing any buttons. 

But alacrity was too strong on Chrono where you have to press 14 perfectly executed series of commands to just have it, and it was too simple on Mirage so they nerfed it on both and gave Engineer a passive one...

It's also ok for Revenants to keep permanent alacrity with one button.

Everything is Ok as long as it's not on a Mesmer.

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1- A single mainhand weapon with only 3 new skills. All of them just do damage, nothing else.

2- Shatters do the same thing, except to a single target only in exchange for not dealing with the core flaws of clone ramp up and despawn on target death.

3- One utility skill that is an elementalist mist form equivalent, rest are aoe nukes, one does more damage to rooted targets while the other one applies vulnerability that will be capped anyways in raids, so wasted.

4- An undertuned elite.



1- 5 actual new weapon skills. different utility+damage wells that are also a blink and buff allies.

2- Steal effect still in place, applies slow uptime better than baseline chronomancer despite slow being the iconic chronomancer exclusive condition.

3- Specter shroud with another 5 new skills.


And somehow Anet deems this a comparable investment of design resources....

Edited by Zenith.7301
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