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New Rev Elite Spec is a mess


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Once again, Revenants are back to having only the hammer – unequivocally the worst ranged weapon in the game – for ranged damage. Not only is it among the slowest (1 full second per auto attack cast) it also does less damage per attack than faster peers, eg ranger and guardian longbow. Your only ranged damage option being unusably bad is infinitely worse for Revs as a class. Revs don’t get a long list of utility skills to choose from to help balance things out. We’re stuck with whatever the Legend comes with. Not having ranged simply isn’t an option in many boss fights, and a serious if not outright fatal shortcoming in the rest.


It feels so poorly thought out when compared to Renegade. For instance, why weren’t the two legends designed for a playstyle that alternates between melee and ranged rather than offense and defense? The natural rhythm fits much better with the flow of many of your existing encounters (e.g. bounties that switch between ranged and melee phases, among many other examples). This would also help mitigate the awfulness of the hammer and the fact that our new elite spec weapon is another melee. Or make one of the Legends’ skills a summonable ranged weapon, like the Ele’s frostbow. Just throwing out examples, mind you. I’m not committed to either as a solution, just that there needs to be radical improvement to the base Rev’s ranged toolkit and/or the Vindicator needs an overhaul with an emphasis on ranged combat options.

I hate to add to the mountain of bugs and feedback with some negativity of my own, especially considering the number of rants (some deserved, others not so much) in the forums. I have played GW since Prophecies, love you guys dearly, and think EoD generally is an outstanding expansion so far. I (and many others) did submit critical feedback on the Vindicator during the beta. But as a (now former) Rev main, you need to hear how badly it needs fixing. I wish you all well.

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Outside having the certain registry bug combined with the oversight of the rework, it's still good when used properly. Extremely misunderstood or misplayed by the players who don't have their hands long enough to see all of it's unique quirks, the same can be said for core revenant, always put below Herald when it is better in every way under a higher skill ceiling.


Hardly is there ever anyone min-maxing the potential behind every skills adequately which leads to failure typically. I'd argue that if it wasn't for CoR put the way it is right now, Hammer is straight up better than any of the weapons available to Revenant for PvP/WvW, it's only what I feel like done on purpose short comings by Anet. In PvE there's a clear discrepancy in ever having the need for range since you can always use sword sword and impossible odds work better with them.

Edited by Shao.7236
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When Harbinger's core weaponset while being a high octane DPS spec with plenty of CC an d built in boon strip is ranged.


But Vindicator does 1-2k DPS less while being a purely melee spec with no meaningful PvE utility.


Need to be in melee range to land the dodge, and since greatsword's DPS is abysmal outside casting GS5, you need sword/sword to camp on after casting GS5 to not do garbage DPS.

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On 3/5/2022 at 1:00 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

Sounds more like criticism of core rev being stuck with only one core ranged weapon to me. Which is a drum I've been beating for years. Core rev needs a ranged weapon suitable for condi, core engi needs a melee weapon.

It's quite a bit worse than that. I picked one particular example in order to keep my scope narrow and try to avoid my post degenerating into a general rant. There are plenty of other posts, in this thread and across the topic, with people detailing their issues with the Vindicator.

Another concrete example for you, having gotten in some more time: the vindicator is absolutely awful with combos. It's especially ironic considering Anet is (rightly!) putting extra emphasis on combos and smarter gameplay with EoD only for them to make Rev's new elite spec with a measly one leap! Why is Nomad's advance the only field OR finisher in the entire stance, with an equally dismal whirlwind finisher on 12 second cd with GS? It's not as though there aren't plenty of places to put, for example, blast. Or projectile on the Spear.

On 3/5/2022 at 8:03 AM, Zenith.7301 said:

When Harbinger's core weaponset while being a high octane DPS spec with plenty of CC an d built in boon strip is ranged.


But Vindicator does 1-2k DPS less while being a purely melee spec with no meaningful PvE utility.


Need to be in melee range to land the dodge, and since greatsword's DPS is abysmal outside casting GS5, you need sword/sword to camp on after casting GS5 to not do garbage DPS.

^ Well said.



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Ill say it again. Give us scepter/focus as a core weapon set so we can have a ranged option; There are no long ranged scepters and people will never stop beating the ritualist drum until you do it. Or heck give us the long bow as a memorial to Eir; I dunno but I agree that rev needs a core ranged option that is NOT hammer and preferably is able to do what trident does and be useful REGARDLESS of your legend so you can run it on any build.

I have no clue why you added trident because we only had one water weapon, made it range but then decided not to add a core ranged variant to fill in since you legitimately made hammer the worse weapon in the game. (Next to like... daggers on necro lol)

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There are 2 things they might consider doing...rework the hammer or just all espec weapon available after you ha e master the espec on any spec...since they made an effort to "solved" the "bug" on rev that triggers sigil on legends given that for so many years it wasn't a bug....i dont see why they cannot do 1 or the 2 things 😉 

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