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Harbinger in sPvP


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On 12/2/2021 at 2:23 AM, Morwath.9817 said:

So, whats the idea behind this spec now?


Before it had sustain, and now its pure glass, after healing mechanic was completly removed.


Mobility was reduced as well, both in terms of range (900->600) and cooldown on charge was increased.


Elixirs got buffed, but the question is: why would I pick them over: Consume Conditions/Spectral Walk/Flesh Wurm/certain Elite loved by everyone on those forums.


Damage could be "okay" (Dhuumfire+quickness+11111 spam), but....

...stacking condis takes time even with quickness, isn't super bursty and you lack sustain when counter pressured compared to Core Necro...

...burst compared to Reaper feels bad...

...no instant CC (fear) in Shroud every other Necro spec has access too...

...it doesn't feel like "high risk, high reward" spec as high risk is certainly there, but I don't see "high reward" you can see on old Necro specs.


Imagine complaining about necro not being strong enough. You must only play the most brain dead broken fotm specs

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12 minutes ago, Morwath.9817 said:


Imagine complaing that someone wants stuff to be balanced around meta spec level, not bronze gimmick builds.

There isn’t even a meta rn, just op build after op build and the rest suffer, since cmcs big debut-

except guess what, Necromancer on every single build imaginable.


literally 90% of the people in the game are suffering and you have the galls to pretend ur talking about competitive gameplay. It’s sad really...

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2 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

There isn’t even a meta rn, just op build after op build and the rest suffer, since cmcs big debut-

except guess what, Necromancer on every single build imaginable.


literally 90% of the people in the game are suffering and you have the galls to pretend ur talking about competitive gameplay. It’s sad really...

Your hatred is adorable. 

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If they want harbinger to not have shroud the least the could do is shove in an extra block and dodge in somewhere, lets be real here, 1 is not going to cut it.
And while previous sustain was ridiculous, having SOME sustain is not bad, maybe every time you lose a blight stack heal for X, and X is very small, similar to holo but not as overpowered.
That way to heal you have to expose yourself to damage which is risk reward and would encourage people to actually use the blight mechanic.

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10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

I don't see hatred


How else will you call state of mind, where you're happy that new e-spec is trash, just because it's Necromancer? 


While most of Necro haters hate Necro because of Shroud, they should be happy Harbringer doesn't soak damage while in Shroud, yet they want it to be trash, so they have to play more against Core and Reaper they hate so much? Thats true denial and mistery.


You need to realize that Harbringer in current form feels super trash compared not only to other Necro specs, but mostly compared to specs like Herald, Holosmith or even Mirage... and it doesn't matter how "strong" it is compared to some silly builds like condi warriors, burn guards or flamethrowers, as those builds are just irrevelant.

Edited by Morwath.9817
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On 12/6/2021 at 10:27 PM, RedAvenged.5217 said:

literally 90% of the people in the game are suffering and you have the galls to pretend ur talking about competitive gameplay. It’s sad really...

People claims there are at least 3 necros per match. So it is only 70% of people in the game are suffering. Do not exaggerate please.

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16 minutes ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

I would want to see duels of Harbinger vs some non-meta specs like core Mes, core Engi, core Ele, Druid etc. Comparing it to core Necro is questionable considering how OP core Necro.


In reality you should compare it performance wise to Revenant or Holo, as its supposed to be mobile roamer spec, and compared to those its quite... memerable. I don't understand whats point in comparing spec to non-meta specs, because if it even does okay against non-meta specs, it doesn't mean its anyhow good.

While balancing ANY new e-spec, people designing those should ask themselves WHY player should pick said spec for role its supposed to fill, rather than current meta specs for given role.

Edited by Morwath.9817
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1 hour ago, Morwath.9817 said:


In reality you should compare it performance wise to Revenant or Holo, as its supposed to be mobile roamer spec, and compared to those its quite... memerable. I don't understand whats point in comparing spec to non-meta specs, because if it even does okay against non-meta specs, it doesn't mean its anyhow good.

While balancing ANY new e-spec, people designing those should ask themselves WHY player should pick said spec for role its supposed to fill, rather than current meta specs for given role.

My point is that a lot of people are saying  that it's bad because it loses to core Necro and whatnot (often referring to Naru's stream) which is unfair because it should lose to core Necro due to being more of a roamer, plus the fact that core Necro is one of the strongest specs in the game.

And I simply want to know what it really means when people call it "garbage" like does it mean "unplayable" or does it mean "average as compared to all the other specs in the game". Shorts did well with it on his stream and said he thinks it is reasonably strong.

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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Harbinger has potential but needs more sustain. Personally I see it as a team fighter that can utilize hybrid damage more so than core and reaper and can also negate power effectiveness through the use of heavy weakness application. Core necro has some weakness application but no where near what harbinger has. Part of its sustain comes from that fact. Personally the bottom grandmaster seems more valuable than the middle. 

Also its too slow to be a roamer. It also wont be able to handle a +1 as a duelist

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6 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Harbinger has potential but needs more sustain. Personally I see it as a team fighter that can utilize hybrid damage more so than core and reaper and can also negate power effectiveness through the use of heavy weakness application. Core necro has some weakness application but no where near what harbinger has. Part of its sustain comes from that fact. Personally the bottom grandmaster seems more valuable than the middle. 

Also its too slow to be a roamer. It also wont be able to handle a +1 as a duelist

Maybe makes necro less faceroll before giving it sustain?



Something like this lacks sustain......


We may as well delete this then....



 The truth is that the vast majority of necros are FOTMers used to press F1 and tank the world, they did for so long ..they forgot where the dodge button is

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On 12/7/2021 at 1:36 AM, Morwath.9817 said:


How else will you call state of mind, where you're happy that new e-spec is trash, just because it's Necromancer? 


While most of Necro haters hate Necro because of Shroud, they should be happy Harbringer doesn't soak damage while in Shroud, yet they want it to be trash, so they have to play more against Core and Reaper they hate so much? Thats true denial and mistery.


You need to realize that Harbringer in current form feels super trash compared not only to other Necro specs, but mostly compared to specs like Herald, Holosmith or even Mirage... and it doesn't matter how "strong" it is compared to some silly builds like condi warriors, burn guards or flamethrowers, as those builds are just irrevelant.

For one idk why you’re still going on about this. For one I’m sure I could take any of these bad builds you claim aren’t playable and farm you + half the population on it.

harbinger as it is is literally well beyond the point of viable. Viable is not hard, any great player could take a viable build and get to a high rating on it and this is well beyond that point.

and again plz don’t pretend ur only concerned with the meta when looking at 3 brain dead builds that have been so overlooked by anet that a monkey smashing their keyboard could play it.

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5 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

For one idk why you’re still going on about this. For one I’m sure I could take any of these bad builds you claim aren’t playable and farm you + half the population on it.

harbinger as it is is literally well beyond the point of viable. Viable is not hard, any great player could take a viable build and get to a high rating on it and this is well beyond that point.

and again plz don’t pretend ur only concerned with the meta when looking at 3 brain dead builds that have been so overlooked by anet that a monkey smashing their keyboard could play it.


If you want 1v1 against a 1v1 meta build, you can always vist EU around prime time (usualy online around 20 CET).

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