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Most fast-paced class


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Hi there. I'm a FPS type of person but I've also enjoyed MMORPG elements in the past.

Started playing GW2 this year and eventually bought both expansions before hitting lvl cap because I was really enjoying the game but recently it bores me and I rarely play it with the same enthusiasm as before.


I main a berserker warrior but I'm not totally satisfied. I feel as there is something else out there for me that will put me back on the game. Let me explain why berserker has been the most enjoyable so far.


There is this feeling I get when I enter berserker mode. I wait for my CDs to be ready and suddenly feel this intense anxiety/pressure/stress to hit the rotation perfectly so to take the most advantage of things like quickness and other boons. Specially when I do GS skill 2 and I see all these high damage numbers in fast succession it feels very satisfactory and adrenalizing.

The tenseness of trying to do the most damage as fast as possible before the berserker mode runs out also adds up to the dopamine rush.


Basically being a FPS kind of guy, I like the feel of very fast-paced action, I like being on a "stressful" situation that gives me the urge to hurry up


I'd like to ask the community if you're aware of other spec can give me such emotional feeling?


Any responses are appreciated.

Thank you all.

Edited by RPSxChampion.5976
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I would say condi/power weaver or condi holo (Mechanist when eod drops). More condi weaver i think.

I play condi holo myself (and mained condi weaver) and can say that u r Pressing Buttons constantly on these builds. Due to engi kits and weavers fast attunement swap. You are actually never using auto attack. 

Tho i think condi weaver could fit, in what u want, the most.

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Well you're playing power berserker with greatsword, of course it doesn't feel dynamic and fast paced as it has total of 2 realistic weaponsets and an F1 key. Even condi berserker would be a step up as berserker is about as linear a build as it gets (attack then burst).

You should play a higher skill cap class such as condi weaver (regarded as hard to play with high skill floor and skill ceiling) with 4 skillbars and tight timing windows, rifle bomb kit +grenade kit holo (which has 2 kits unlike power sword holo so 4 skillbars as well as heat windows), condi renegade (2 weaponsets and 2 utility bars as well as F1-F4), power chrono (2 weaponsets and F1-F4 as well as continuum split windows), etc.

Then you must realize someone on a minion necro , autoattack herald, turret engi (in openworld), or double axe warrior gets the same rewards at least in PVE... so yeh maybe it is worth it to just try condi berserker and not waste effort making a new class unless you just want something fresh.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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For the general feel, my take on it. Not really how high the skill cap, more about mobility, fast combos and fluidity.

Warrior and necro are the worst options for you then. 

Engineer, Ranger and Guardian are somewhere in the middle but you have some faster options there. Engineer can get quite complicated with high skill cap.

Revenant surprisingly is super mobile and fluid if you go power Shiro sword/sword. It's also quite fluid once you get the hang of legend swapping and energy management. Short cool downs.

Thief, mesmer and elementalist take the cake.

Elementalist with Weaver probably the class with highest skill cap. Basically whenever people complain about ele shortcomings they are usually wrong. The class has tools for every occasion in all game modes. Low hp and all about active mitigation. Just don't limit yourself to power staff stereotypical fireball shooting mage.



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Staff daredevil , power soulbeast with sword axe, dagger axe, axe axe. sword sword revenant all pretty fast paced I dont like slow action play either.

Depends on what you like to do open world raids fractals ect but here are some options i like.

https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Renegade_-_Power_Bombardment pretty fast lots to keep up with.


greatsword sets up big hits but its the swap in combat to dagger axe that gets things going, sword axe used to be good but they borked it, man the crazy acrobatics you could do with sword.




I put rifle deadeye in there because it has tremendous single target dps, but fails at multi mobs. But I have to give rifle props for feeling like sam fisher taking out a long range target , if you get the reference. You can swap to daggers for up close or something else if you want. Thief is very fun if you can master it stealth for days if you know how.

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There are only a few contenders here:

Weaver Elementalist - it has a way out of every situation, but it can be extremely difficult to play it flawlessly, and due to nature of Weaver, you will sometimes need to anticipate what the enemy will do to prepare for it. My recommendation is Celestial Elementalist, you will NOT be killing stuff fast, but you will be practically immortal.


Another contender is Engineer - it has A LOT of #1 spamming (if you sit Grenade or Mortar Kit) and has a lot of keybinds F1-F5 - it's another one of those classes that has a way out of most situations, BUT it can be CLUNKY to play (which is kinda the nature of the Engineer class), you really have to love the clunkiness of it to thoroughly enjoy the class.


As some suggested, Revenant is also another contender. It is not the most spammy class by nature (due to Energy mechanics as you are restricted by your energy), but it can feel extremely spammy with the way it plays (sword/sword or be a Renegade and enjoy 4-3-2 spam with Ire utility thrown in). In WvW, you will be playing with more buttons and no Kalla stance (Jalis/Shiro is the choice usually) - PvP is the same deal.


Thief is another class that's kinda spammy, but not really. If you like playing: 22222 and then 3333 oh I need this 5555555 - Thief class does NOT appreciate spam play, it is in its core made to be played delicately, so that rotation would be 2-3-5. But, as is nature of Thief, they are QUITE squishy but are the most nimble class and have Stealth on-demand.



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For "high-energy" in PvE, I'd look to Weaver or Holosmith. (As a bonus, you can turn your Holosmith into a lazier Quickness Scrapper for when you want to chill out or are trying to learn boss mechanics in group play).


In WvW/SPvP, where timing and bursty plays are a bit more important, you have a lot of options imo. I've tried to add some videos with gameplay examples (just like ~30 seconds at the respective time code). I'd recommend looking at:

• Weaver and Holosmith, as above

• power Mesmer (usually Chrono): really sensitive to timing and benefits significantly from high "actions per second" when you're executing your biggest attacks (take a look at this burst combo, for example)

• any kind of Shiro power Rev (Herald or Renegade): high mobility and offense, lots of options for big bursty plays, ideal play in group fights tends to involve a lot of "survive by the skin of your teeth" stuff (in this clip, you'll see the Herald go down because they overextended, but watch how much pressure they apply and how aggressively they jump back into the fight as soon as they're up)

• D/P thief: all about mobility and timing, really satisfying if you love "get in / get out" clutch plays, puts you in the position of "playing the map" most in SPvP (here's a good example of a thief player really sharking around the map)


Also, here's a guy talking about warrior from a "fighting games" kind of perspective: animations, tells, positioning, that kind of thing. Might help you to find a bit more of that "dopamine rush" play in your Berserker main.


Edited by ASP.8093
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