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How to get your Turtle Mount (Guide step by step)

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Hello ! I just created a guide for GW2 Players to help you to get your Turtle Mount.

The Meta Event to start the collection is not easy, that's why there are many tips in this guide to help you. 


I wish you good luck !


Edited by Lasiurus.4067
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Although the failrate of the meta is still very high, it got lower since the patch yesterday/today. So many more people will do the turtle and your guide really helps them there. With the 10 tips at the beginning and then the whole guide, shorty explained, love it. I already shared it to some other friends, which wanted to do the turtle. <3 

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The change on the Meta looks very good yes, they don't nerf the boss but make the mechanics more rewarding, i think it was the perfect move. This change + The fact people will train, combined together, should lead in few month to make that most of the organized Meta will success, like in Dragon Stand in HoT expansion.
Don't give up guys, it's doable !

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36 minutes ago, Lasiurus.4067 said:

#1 The fact people will train

#2 should lead in few month to make that most of the organized Meta will success, like in Dragon Stand


#1 I quit, Anet can have the tortoise. 15+ attempts x 2hours aren't worth it

#2 Serpents ire says hello

Edited by Necrosian.1359
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35 minutes ago, Lasiurus.4067 said:

The change on the Meta looks very good yes, they don't nerf the boss but make the mechanics more rewarding, i think it was the perfect move. This change + The fact people will train, combined together, should lead in few month to make that most of the organized Meta will success, like in Dragon Stand in HoT expansion.
Don't give up guys, it's doable !

The change they did isn't enough. Random players with little to no knowledge of getting better gear/builds will always be left out, or kicked from main squads because they'll only focus on those who are fully geared and have specific builds. Unless people are willing to make a whole guild/discord server specifically for doing Dragon's End meta runs with anyone who wants to join, I don't see it going well until then.

Edit: Also it's easy for you to say Cellofrag, you're a Youtuber who can easily gather the right group. Not everyone has that luxury.

Edited by Caitybee.3614
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I did not gathered any group, I joined squad via LFG Tool & after 8 tries we finally made it.

Also, I just want to remind you something : when Heart of Thorns was released, it took 2 days before a squad managed to kill Mordremoth in Dragon Stand. Many people were asking for a nerf, saying the event of the towers was too hard, because of random people not able to make stuff correctly. Now, no one complain about the difficulty for this Event, & most of the time its a success, as long you are organized. Because people trained & mastered the new builds of the expansions.

Many years ago, it was the same when they released Tequatl new version or Triple Trouble World Boss.
Few days before the first kill, many complain. Now no one complain & most of the attempt are a success.

I understand the frustration of failing 20 times, but I love also the fact that we have a challenging event (finally).
Really, be patient, with time people will get better.  I can only wish you good luck & patience ❤️

PS : that's also one of the reason I made this guide, to help people & to encourage them to not give up 


Edited by Lasiurus.4067
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On the fact to lock a mastery on the completion of a (not easy) Meta, I agree.
It was not the best move, & they could have find another way to reward player that actually complete the meta (skins ? gold ? title ?).

On the fact this meta is very hard, I disagree. This meta is not harder than the Dragon Stand Meta, which was locking the ability to create Gen 2 Legendary Weapon.

I am really sure that in few weeks or month, the meta will have a much bigger success rate, thats what happened with literally every "challenging" meta event in open world (tequatl, TT, Dragon Stand, Chak...)

However, I did this guide to help people to unlock the Turtle & to manage to complete this meta, this is my only goal here 🙂

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Watched the video, and I'll be a bit blunt and I apologise for this...
But it bored me after 3 minutes, you do seemed more like you were reading a script rather than speaking openly...
It even felt like you were bored by doing this guide yourself...

I doubt this was your intention, nor do I have an evidence to back this claim.
It is just the mood the video gave.
You do have some fair points otherwise, nothing is all bad or all good. But nothing is all balanced either.
Hopefully the devs gets to find the just middle to balance with the players learning mechanics.
Although I DO still want to point out that the CC/Combo Field/Active Dodge Tutorials (that we have been asking for ages) are been brought again TOO LATE, it should have been implemented years ago and that didn't help the whole schpeel.

I would have waited till we see a 20% more win Increase, before posting this, as it does also sounds like a bit of a brag, not going to lie...

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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I was reading my script indeed, english is not at all my native language so I am not that comfortable & I understand your feeling.
But I was not bored at all, it is just my way to speak haha.

On the second part of your message, I 100% agree.
Especially with the fight tutorial that has always been missing.
They implemented in the heart NPC of EOD first map but that's still extremely poor. 


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While I support this guide, I have to say you unfortunately released your guide too early.  Despite Anet making this event more forgiving, some things still need to be tweak (tail phase for instance) and your average OW player still lack DPS, CC or both. 


Most player are still stuck on beating the meta event so 95% of the vid will be irrelevant for them. A video on how to beat DE meta would most likely be more helpful for most player but "unfortunately" it requires player to be coordinated and bring a decent build that fits their role. This meta event isnt like other meta event where you can beat with sheer quantity, you also need quality.

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10 hours ago, Lasiurus.4067 said:

On the fact this meta is very hard, I disagree. This meta is not harder than the Dragon Stand Meta, which was locking the ability to create Gen 2 Legendary Weapon.

I don't care about the difficulty of the meta. If they wanted to make it epic and hard, fine. If they want to lock some high level collections behind it, again, I don't care. Not completing Dragon Stand didn't block you from the legendary crafting mastery, it just blocked you from specific skins for legendaries. HUGE difference IMO.

And again, I do appreciate the content. We need more content creators and my original remark was just me being a little salty, so I hope you didn't take it personally. 

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Thank you for the video - I didn't know about the Jade Protocol as being a buff, so that is good to know.  🙂 However, not terribly optimistic about being able to get the mount as there are 4 areas blocking progression. 

1.  Winning the DE meta.  Success is linked to boss movements, appearance of CC break bar and tail,  which seem to be randomised in each encounter - see the analysis put up by another player.

2. Getting into or organising a group for the strike mission.  Elitism is a factor.  The mention of an 'optimised build' suggests this will fail for casual or new players who don't have the gear and/or want to run builds they think are fun vs meta.   Perhaps include a description of what 'optimised' looks like for each profession for the benefit of new or casual players.

3. Finding an unbugged map for the Aetherblade event - yesterday I had two fails because the cannons were bugged and the boss bugged during the final fight, throwing everyone out of the area and back to a waypoint. 

4. Finding a map with enough people to take down the Leviathan within the timer.   I fished for about 8 hours yesterday and not one group turned up to do the Leviathan.

Congrats to those who had luck on their side and are the happy owners of the turtle mount.  🙂 

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