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Advice Request: Legendary Weapon for Engi


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Hi, I wanted to ask you guys for some advice on legendary weapon. I'm in the position where I have almost everything that's needed for legendary. So as an Engi main I decided that the first weapon will be for him and then... I felt a bit lost. Can you give me an advice on what weapon to craft? The problem is that I'm worried about upcoming expansion - sword will be useless as it's a Holo only weapon. I love Rifle but it was nerfed to the ground in PvP which I play a lot. Pistol has no synergy with any PvP builds, works decent only in WvW. I also thought about Mace but it's hard to tell will it be usefull when Mechanist will arive. 


I know that I should craft a weapon that I personally like, but for me it's a huge investment and I don't want it to rust in the inventory or bank. I want to actually use it. So, maybe you could give me some advise here? Which leg did you craft first or use the most? Should I invest in it at all or it's better to focus on legendary armor first? 


Thank you for your replies! 😉

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Well you already explained it to urself somehow. Tho i am almost sure that mace will get better when eod drops, I am not sure about that since engis wanted pistol/rifle reworks for years now.

I also wont make a 2k+ gold decision for someone bc if i am wrong with for example the mace thing it will be my fault xD

Atm i am mostly using quip. I am playing condi holo so i ll also be able to use it as mechanist with mace/pistol or pistol/pistol.

I also dont suffer from the "which leggy to craft - problem" bc i got shining blade for holo, quip for holo (and scrapper if wvw) and predator for...never used it as engi and i also got eureka. That are the only leggys i have and i am so glad i can use them all as engi xD bc i crafted eureka for my herald, shining blade for chrono, predator and quip for deadeye. Then a few months ago i swapped to engi and saw i can use them all, except eureka, on it and then I saw that engi gets mace and was even more happy.

However to closer to you, @Baudrillard.4612, what do you play the most? Power? condi? support? Maybe you can make a decision faster then.
Well I would really suggest to do 1 of the following options or more than 1:

  1. Wait until Eod drops and decide then which weapon to craft
  2. Craft armor or trinkets since you can always use them whatever you play as engi
  3. Make sure if you like to play support, power or condi.
    For example if you like condi, leggy pistol is a safe option because mechanist got no offhand mace so you ll use offhand pistol on it. Holo got no condi option except double pistols. And scrapper is not good as condi in pve at least.
    As support you go for scrapper or mechanist. In this case, scrapper support uses pistol/shield and mechanist mace/shield. So the solution would be shield maybe. As power its a bit harder - holo uses sword/pistol or rifle, mechanist uses rifle or mace/pistol and scrapper uses hammer.
  4. Look which weapon you play on other classes and look if its also usable on engi and craft it. Like me that played chrono and crafted shining blade and is also able to use it on holo. Or if you play thief and like pistols on it you can also use it on engi.

Maybe you should just wait or craft armor or trinkets. Or you are sure what you want and craft a weapon based on point 3 or 4.
However all who crafted leggys knows this decision and you have to be sure what you want to play.
I think none can make this decision for you.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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17 hours ago, Baudrillard.4612 said:

or it's better to focus on legendary armor first? 

Absolutely. You have much, much, much better use for legendary armor than a single weapon. I would even say focus on at least 6 legendary runes over weapons (but the timegate start to kind of stack up, heh). Weapons are fairly simple since you can run "generic stat" ones just fine with any build.

Regarding the weapons themselves, rifle is pretty much unviable so forget that unless you also love playing rifle DE or something, or until Anet buff it. Dual Hope is neat and what I chose to build long ago. I've used it like 4 years now lol. Not much use elsewhere except pewpew thief. Sword is usefull for more classes so thats a good I-cant-decide option. Hammer has cool effect but IMO limited class use (oretty much only zerg rev use it otherwise). The shield I dont even know lol.

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I dont know much about SPVP but for WvsW, if you're playing power engi, rifle is still a good option. It has an immobilize, a good CC that removes movement condition as well as 2 high damage burst. However rifle arent used by many profession so it may be limiting if you want a Leg that can be used by several profession. Pistol can be a good option, but I havent found a decent engi condi build yet. At least more profession uses pistol than rifle. Shield is a good option if you also play a lot of support on the side.


The hammer for Scrapper is also a solid option, however hammers arent really used by many profession, it is mostly used by heavy armour class and soon Elementalist and Ranger.


The sword is arguably the best option as far as engineer sword performance + weapon availability goes. Sword DPS is pretty short range but if you can get past that, it deals solid damage and many profession are able to use sword fairly well.


Finally the Mace....I would wait for EoD release before talking about that. There many things that can change before the final release / during the few days after the release. Maybe it's going to get buffed, maybe it's going to get nerfed, hell maybe it's going to be reworked, who knows ? But if anything the Mace should be your least priority as far as engineer weapon is concerned. As for other profession, I know the warrior has good CC with it, it's the revenant main weapon if you're playing condi and for guardian, it's good for bunker ? I dont know.



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If you want to have the best usage, its the best to go for armor and runes first. That will give you option to change stats and runes whatever you need. And runes have the advantage its for all your charakters, so you dont have to worry about runes for all time.


But if you just want a legy weapon for the look, its pretty much a personal decision.

For myself i love my predator, its this fiery glow and raw looking rifle with its fire bursts. Rifle isnt bad, meta power builds can use rilfe or sword, there isnt much a difference in numbers.

And my other weapon i love is HOPE, it was just super satisfying to do the precursor collection, after doing it i felt really rewarded for that journey. You learn the story behind this weapon and its interesting, not just throw things in the MF and get a legy.

All other weapons i have i find pretty mehhh, bolt, juggernaut and flameseeker doenst really fit engineers lore or aesethic. Most disapointed i was from juggernaut, the metallic effect on armor turns in some regions to just complete black.


For your question which weapon will be good for the next time, well nobody have a crystal ball 😉 looking at the past rifle had a bad time during HoT and was pretty much never used in any build, and hammer wasnt good in early days of PoF, because holo was the dominant spec. But now all weapons have a use, but i think a solid choice will be pistols. Condi builds were never really bad in engineers history and it seeems mace wont bring that much condi to be an alternative to pistol.


But keep in mind, the problem engineer suffers forever is that kits doesnt use a legendary effect, just some toolbelt skills.

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Armor first is a good idea, but keep in mind that the three different sets have three different time gates on them. WvW armor is the easiest to get, but takes half a year to fully build.

Personally I did Twilight, then WvW legendary, then the Living world accessories, then double conflux, then x2 Frostfangs, Predator, 6 Runes, 4 sigils, HOPE, and pretty soon I'll have an amulet. After that I'll probably make the Juggernaut or Moot.

I started with Twilight, because the classes that I prefer to play all use greatsword.

So that I my ultimate advice, pick the engi weapon that you'll also end up using a great deal with your alts. Bang for your buck as it were. After that take your pick of which generation to craft.

Start getting your tokens for the Runes and Sigils now regardless of the choice you make. any of the daily gated materials can be traded in bulk for these, so if you have a large stash of elonian leather cords, mithrillium, and globs of elderwood spirits then you can get a jump start on it.

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On engi there isn't many weapons that serve multiple purposes across different builds.  The pistols are condi, sword/rifle/hammer/mace are power, shield can be either condi or power.  Because of this, there isn't going to be much stat swapping between weapons, so if you're concerned about functionality alone it is best to aim for legendary armor while using ascended weapons.

That said, I myself crafted The Juggernaut specifically to look cool on the Scrapper.  I also crafted Eureka for the revenant, but that will also work on the upcoming Mechanist. 

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