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One Shot Soulbeast


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2 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

We don't balance the game for highest tier of play, they are less 5% of the player base. The game should be balanced for the 95%.

There were zero mesmers in any winning AT teams in current year. I hope this means you agree mesmer should be buffed? This particular build has stealth and cc, so it can cc you from stealth and kill you in 1.75 seconds. Even if it's counterable on paper, it's a very putrid mechanic. Expectation to always have your block mechanic ready and be able to react in 1 seconds is ridiculous for a class that has stealth.

One scenario where this comes out the most is when you are on a side node fighting another play and you are comfortably sitting at 22k health, then the ranger arrives in stealth, CCs you from stealth and deals 22k damage in 1 second. There is no counter to this. Every 0.1 second is 10% of your health, even if you react half way, 50% of your health is gone. Any other class arriving instead of ranger has tangible counterplay.

One shot mesmer was nerfed for the same reason. CC from stealth, all your health in 1 second gone. This is the same disgusting mechanic.

You don't need to be a top player to understand SLB isn't that oppressive. It's very basic level understanding. It's not a relevant spec in ranked and much less relevant in tourney play. It's so underwhelming that it's not even worth taking into ranked unless you just like the playstyle (spellbreaker syndrome), let that sink in.

"Even if it's counterable on paper, it's a very putrid mechanic. "

?? Your logic makes 0 sense. If it's a putrid mechanic is irrelevant if you can counter it. You can counter it, therefore it can be dealt with, and it's not like it's just counter able with 1 thing, you can quite literally counter it without any skills and just utilizing positioning. It has multiple counters, many of which most classes have access to now. SLB has more than 3 counters, lol.

This isn't even a bring X class and beat Y class scenario, it has many counter options. That is good balance, whether the design of the skill is putrid is speculative and based on an opinion, the actual facts, on paper is that it has many counters. So whether YOU think the skill design is putrid or not, is completely irrelevant.

There's so many things right now in the current state of the game that actually need nerfs because they're busted and NOT counterable (mech being a sidenoder, for one example of many), and there's many classes (ranger included) that warrant buffs needed for unused skill lines, traits, specs, for every class in the game right now...

Yet we are focused on attempting to nerf something with multiple counters who barely has any ranked play and definitely has no tourney play time.

Is this really where you're wanting your attention focused on? There's just so many other actually oppressive things to vent your frustration on in this game, I assure you SLB isn't one of them.

Edited by Tanbin.2436
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6 minutes ago, Tanbin.2436 said:

You don't need to be a top player to understand SLB isn't that oppressive. It's very basic level understanding. It's not a relevant spec in ranked and much less relevant in tourney play. It's so underwhelming that it's not even worth taking into ranked unless you just like the playstyle (spellbreaker syndrome), let that sink in.

You shouldn't have to be. If other one shot builds got nerfed, so why defend this one? It has too many instant actions at once, that is the problem. It's basically instant Herald. Herald can technically one shot you as well, but it takes 4 seconds of actions. This should be the same for Soulbeast one. It is pretty oppressive when you don't see it coming, which is very easy to do with a class that has access to stealth.

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16 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

You shouldn't have to be. If other one shot builds got nerfed, so why defend this one? It has too many instant actions at once, that is the problem. It's basically instant Herald. Herald can technically one shot you as well, but it takes 4 seconds of actions. This should be the same for Soulbeast one. It is pretty oppressive when you don't see it coming, which is very easy to do with a class that has access to stealth.

You do realise that this build isn’t exactly one shot right? The entire combo is over several seconds, hunters call lasts several seconds, smoke assault is 1.5 seconds and whirling defence is over 3.5 seconds, generally you are dead as a result of the combo reaching whirling defence, easily 3-4 seconds to kill you. And that’s if you do absolutely nothing to defend yourself.

95% of the population aren’t capable of performing one shot combos from stealth, and we shouldn’t be balancing around what the 5% of the population can do right? 

Edited by Abyssisis.3971
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5 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

You do realise that this build isn’t exactly one shot right? The entire combo is over several seconds, hunters call lasts several seconds, smoke assault is 1.5 seconds and whirling defence is over 3.5 seconds, generally you are dead as a result of the combo reaching whirling defence, easily 3-4 seconds to kill you. And that’s if you do absolutely nothing to defend yourself.

95% of the population aren’t capable of performing one shot combos from stealth, and we shouldn’t be balancing around what the 5% of the population can do right? 

That is for players with more than usual combination of toughness/vitality. One longbow skill with the buff (which can be applied in stealth), is around 16k damage. That's one button from 1200 range over 1 second, and you can cc them before hand with the same weapon to make sure it hits.. Show me another skill capable of this with same consistency. It's a targeted skill and you just press it.

If your response does not come with another skill capable of same damage with same consistency, I will disregard it.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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11 minutes ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Vindicator GS5 hitting hard, Anet: NOT HEHE
Soulbeast erasing people with a bow from 1.2k range: *we sleep*

1.2k? are you aware that the tooltip is 1500 and that it hits WAYYY past that?  at 1600 Range you still get hit.

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2 minutes ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

That is for players with more than usual combination of toughness/vitality. One longbow skill with the buff (which can be applied in stealth), is around 16k damage. That's one button from 1200 range over 1 second, and you can cc them before hand with the same weapon to make sure it hits.. Show me another skill capable of this with same consistency. It's a targeted skill and you just press it.

Rapidfire is 2.5 seconds long…. So yeah, you pretty much have to be afk not to do something about it in that timeframe to mitigate the bulk of the damage, even when stealth is involved, because if they managed to actually get stealth from hunters shot, then obviously they have hit you with it and that gives 3 seconds of stealth for you to prepare for the next coming attack, whether knockback before rapidfire or just straight rapidfire. 

I don’t pay attention to a lot of other classes these days, but I’m pretty sure just about any class to drop 16k damage on your face over 2.5 seconds if you don’t do anything about it. 🙄



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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

with the only exception that rapidfire+OWP hits for over 40k damage buddy....

i dare you to watch this and tell me thats ok....  look at the mesmer instantly breaking stun and still going down to 10% hp in 3 hits of Rapidfire.... THIS IS NOT FINE XDD



Yes cause wvw counts here in pvp, cause you know we use the same equipment and everything. 🤦‍♂️

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22 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Rapidfire is 2.5 seconds long…. So yeah, you pretty much have to be afk not to do something about it in that timeframe to mitigate the bulk of the damage, even when stealth is involved, because if they managed to actually get stealth from hunters shot, then obviously they have hit you with it and that gives 3 seconds of stealth for you to prepare for the next coming attack, whether knockback before rapidfire or just straight rapidfire. 

I don’t pay attention to a lot of other classes these days, but I’m pretty sure just about any class to drop 16k damage on your face over 2.5 seconds if you don’t do anything about it. 🙄



Of course we do something about it. Case in point Vindicator Greatsword 5, or one shot Mesmer. Soulbeast is the most stubborn, and for some reason is not going away.

BTW you do realize the combo includes quickness right? So it is 1.25 seconds and most of the damage is already done in 1 seconds. I don't know how you don't know this, why even bring up it's full duration when the combo utilizes quickness? I mean I was going to accuse you of being a Soulbeast main, but now it seems you just don't know.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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3 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you reach roughly the same damagenumbers when going full zerker in pvp aswell, with the exception that people in spvp will most likely not have any toughness. I unfortunately dont have footage of it in pvp. but i just wanted to show that it sometimes is not that easy to dodge a 2.5 second Rapidfire, when only 0,5 seconds of it is enough to completly shred you... Keep in mind i have not even used OWP in this clip...

Maybe you should double check that. Lol

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7 minutes ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

Of course we do something about it. Case in point Vindicator Greatsword 5, or one shot Mesmer. Soulbeast is the most stubborn, and for some reason is not going away.

BTW you do realize the combo includes quickness right? So it is 1.25 seconds and most of the damage is already done in 1 seconds. I don't know how you don't know this, why even bring up it's full duration when the combo utilizes quickness? I mean I was going to accuse you of being a Soulbeast main, but now it seems you just don't know.

Quickness makes it easier to dodge the bulk of the damage… so it’s really up to the individual whether they run it or not. I personally don’t as it takes up a slot best saved for a stun break, protect me or Dollie’s in case of an oh crap situation, and as I just said competent players can dodge the bulk of the damage with a single dodge roll…



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11 minutes ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Quickness makes it easier to dodge the bulk of the damage… so it’s really up to the individual whether they run it or not. I personally don’t as it takes up a slot best saved for a stun break, protect me or Dollie’s in case of an oh crap situation, and as I just said competent players can dodge the bulk of the damage with a single dodge roll…



Then you are not playing the one shot build. Live fast is a staple of the build, for fury and quickness. Then essence of speed helps you keep other boons on you such as might which helps with one shotting. The whole build relies on quickness.

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13 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

okay bear with me: damage (for this specific build) in pvp is Relatively speaking even higher. I am sorry to burst your bubble. You reach this insane levels of damage thru stacking the ferocity traits from skirmishing and beastmastery and not the extra few stats that you have in wvw. You dont reach the same stats as you would in wvw your right, but the enemys also dont even have close the defensive stat then they would have in WvW. The overall time to kill remains roughly the same with this build. Because like i already said you pull your absurd damage from your traits and not your equipment. I also said that this build is not overpowered, it melts to condis. But what this build is, is some pretty lame gameplay where you can delete someone faster then he can stunbreak with a 50ms+ ping. I mean... look at it! even if you evade the full Rapidfire the Soulbeast comes flying at you with a 9k gapcloser... followed by a 15k Skill that also Dazes for 1 second. Reacing close to 300% Crit damage is no joke.

And you have to invest 3 traits lines to offensive traits, equip every piece of offensive equipment and use more skills than you can shake a stick at in order to do those damage numbers, which leaves you dying to a stiff breeze if and when things go wrong.


Just looking at your video, you are doing like 8k mauls on that DH at the start of the video, which takes like 80% of its HP indicating that it’s some sort of dps guard, therefore no toughness or vitality, had he got the jump on you, you would be dead as well…. Sooo you know perspective.




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4 minutes ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

Then you are not playing the one shot build. Live fast is a staple of the build, for fury and quickness. Then essence of speed helps you keep other boons on you such as might which helps with one shotting. The whole build relies on quickness.

Yeah ok, literally 2 sources of quickness, one of which is used in melee range after traiting live fast and after the bulk of the burst has been delivered and the other being optional depending on the build… live fast is NOT the staple of the build and never will be. Do you even know what you are talking about or are you just advocating nerfs for the sake of nerfing soulbeasts???

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15 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i never said this build is overpowered. i said it melts, please read carefully. But its is pretty lame gameplay nontheless. If you can completly delete players in under a second... that is lame. And alot of builds have been nerfed for being able to do so. Its not like this clips were highlights... its just me starting a ranger, equipping this build, and filming the first 10 minutes.... no death inbetween. just straight up oneshotting everyone i encounter.

you should probs go back and reread the comments in your own thread…



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1 minute ago, Abyssisis.3971 said:

Yeah ok, literally 2 sources of quickness, one of which is used in melee range after traiting live fast and after the bulk of the burst has been delivered and the other being optional depending on the build… live fast is NOT the staple of the build and never will be. Do you even know what you are talking about or are you just advocating nerfs for the sake of nerfing soulbeasts???

You are just dumb at this point. Without live fast it's not a one shot build anymore, therefore it's a staple. Live fast should not be the the thing that is getting nerfed, it's rapid fire. 


This is what most one shot builds use. Tell me how changing any of the soulbeast traits here helps with the one shot. Hint: it doesn't. This is what you need for the one shot.

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2 minutes ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

You are just dumb at this point. Without live fast it's not a one shot build anymore, therefore it's a staple. Live fast should not be the the thing that is getting nerfed, it's rapid fire. 


This is what most one shot builds use. Tell me how changing any of the soulbeast traits here helps with the one shot. Hint: it doesn't. This is what you need for the one shot.

You do realise that live fast is the trait that procs quickness and fury when you use worldly impact right? that source of quickness is occurring right at the end of your burst…


Perhaps you should check the build listed in opening post of this thread…. 🤦‍♂️


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Just now, Abyssisis.3971 said:

You do realise that live fast is the trait that procs quickness and fury when you use worldly impact right? that source of quickness is occurring right at the end of your burst…


Perhaps you should check the build listed in opening post of this thread…. 🤦‍♂️


It depends on where you start the combat at. If you start at range, you have quickness from marksmanship, if you start in melee, you get it from live fast. You need both, because you can't always start the combat from where you want.

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