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Quality of Life Suggestion: Quality of Life Forums


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I think it would only work if everyone made sure to give their posts clear titles, which almost certainly wouldn't happen.

That was the problem with the old suggestions forum, it was one of the busiest sections and full of titles like "Cool idea" "I think I've fixed it" "Wouldn't it be great if" and so on which could refer to anything. It made it very hard to find a specific thread, even one you'd previously been reading and wanted to go back to.

I don't like the current system where all QoL ideas are dumped into one thread. Among other problems it means discussion on one idea ends almost immediately when a new one is posted, or the new one gets ignored and lost because discussion about the previous one is still going on. But apparently it works for Anet, and I suppose that's the most important thing if we want our suggestions to be considered.

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I honestly ignore the QoL sticky and as soon as a thread gets merged to it, it depends on notifications wether I interact with the discussion any longer or not. So I understand why one could want such a forum section.
On the other hand, QoL is a hard thing to grasp. Is PvP class balance QoL? Are cosmetics QoL? Sure, mods could shuffle around threads into whatever section they belong.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think it would only work if everyone made sure to give their posts clear titles, which almost certainly wouldn't happen.

That was the problem with the old suggestions forum, it was one of the busiest sections and full of titles like "Cool idea" "I think I've fixed it" "Wouldn't it be great if" and so on which could refer to anything. It made it very hard to find a specific thread, even one you'd previously been reading and wanted to go back to.

I don't like the current system where all QoL ideas are dumped into one thread. Among other problems it means discussion on one idea ends almost immediately when a new one is posted, or the new one gets ignored and lost because discussion about the previous one is still going on. But apparently it works for Anet, and I suppose that's the most important thing if we want our suggestions to be considered.

Perhaps there is a question worth asking. Whey does ArenaNet prefer a thread rather than a forum? Did they ever state a reason?

Bad titles could be a reason. However, wouldn't it be easy to establish a title rule specific to the suggestion forums? Delete suggestions that are not properly formatted. Establish an etiquette to increase readability.

If I had one guess of my own, it would be how things are chronologically structured. A new post on a thread stays in place. A forum on this website is programmed to push a thread to the top of a forum once a new contribution to the thread is made. It's easier to ignore things that are older when they are in a thread. However, if this is the problem, don't they have a way to disable a forum from bumping threads to the top?

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On 2/24/2022 at 6:59 PM, Quench.7091 said:

Threads are for specific topics. Forums are for specific threads. Instead of a sticky thread for specific threads, they should have a forum for QoL ideas.

Oh my god please this! A million times this. I'm sick and tired of every suggestion getting merged into one thread, then being sent to the very beginning of said 200 plus page thread when I click on one. No idea where the thing I was actually interested in is located within the megathread, no automatic routing to the page in that thread that holds the merged topic. This current method is atrocious and we desperately need a dedicated sub-forum for each idea to be developed independently.


There's no way the devs can be looking through that ridiculous suggestion thread, sorting, and categorizing every suggestion and the corresponding feedback. It makes me think it's just an excuse to appear as though they value our creative input while simultaneously shuffling it all off to one easily ignorable location.

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