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Do You Think There Will Ever Be New Weapons?

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I don't imagine it would be with a random update, maybe with a new expansion, but it would be a lot of work.  I'd imagine if they add one they'd need to add several. Like, say a 2 handed axe. I'd love that for my warrior, based on Sinmir from Skyrim who has a battleaxe. But how many classescould you see with a 2h axe, Warrior, Guardian, Revenant... maybe Ranger. Then we'd need some magical item for the mage classes, probably wouldn't fit thief and engineer... I just think  that if new weapons were made, each class should get access to at least one. Which would make it a lot of work.

To top that off with the expansion there will most likely be new Elite Specs, unless the new added weapons would be the Elite Spec weapon. Which would take a lot of value out of the effort to create  them. By expansion 4 there will be 4 elite specs and core. So each class would get a new weapon  for core build and an ES weapon.

Then theres weapons that look like other weapons already. Say we get Morning Stars or 2h Axes, what happens to the Punisher and Spindrift hammer?


I'd rather land use for underwater weapons or main hand use for off hands as some of the  Elite Specs in expansion 4.

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I really, really thought EoD's New Thing was going to be either new weapons or new races; it was the only thing that felt like it could be on par with how game-changing the past expacs' New Things had been (Gliding, Mounts.)
Fishing and boating and jade bots and turtles are fun and all, but they don't have the same level of game-changing hype that the others did for me, and I'll admit I am disappointed with how much EoD played it safe. I guess they were hoping that the excitement of Cantha was hype enough.

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I doubt that there will ever be new weapons, just for the fun of it, let me elaborate. All these things could be found by checking the 129834650781346509 threads about this topic, but sure, let's do this...

1) The game does not need new weapons to fulfill your fantasy
In GW2 form and function of weapons are sepparated. Mesmers greatsword is basically a railgun, Staffs are caster weapons as well as melee weapons, Revenants Hammer feels more like a heavy slingshot and so on. So almost every "suggestion" I've seen so far could be solved through skins, without adding new weapons. You want something that works like a great axe, have a hammer and slap a matching skin on it; you want a small crossbow, sure, take a pistol and reskin it. Foci are the catchall weapon, where most other things like whips, chains, knuckles and the likes can end up. Saves the devs a lot of resources solving this issue via skins and I think those resources are better spent elsewhere.

2) What role would new weapons fill?
As stated above, any weapon can be used as projectile weapon. GW2. But even without that. What functionality is missing in this game? We have a variety of shorter and longer melee weapons, a variety of ranged weapons and weapons that can fill multiple roles or are "magical in nature". What spot would a new weapon fill? What's left? I don't see where a new weapon would fit in, so I think resources are better spent elsewhere.

3) Who gets the new toy?
Ok, let's say GW2 adds a new weapon. Will it be usable by all classes? Sounds like a very generic weapon but point 1) might offer a workaround but also points us back at an argument against new weapons. Will only certain classes get the new toy? What if you're class doesn't get it, will you be happy about this? I'd rather save everyone the headache and have resources spent elsewhere.

4) Balancing and complexity
The game as it is, with 19 weapons(yes underwater weapons exist eventhough ANet has forgotten about them), 9 classes with 3 elite specs each, is complicated enough to balance and make everything kida useful somewhere. That's not the case now but it's a good goal to aim for and adding a new weapon only makes it harder. When the new weapon is mostly useless, it's a waste of resources, if it's suddenly meta for each and every spec people will get bored and angry fast. especially if the new weapon is gated behind an expac. So I think resources are better spent elsewhere.

5) The retrofitting issue
Adding a new weapon isn't just putting in some graphics and some skills. Weapons are an integral part of the games mechanics. A new weapontype would have to be integrated into crafting, legendaries, skin collections and existing sets of skins(not just the flashy ones, there would need to be a lvl12 crafted soft wood version of it too), reward tables and many more, making the workload to add a new weapon so much, that it's probably not worth it, especially when the core problem "players want to shoot a crossbow" or "players want something that looks like a great axe" can be solved with skins. I gues the resources could be spent somewhere else instead.

6) Everything I missed
I'm sure "hey we could add a new weapon type" most have come up at dev meetings and somehow, they decided to not do it for some reason or another. And I know "they did mounts" is an argument, it's just a very weak one. I doubt the new gemstore skins for the new weapon type could carry the investment alone(remember, not every skin for the new weapon can be sold on the gemstore).

So there, this game does not need new weapon types so I think the resources can be spent elsewhere.

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1 hour ago, lokh.2695 said:

I doubt that there will ever be new weapons, just for the fun of it, let me elaborate. All these things could be found by checking the 129834650781346509 threads about this topic, but sure, let's do this...

1) The game does not need new weapons to fulfill your fantasy
In GW2 form and function of weapons are sepparated. Mesmers greatsword is basically a railgun, Staffs are caster weapons as well as melee weapons, Revenants Hammer feels more like a heavy slingshot and so on. So almost every "suggestion" I've seen so far could be solved through skins, without adding new weapons. You want something that works like a great axe, have a hammer and slap a matching skin on it; you want a small crossbow, sure, take a pistol and reskin it. Foci are the catchall weapon, where most other things like whips, chains, knuckles and the likes can end up. Saves the devs a lot of resources solving this issue via skins and I think those resources are better spent elsewhere.

2) What role would new weapons fill?
As stated above, any weapon can be used as projectile weapon. GW2. But even without that. What functionality is missing in this game? We have a variety of shorter and longer melee weapons, a variety of ranged weapons and weapons that can fill multiple roles or are "magical in nature". What spot would a new weapon fill? What's left? I don't see where a new weapon would fit in, so I think resources are better spent elsewhere.

3) Who gets the new toy?
Ok, let's say GW2 adds a new weapon. Will it be usable by all classes? Sounds like a very generic weapon but point 1) might offer a workaround but also points us back at an argument against new weapons. Will only certain classes get the new toy? What if you're class doesn't get it, will you be happy about this? I'd rather save everyone the headache and have resources spent elsewhere.

4) Balancing and complexity
The game as it is, with 19 weapons(yes underwater weapons exist eventhough ANet has forgotten about them), 9 classes with 3 elite specs each, is complicated enough to balance and make everything kida useful somewhere. That's not the case now but it's a good goal to aim for and adding a new weapon only makes it harder. When the new weapon is mostly useless, it's a waste of resources, if it's suddenly meta for each and every spec people will get bored and angry fast. especially if the new weapon is gated behind an expac. So I think resources are better spent elsewhere.

5) The retrofitting issue
Adding a new weapon isn't just putting in some graphics and some skills. Weapons are an integral part of the games mechanics. A new weapontype would have to be integrated into crafting, legendaries, skin collections and existing sets of skins(not just the flashy ones, there would need to be a lvl12 crafted soft wood version of it too), reward tables and many more, making the workload to add a new weapon so much, that it's probably not worth it, especially when the core problem "players want to shoot a crossbow" or "players want something that looks like a great axe" can be solved with skins. I gues the resources could be spent somewhere else instead.

6) Everything I missed
I'm sure "hey we could add a new weapon type" most have come up at dev meetings and somehow, they decided to not do it for some reason or another. And I know "they did mounts" is an argument, it's just a very weak one. I doubt the new gemstore skins for the new weapon type could carry the investment alone(remember, not every skin for the new weapon can be sold on the gemstore).

So there, this game does not need new weapon types so I think the resources can be spent elsewhere.

And i think you're wrong.

1) yes it does

2) who cares, the point is expanding horizontal options for fun & experimentation, not filling missing roles

3) this isn't exactly an earth-shattering problem to solve, and we'd likely get more than 1. An expansion that adds 3 or 4 new weapons would be my expectation.

4) balancing complexity is just an omnipresent thing in mmos. The same logic could be applied to literally any form of class expansion. are you saying we should never get new elites, or anything else?

5) this just requires a fairly normal level of imagination and work. Basically the same thing they did for mounts. For example, it's a perfect opportunity to continue expanding the mastery system using the concept of "exotic weapons" or something equivalent. 


Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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5 hours ago, Einlanzer.1627 said:

And i think you're wrong.

1) yes it does

2) who cares, the point is expanding horizontal options for fun & experimentation, not filling missing roles

3) this isn't exactly an earth-shattering problem to solve, and we'd likely get more than 1. An expansion that adds 3 or 4 new weapons would be my expectation.

4) balancing complexity is just an omnipresent thing in mmos. The same logic could be applied to literally any form of class expansion. are you saying we should never get new elites, or anything else?

5) this just requires a fairly normal level of imagination and work. Basically the same thing they did for mounts. For example, it's a perfect opportunity to continue expanding the mastery system using the concept of "exotic weapons" or something equivalent. 


How can I be wrong about the things I think? I mean sure, you can have a different opinion, see things differently or value certain aspects of an issue differently. But are you wrong?

1) Please elaborate. What would a new weapon radically change about the game? As I said in 1) the way our toons use weapons is separated from its actual type anyway, so if you are desperately missing a "whip-type" f.e., that itch can be scratched by a variety of skins without havin the hassle of retrofitting a ten year old game(see 5)). What a new weapon type would add would be an animation, and animations are added through skills/elites allready.

2) I kinda care. And even if I didn't, probably someone does. "Who cares" is not a good start for a reasonable argument, it shows that you don't, but that's all. Horizontal progression can be done with systems already in the game that work. We have skins and masteries. Also, the way our characters progress horizontally in this game when it comes to weapons is: your toon equips the weapon and unlocks all skills immediately. That one second of unlocking 5 new skills is worth the time and effort it would take to introduce a new weapon?

3) True, this isn't the strongest argument of mine. However your solution, adding 3 to 4 new weapons at once, would only increase the workload seeing the things mentioned in 5). Also, what is really missing, feel free to provide 4 distinct weapon types currently not represented in game or that could not be represented with skins to existing weapon types?

4) I think the game is at a good spot when it comes to complexity and balance now. Seing how many people have problems with even easy content or how players feel lost at times, not knowing what to do or where to go next. Adding to it might not be a good idea. Also, elite specs and masteries are systems already in the game, we are discusing our opinions on wether or not something has a chance to be added to the game. Those are different things.

5) Everything can be done with enough resources, which is why "they did mounts"(see 6)) is a weak argument. Given enough resources, ANet could do anything. That's why the question is never "is it possible?" the question is always "Is it possible under reasonable circumstances while also being profitable?"

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I too would love some new weapons - unfortunately, since Anet already mixed a great lot of weapons via skins (like the hand crossbow skin for pistols, and whip skins for daggers) - I fear that the selections of weapons we could possibly get would be limited.

That said, these would be my wish list:

Crossbow - I really like crossbows for the more... Witch-hunter / inquisitor-esque fantasy. c:
Fist Weapons/Unarmed - Should obviously arrive with the monk class. :]
Spears - As melee weapons and/or as throwable javelins. I mean... Paragons? :] I was surprised they were not introduced in PoF. Besides, spears should not in any way take away from the melee staffs. Staves and spears are used in completely different ways. :]

Spell Caster Orb/Tomes - Similar to the legendary focus "The Binding of Ipos", but preferably without crouching down. :] Imagine standing there with a straight back and a book hovering above your hand. (Aion-style!)

Edited by Dezember.1295
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No weapon can be equipped by every profession, so Anet would have to make and release 2-3 weapons all at once to be inclusionary. That means adding 2-3 weapon skins to every existing collection in the game. It would be much easier for them to just allow every profession to equip one new weapon type.

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Honestly, I dont see the appeal of new weapons. With the systeme we have, they can pit any weapons. Want spear? Do it as a staff skin. Want wipe? Dagger skin. Want battle axe? Put it on hammer as skin. Want a scythe? We already have staff skin. Power glove? Put it on focus. Etc.


Theirs no real be efit to adding new weapons. Its even worst because the said new weapons would have almlst no skin to use on it. They will never retro made old skin for new weapons.

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I'm more looking toward 

21 minutes ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Honestly, I dont see the appeal of new weapons. With the systeme we have, they can pit any weapons. Want spear? Do it as a staff skin. Want wipe? Dagger skin. Want battle axe? Put it on hammer as skin. Want a scythe? We already have staff skin. Power glove? Put it on focus. Etc.


Theirs no real be efit to adding new weapons. Its even worst because the said new weapons would have almlst no skin to use on it. They will never retro made old skin for new weapons.

This, extactly. 

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