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[Idea] Pseudo-Raids for mechanics training

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The concept is simple. Have a series of easy Pseudo-Raids that ease players into the raid mindset. Each encounter will provide "Kill Proof" that shows you've completed whichever kind of training it belongs to. These KP could then be combined into "Certificates of Completion" (or something) for each wing and then finally a "Raid Commendation" which shows you've completed training at least once. These commendations could also be exchanged for exclusive rewards (which could also be used as KP).

  • First one will be solo instance and will have many bosses, each with one easy to accomplish mechanic that will result in a safe defeat if failed to show the importance of succeeding mechanics. For example, a nearly impervious demon that has a 1hko with a wind up and a break bar that must be broken to avoid dying and deal increased damage. There will be NPCs that will lay out exactly what you need to do in order to beat the boss. The information provided by this NPC ranges anywhere from building for damage to complex mechanics and survivability.
  • Second one could be 5-man and work on coordination, with some bosses requiring fighting in a tight stack, support through healing (if applicable) and others requiring separation or avoidance.
  • Third one will basically be a strike that is heavy on mechanics.
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2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I thought that strike missions were entries to raids? 

They don't really teach much. Some people have to be spoonfed information and pushed through for them to learn and this will automate it.

Edited by Zacchary.6183
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2 hours ago, Zavijah.2695 said:

That's Strikes, and guess what - they still aren't popular enough amongst the playerbase to justify balancing gameplay around raid, pseudo raid, or strikes. 

That's because you have part of the playerbase who want easy clears and places the same toxic mentality on strikes as they do raids and the other side of the spectrum that wants easy rewards without putting in the effort to get them. Those are the two sides going at each others' throats right now over something the general community asked for. Strikes do not teach people how to play harder content at all, especially when a majority of the playerbase has had it on easy mode for years.

I am offering a ramp.

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5 hours ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

I am offering a ramp.


Here is the common misconception:

"If more casual (in this case meaning players who do not wish to delve deeper or become more proficient with the game) players are given enough guidance, they too can become skilled enough to tackle more difficult content."


That premise is false. The main reason being that the vast majority of players who chose to not improve at the game do so willingly. Over the years the resources available to become more skilled/proficient at the game have been growing and you barely can type any type of Guild Wars 2 search term into google, youtube or any other search engine etc. without stumbling over tons of beginner friendly and hand holding content.


Players who chose not to do so will not and do not want to improve. That's perfectly fine until those same players start desiring rewards from more challenging content. That aside though, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to "get good". Every player gets to chose how to spent their time with the game.


There is a small subsection of players among the aforementioned which are unaware how terrible skill wise at the game they are, yet willing to improve and for them, providing scaling and reasonable increasing challenges makes sense. Those players will seek help and guidance once they encounter more challenging content step by step.


I could go on about how there are builds which provide a multitude of damage, utility, survivability by just standing there versus the average players build in this game, but that is meaningless. Some players do not want to understand this games mechanics and those you will never reach.



Introducing more introductory content or "teaching" content at this point in time is a waste of developer resources. Instead: allocate resources in such a way that content for niche communities can be developed at a reasonable pace while still providing content for the rest. Stop forcing the average 1k damage per second  Joe into content they do not enjoy. Players which desire to improve will do so with the already in place systems.

Challenging content is also refereed to as aspirational content. The issue here, if players do want to aspire to become better at the content, it matters little how well the bridge there is designed.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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7 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Introducing more introductory content or "teaching" content at this point in time is a waste of developer resources. Instead: allocate resources in such a way that content for niche communities can be developed at a reasonable pace while still providing content for the rest. Stop forcing the average 1k damage per second  Joe into content they do not enjoy. Players which desire to improve will do so with the already in place systems.

Challenging content is also refereed to as aspirational content. The issue here, if players do want to aspire to become better at the content, it matters little how well the bridge there is designed.

While you are mostly correct, it isn't so cut and dry. From hardcore elitist to the laziest gib hunter, there is a plethora of players who do or do not do content for whatever reason. Some of them need an easy path or a good incentive to jump while others need assurance they are not going to waste their time (ie getting kicked from squad or dealing with pugs), etc. But what really ruins harder content are the extremes which I have mentioned in the post you replied to.

Anet has tried to bridge that gap between scrub and elitist with EoD. And while a sizable portion of the playerbase is grateful at the attempt, they did not implement it well enough. There are more mechanics in most of the fights and it teaches the existence of mechanics but it does not teach the importance of following them. There is no real punishment for failing a story boss or failing a mechanic in story or much dialogue within that story that drives home the point that "if you do not do X mechanic, you'll fail".

GW2 has not pushed the OW playerbase this hard ever, but it was asked for by the people in the middle whom are more sizable than the two fringes mentioned. Anet can't just redo the xpac story. They also cannot completely alienate a portion of the playerbase to cater to another with simple changes to problematic content. What they can do is give them really easy ways to get the rewards they want so long as they put in the steadily increasing effort. Essentially, spoon feeding them instructions on what they are supposed to do and then placing the reward at the top of the small mountain. And if for any reason they can't or won't do it.... well, you've been given every resource and chance to get it. Make them alienate themselves and be justified doing it.

Like with all humanity you can't get all players on the same page, as some are just that stubborn or contrarian. But you can "give them enough rope to hang themselves", ie let them make the mistake of not improving for harder content so that if and when they do jump, whatever happens is on them. That's all anet can really do. Sorry to mention that, but at some point people will have to know what it feels like to fall on your face. We all have to deal with failure at some point and GW2 has essentially carried players through most of its content.

GW2 has core and two expacs for easy mode. Let EoD and the living world episode that comes afterwards be the challenging content it should be, but give players the opportunity to ease into it. That's all this idea is trying to accomplish.

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