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Feedback about ascended gear

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I am enjoying the profession collections to acquire selectable stats ascended weapons. Just as much as I enjoyed getting Caleidboilg (or whatever it is named).


I noticed, though, there are no professions adding a  Focus as a weapon, so I will miss this.


It would be nice to have collections to obtain at least one set of ascended gear as well. I think it is a good middle term between playing solo and doing group content.


I really liked the way Caleidboilg was implemented. It gives some minor benefits akin to legendary armory, but does not remove any incentives to get an actual legendary weapon. I wish this concept could be expanded upon for other types of items.



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4 hours ago, angrax.1372 said:

I really liked the way Caleidboilg was implemented. It gives some minor benefits akin to legendary armory, but does not remove any incentives to get an actual legendary weapon. I wish this concept could be expanded upon for other types of items.

You know you can just change stats on any Ascended with a Mystic Forge recipe right?

Granted, Caladbolg can change form and is cheaper to reset, but the "legendary benefit" is only resetting stats. No legendary weapon can change form, and if you just need your stats reset, you can use this:


Stat changing - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


So, Caladbolg is unique for lore reasons, but other ascended weapons basically share its stat changing capabilites.

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I wasn't aware of that. And it is not that expensive (in terms of farmed materials, not raw gold value).


I kinda forgot Caladbolg could also change weapon type. That makes it even better and unique. We need more stuff like this.


That's great.

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2 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Working for such rewards is good, but you can always just craft what you need.

I am having trouble finding the recipes. Or is it expansive to obtain? I remember I crafted Wupwup celestial mace, but I think I had to spend a lot of gold and it is cheaper doing the collections? I am always bankrupt so crafting, sometimes, gets difficult.

Edited by angrax.1372
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2 minutes ago, angrax.1372 said:

I am having trouble finding the recipes. Or is it expansive to obtain? I remember I crafted Wupwup celestial mace, but I think I had to spend a lot of gold and it is cheaper doing the collections? I am always bankrupt so crafting, sometimes, gets difficult.

Crafting armor and weapons is easier than "most" collections.

A notable exception here would be the Desert Elite Spec Weapon collections and the aforementioned Caladbolg. Both of which can pretty much be earned in an afternoon (provided you have, in the case of the Caladbolg ,already finished the HoT story). The specialization collections for HoT and EoD elite spec weapons are more involved and generally leave you better off crafting in terms of time spent.
If you are finding yourself broke, take a look at doing some more high value activities or fill your downtime with mindless gathering of useful mats such as Iron, Platinum,Hard/soft/seasoned/elder wood ect..

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