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How to fix Mesmer and give each elite an identity.


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On 3/22/2022 at 9:34 AM, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

What do you mean?

2012 it was Staff Sword, 2013 it was GS Sword/Focus or GS staff, 2014 it was GS Staff, 2015 it was GS Sword/Torch, HoT it was typically Staff Sword/Shield on the meta specs (condi/bunker), etc


On 3/22/2022 at 4:30 AM, Senqu.8054 said:

There is a reason why since 10 years every single ESpec inclusive core is always played with GS S/T. There are exceptions, but well, most of them kinda disappeared after like 6 month

What is this? Fox News commenting? Don’t censor half of what I wrote to make a statement. Second, don’t take it too wordy.

Edited by Senqu.8054
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21 minutes ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

I mean you're just wrong.

What? It’s first of all the statement is about power shatter. Then, the only consistent build on power shatter is GS S/T. All other variants disappeared. A lot of them after the next balance patch already.

Third its a analogy to the always prevailing Playstyle that comes with it. Switching to Shield or focus are just Nuances. As mentioned don’t take it to wordy of cause there are variants. 

And as mentioned there are exceptions like Staff S/S. Which is dead again btw.

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14 minutes ago, Senqu.8054 said:

What? It’s first of all the statement is about power shatter. Then, the only consistent build on power shatter is GS S/T. All other variants disappeared. A lot of them after the next balance patch already.

Third its a analogy to the always prevailing Playstyle that comes with it. Switching to Shield or focus are just Nuances. As mentioned don’t take it to wordy of cause there are variants. 

And as mentioned there are exceptions like Staff S/S. Which is dead again btw.

Yes, GS / Sword is the most common weapon setup for power shatter Mesmer, indeed. Could that have anything to do with the fact that (aside from offhands) they are the only power weapons on Mesmer?

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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2 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Yes, GS / Sword is the most common weapon setup for power shatter Mesmer, indeed. Could that have anything to do with the fact that (aside from offhands) they are the only power weapons on Mesmer?

lol what? Scepter and staff have been used too in power builds. That these weapons are basically unavailable for power just underlines my argument. The combination of the fundamental rules clones rely on + POF, HOT classes boils it down to GS S/X and the most iconic over the years was or is GS S/T because it’s the only build mesmer has since 10 years. I mean like what, you played 5 or 10% of the lifespan of gw2 with a shield and maybe 15% with staff.


And as power chrono you went PU in close match ups anyways because thief hard countered shield. And… most of the time shield was used with staff.


Edited by Senqu.8054
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19 minutes ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

This statement is just wrong! It really is as simple as that.

Ok, then when was GS S/T not an option for Mesmer? You played it even with Veil.

And stop cutting out my comments like you are Fox News. You just wanna read what you wanna read as it seems.

Edited by Senqu.8054
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52 minutes ago, Senqu.8054 said:

lol what? Scepter and staff have been used too in power builds. That these weapons are basically unavailable for power just underlines my argument. The combination of the fundamental rules clones rely on + POF, HOT classes boils it down to GS S/X and the most iconic over the years was or is GS S/T because it’s the only build mesmer has since 10 years. I mean like what, you played 5 or 10% of the lifespan of gw2 with a shield and maybe 15% with staff.


And as power chrono you went PU in close match ups anyways because thief hard countered shield. And… most of the time shield was used with staff.



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4 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Now you changed it from "the only build mesmer has since 10 years" to "when was GS S/T not an option for Mesmer"

Since the beginning of our discussion you've been trying to put everything out of context. Unbelievable seriously. Is this now a discussion about semantic or what? That’s why I added the whole comment of mine. 

Im not saying Mesmer are playing exclusively GS S/T since 10 years. I’m saying that GS S/T is the only build that is constantly available in a viable manner since 10 years.



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31 minutes ago, Senqu.8054 said:

Since the beginning of our discussion you've been trying to put everything out of context. Unbelievable seriously. Is this now a discussion about semantic or what? That’s why I added the whole comment of mine. 

Im not saying Mesmer are playing exclusively GS S/T since 10 years. I’m saying that GS S/T is the only build that is constantly available in a viable manner since 10 years.



This discussion started with this, quote: "Could also maybe solve the problem that GS S/T is the only really acceptable weapon combination for power mesmer on all specs inclusive core".

So what is the actual problem then, if you admit that GS S/T is not "the only really acceptable weapon combination for power mesmer" but actually just a long-standing viable option for power Mesmer?

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I'm not gonna lie, I didn't read the whole thread. I just want to show support because I think this is something that we definitely need in the Mesmer; more distinguished Specs.

I think keeping the F skill themes is a great way to maintain cohesiveness through out the profession. So F1=damage, F2=condition, F3=interrupt, and F4 being a defense. But then having different shatters styles for each spec would be a huge boost to the profession. Virtuoso already have that, so I personally wouldn't change it. Having Chronomancer do ground targeted shatters is something I've been advocating for a long time. I could never think of great idea for the Mirage, but having the shatters actually turn into commands for the clones or utility skills, as oppose to a way to destroy them sounds like a great take and would definitely make the spec unique.
Anet has stated there are going to be making a lot of profession revisions this year, so I'm really hoping that they tackle the mesmer shatters. The Chronomancer's  particularly.

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On 3/27/2022 at 1:31 AM, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

This discussion started with this, quote: "Could also maybe solve the problem that GS S/T is the only really acceptable weapon combination for power mesmer on all specs inclusive core".

So what is the actual problem then, if you admit that GS S/T is not "the only really acceptable weapon combination for power mesmer" but actually just a long-standing viable option for power Mesmer?

No, this is wrong. The discussion between you and me hasn’t started with this comment. And this is the problem I have with you. You censor and twist stuff to make it right. And I don’t see why you have a problem with this comment. It is true or do you play anything else as power mesmer then GS S/T right now? (Ok maybe beside Staff Sword/Sword Virt but then you could also say Sword/Focus Chrono is a thing in PvP if we go by that logic).


I have also never stated that I have a problem with the fact that GS S/T is an option. I have a problem with the fact that in 10 years every time a new build gets popular it gets deleted and it comes down to GS S/T again. And after 10 years I am again forced to take GS S/T on every single ESepc of mesmer if I want to play power shatter.


And oh boy, say one word and I will post you a list of 50 or 60 bulletpoints with what got taken away from mesmer since release that preventing the so called variants.

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1 hour ago, Senqu.8054 said:

No, this is wrong. The discussion between you and me hasn’t started with this comment. And this is the problem I have with you. You censor and twist stuff to make it right. And I don’t see why you have a problem with this comment. It is true or do you play anything else as power mesmer then GS S/T right now? (Ok maybe beside Staff Sword/Sword Virt but then you could also say Sword/Focus Chrono is a thing in PvP if we go by that logic).


I have also never stated that I have a problem with the fact that GS S/T is an option. I have a problem with the fact that in 10 years every time a new build gets popular it gets deleted and it comes down to GS S/T again. And after 10 years I am again forced to take GS S/T on every single ESepc of mesmer if I want to play power shatter.


And oh boy, say one word and I will post you a list of 50 or 60 bulletpoints with what got taken away from mesmer since release that preventing the so called variants.

Yes, this discussion about sword/torch started with that statement by you.

Misha is playing sword dagger virtuoso, Zeromis played sword/focus gs power mirage for the longest time, shorts tended to play sword/pistol gs on chrono, and so on.

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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There is a difference between testing a weapon that was buffed vs continuously playing it. I doubt Misha will continue to work with dagger/sword because most are using sword/pistol/gs. Pistol for the stun to land combos. Dagger offers nothing but damage which the class wasn't really lacking to begin with.

Edited by Salt Mode.3780
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2 hours ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

There is a difference between testing a weapon that was buffed vs continuously playing it. I doubt Misha will continue to work with dagger/sword because most are using sword/pistol/gs. Pistol for the stun to land combos. Dagger offers nothing but damage which the class wasn't really lacking to begin with.

He thinks greatsword is terrible. Also gs was also buffed.

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On 3/20/2022 at 8:09 AM, Veprovina.4876 said:

Chronomancer - Clones become immortal and can't do damage or attack on their own, strike or condi, nothing. F skills become targeted area effects that send your clones to the desired location for a desired effect.

I actually really like this idea to make Clones matter for WvW

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On 3/21/2022 at 10:30 PM, Senqu.8054 said:


No one wants half baked reworks and no one denies that chrono is still getting worse with each patch. But I think you over exaggerate a little bit regards the sand through glass thing. In these scenarios it can of cause be assumed, that the balance will be made accordingly. It’s a fiction, nothing to be 100% realistic.

Literally the OP suggested that instead of shatters, the mirage deceptions should replace the core shatters. 

On 3/20/2022 at 2:09 AM, Veprovina.4876 said:

Mirage - Gains mirage cloak and deception skills. Can't shatter clones anymore. F skills become utility skills that mirage already has but maybe better, F4 can kep being distortion, (evade, swap with clones and ambush, detarget, etc.) new deception skills that empower clones for 1 ambush. Traits centered around condi and strike damage and selfish condi clense. Can't do boons except a few selfish ones.


That isn't an exaggeration.  That's literally what the OP suggested. 

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