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Fresh air weaver guide


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Build i have been playing for awhile way more fun and in my opinion better then core fresh air. Was going to make a video about it but then i found out this guy made a video better then i could of done.

Everything you need to know is in the video.

He also has some other really good videos using this build in high end plat if anyone is interested.

Fresh air weaver is an insanely fun spec with I would say a higher skill cap then most of the classes/specs in the game atm.

It's biggest weakness atm is i would say s/d thief because of the dodge spam that being said if you catch the thief you can kill him 100- almost completely dead in down state.

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  • 3 months later...

As I play pvp these days I see very few people playing this build or Ele at all. Im playing as a Fresh Air Weaver all the time and it’s so funny how people can’t deal with this build most of the times. Seems like everyone forgot that this build exists and all the previous counters are confused when I face them (thieves, mesmers). Every popular build is about facetanking and and people forgot how flexible, colorful, bursty kiter the Fresh Air Ele is.

Very unique, fun playstyle high skill cap all the skills are in use among every attunement, fast phase bursts good escapes and mobility. You can play this build with both elite specs and as a core Ele and be effective.

When You see an ele with scepter and focus there are 2 options, one: You are going to fight someone who wants to try out this class with a difficult build and after You probably oneshot him, he is going to delete the character, or two: You can chase him around the map and if Your attention goes off for a second U get oneshotted right then, and now You start /w the ele to 1v1 You with Honor.

Love it never get’s old.

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A little bit outdated - we don't have arcane fury because magical mystical Karl reasons.

Overall it's really nice guide - maybe it just me or because here is just music - no talking talking and talking that can be little boring with some guides.

Unfortunately like most guides it lacks most important things: conquest rotations, counters and matchups. It's mechanical guide mostly won't work if you don't understand role of +1 build.

Although i conflicted about spamming lightning flash so much in combos - FA weaver is such glass build and lighting flash is our only reliable to disengage skill - but on other hand if it kill's somebody it should be worth it in conquest right? I don't know ehhh....

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Derps.7421 said:Guess their aren't a lot of weavers and eles playing lol

90-98% of current eles are PvE DPS racers pugging for raids, tailor this build to have big dps in pve and you'll find your audience....anywhere else you're out of luck as you won't find eles...a couple or so maybe but that's it

To be honest here in EU there are few hardcore pvp ele's, some in plat+. But generally there are with each balance update fewer and fewer of us...unfortunately after next balance update nothing will change with this.

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@Mr Godlike.6098 said:A little bit outdated - we don't have arcane fury because magical mystical Karl reasons.

Overall it's really nice guide - maybe it just me or because here is just music - no talking talking and talking that can be little boring with some guides.

I find guides and videos like this much more engaging than ones that do not have words on the screen. I don't watch game videos like this with sound on due to most videomakers having terrible taste in music, or incredibly annoying speech mannerisms.

...also probably because I only watch them at work.

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@"Abelisk.4527" said:WoodenPotatoes also uses S/F weaver.

The key for using this build is kiting kiting kiting.

WoodenPotatoes has also been doing a very good "Match a Day" series on WoodenPotatoes 2 at the moment. In it he goes over one of his matches and explains his actions, calls out his good decisions and bad ones.

It's very good, he talks during the videos to explain stuff so those who prefer silence/music should obviously not bother.

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  • 3 months later...

@Yggdrasil.1584 said:is this viable?

It is viable against everything but Condi mirage and some chrono builds which are such a hard counter it makes the whole decision to play ele questionable. You cannot sustain more than a few seconds and its impossible to escape the 1v1.

With enough skill you could reasonably hit top 25 maybe top 10 on sf weaver. Its a strange play style, and it'll take someone a few weeks before it becomes intuitive.

Don't take lightning flash. Arcane skills are better for everything but the ele vs ele mirror (which never happens anymore).

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