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Is core meditation guardian really that bad?


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Hey Guardians,


I've been playing some core meditation guard in gold 3 lately, the usual GS+sw/f with zerker and for some reason it feels a lot stronger than I feel like it should. Obviously running around with 11k health and having mediocre disengage is a pretty big detriment, but the ability to stick and dish out consistent damage while keeping yourself healthy is pretty good - it's like playing a discount power herald with condi cleanse. Just wondering - what exactly makes this build so bad right now?

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Medi dps guard is still one of the most fun build to play, given how fluid it is and how impactful it might be upon joining a fight. For that, it is actually good.

Unfortunately in 1v1 they underperform against almost every build/class (rev, holo, and even warrior), and hardcountered by some (ranger, necro, ele). Reason is that defense options are almost inexistent, burst is quite hard to land, and CD are too high to have an advantage when fight starts lasting.

=> if you actually have decent sidenoders in your team it is very potent, otherwise you will need to be 200% focused to down the bot on your node.

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It has some good damage, good sustain, good mobility. A well rounded build for solo queue because you can hold a node some time (even win versus some builds) and still be useful in teamfights. It will not be the preferred / optimal choice in a team composition because there are options that have faster or safer dps, other build are more focused on a role (duelist) but this is what I usually play on guard and what I find the most fun.

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On 11/5/2021 at 12:59 PM, Arklite.4013 said:

it's like playing a discount power herald with condi cleanse. Just wondering - what exactly makes this build so bad right now?

   The main problem with meditation Guard is that is mostly a mele fighter.

   The most power build at the moment in PvP in terms o effort/effect ratio are the necros, because they have PULSATING unblockable sources of AoE fear which can entirely disrupt team gameplay (plus they are quite tanky and can deliver strong ranged AoE damage, corrupt boons, etc). As a mele meditation Guardian your breakstuns and stability tools absolutely won't be enough to face a well played Necro, and most of matches will have a few of those.

   On the onter hand. the turbo trapper DH build has plenty of ranged damage, with huge burst, a 2 push - 1 pull cc combo and access to stealth to set those burst/cc combos. That can hardcounter enemy Necros in some scenarios. The other strong performing Guardian build at the moment is support core, for different reasons.

   So, in the current landscape meditation Guardian can win some fights, but can't carry a match, whereas other classes and builds can.

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54 minutes ago, Buran.3796 said:

The most power build at the moment in PvP in terms o effort/effect ratio are the necros, because they have PULSATING unblockable sources of AoE fear which can entirely disrupt team gameplay 

I’m just curious what skill you are referring to?

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39 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I’m just curious what skill you are referring to?

Spectral Ring pulses fear.

And you can combine that with Reaper's Mark and Ripple of Horror (Lich Form) and either Garish Pillar (Scourge), Terrify (Reaper's Shroud or Wave of Fear (Death Shroud).

While "only" one source of these is pulsing it, that's a lot of AoE Fear a Necromancer can throw out.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Spectral Ring pulses fear.

And you can combine that with Reaper's Mark and Ripple of Horror (Lich Form) and either Garish Pillar (Scourge), Terrify (Reaper's Shroud or Wave of Fear (Death Shroud).

While "only" one source of these is pulsing it, that's a lot of AoE Fear a Necromancer can throw out.

I guess pulses is just a weird word for me. I thought ring was what they were referencing, but it’s not really a pulsing aoe, it’s a line CC, and quite easy to avoid.

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7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

I guess pulses is just a weird word for me. I thought ring was what they were referencing, but it’s not really a pulsing aoe, it’s a line CC, and quite easy to avoid.

With all the Visual clutter caused by AoEs, which recently got even worse with the added colourful rings, it can be quite hard to see it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/8/2021 at 9:14 AM, oscuro.9720 said:

I guess pulses is just a weird word for me. I thought ring was what they were referencing, but it’s not really a pulsing aoe, it’s a line CC, and quite easy to avoid.

It's a ring now, and the usual tactic of those necromancers is to use fear to push you into the ring in order to stack duration (potentially a ring placed behind you so that the fear from the near side of the ring causes you to run through the far side as well). Unlike most hard CCs that replace each other, fear is technically a condition that stacks duration, so if you don't have a stunbreak or condi clear ready, they can stack enough fear that you'd almost rather be moa'd.


And even when the ring isn't combined with other sources of fear, it provides an obstacle that the necromancer can kite across (and get protection in the bargain) while you have to take the long way around if you're running a melee build yourself.

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