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Requests for Ranger


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I have a few requests to make ANet.


● Soulbeast

Please re-add the pet swap while in combat for this Elite Spec.


Pets in WvW and Metas die too easily as it is... and I really wanna use this ES... I really do; but I often find myself reverting back to core.

I find pet swap more useful than anything Soulbeast can offer at this point. 


● Great Sword

Please make optional the extra visual effects on this weapon.

I like the great sword on ranger, even though it could do with improvements, but what I really don't wanna see it's the visual clutter, such as the white bear on this weapon.

I think it's really unecessary.


● Sword

Now, on this weapon, the issue is the opposite of the GS.

I don't mind the viper visual effects, however, the skills on this weapon, however cool, they are a danger to the user, especially around chasms, such as verdant brink, etc...

This weapon is not terrain friendly, and so it becomes useless, when in the heat of battle, such as being on top of a mountain or keep in Eternal Battlegrounds, and don't even have a decent chance of survival.

You either die or you die.


The aim is also all over the place.

Most times the ranger goes flying off into the horizon, leaving it completely vunerable; while the foe gets a free window for more hits.


● Armour 

I understand that you want to keep classes distinguishable from eachother, but why 99% of medium armour are raincoats or have to have buttcapes?

I don't know why not bring some of your own ideas from GW1.

O.G. Rangers have some pretty cool armour pieces back in the day.


● Other types of bows.

Since it seems like giving Ranger a rifle it's out of the equation; why not give it other types of bows... recurved bows, flatbows, medium range, etc... Jade tech bows with blades... or at least one other bow that would have at least 1 or 2 melee attacks, such as using it to slash a foe, 


● Boomerang

I think ranger needs this off-hand weapon, or as a utility skill.

No more needs added here.


● Pets. (Edit)


In WvW, please make it so pets can exit and attack a foe, if we're inside a building.

They should be able to find their way out of the keep or otherwise to attack designated target.





Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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4 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Soulbeast

Please re-add the pet swap while in combat for this Elite Spec.

Not happening since it causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Please make optional the extra visual effects on this weapon.

I like the great sword on ranger, even though it could do with improvements, but what I really don't wanna see it's the visual clutter, such as the white bear on this weapon.

I think it's really unecessary.

Very necessary animation in pvp/wvw since the ability hits like a truck. Also I don't remember any weapon getting optional visuals.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Now, on this weapon, the issue is the opposite of the GS.

I don't mind the viper visual effects, however, the skills on this weapon, however cool, they are a danger to the user, especially around chasms, such as verdant brink, etc...

This weapon is not terrain friendly, and so it becomes useless, when in the heat of battle, such as being on top of a mountain or keep in Eternal Battlegrounds, and don't even have a decent chance of survival.

You either die or you die.

Just learn to use it.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I understand that you want to keep classes distinguishable from eachother, but why 99% of medium armour are raincoats or have to have buttcapes?

I don't know why not bring some of your own ideas from GW1.

O.G. Rangers have some pretty cool armour pieces back in the day.

Not a ranger only request.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Since it seems like giving Ranger a rifle it's out of the equation; why not give it other types of bows... recurved bows, flatbows, medium range, etc... Jade tech bows with blades... or at least one other bow that would have at least 1 or 2 melee attacks, such as using it to slash a foe,

No new weapons and even more so weapons that are already in the game. Also HUGE lore issues with jade tech. Also also not a ranger only request.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I think ranger needs this off-hand weapon, or as a utility skill.

No more needs added here.

Same as the last time and boomerang sounds like off hand axe. Yet again not a ranger only request.

5 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

In WvW, please make it so pets can exit and attack a foe, if we're inside a building.

They should be able to find their way out of the keep or otherwise to attack designated target.


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1 hour ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Not happening since it causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing.

Very necessary animation in pvp/wvw since the ability hits like a truck. Also I don't remember any weapon getting optional visuals.

Just learn to use it.

Not a ranger only request.

No new weapons and even more so weapons that are already in the game. Also HUGE lore issues with jade tech. Also also not a ranger only request.

Same as the last time and boomerang sounds like off hand axe. Yet again not a ranger only request.


So, I'm guessing you're just the typical troll that decides to contradict everything on someone's post, just for no reason.

No, no, no.

Is that the best you've got?

If you're going to start flaming a post with your toxic attitude without saying anything relevant or constructive, why bother?

Why do you do it?

It's a waste of everyone's time.


I remember when I requested fishing, a mesmer without clones ; virtuoso in this case, and skimmer to be able to go underwater.

Yes, that was me. Got some trolling too... for those; but ANet went and did it anyways.

Now a lot of people love those ideas.


What ideas have you given to ANet?

What improvements did you suggest?

Which one of those did they actually do?


Did you know that a few of my posts got posted on other platforms by ANet too?

So that means that they do recognise that I'm a dedicated fan and really want the company to succeed. 

How many of yours did?

No no no.

So much negative. 

You're a bright light. Really helps the game and the devs, doesn't it?


Alright then.

With that out of the way, all my requests aren't out of this world.

They are considerably reasonable. 

No other class weapons have those visual effects.

They are really unecessary. 

...and "learn to use it?"

You can't possibly be serious, so I know you're just trolling, so I'm going to leave it at that.

You cannot possibly expect me to take you seriously, when you haven't even bothered to reply to my post in an appropriate manner.


Just to let you know that I'm not saying this to brag or get a free pass, but three of my big ideas went through, and are in the game.

So all it matters is that ANet takes into consideration my ideas.

If I can help the company and the game.

I'm more than pleased to do so anytime.

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My number one request for Ranger is that they revisit and update the pets so we have more choices! Some of them have become really outdated. For example, why would I use a Bear when I can use a Jacaranda that has the same toughness and, even though it has less HP, it has more base power, an excelent healing skill, CC and a great damaging ability.

Druid weakens the pet and SB merges with them but the Untamed is an elite spec that wants to make more use of the pet so this is becoming a really apparent issue.

Make tooltips clearer, specify when traits/skills affect the pet, clean up the Pet Management window and the stats (they don't match what the pets actualy have). Also, some abilities have the same name even though they are different abilities like the Feline, Boar and Greatsword 2 'Maul' or the Feline and Bird 'Slash' autoattack.

For me, the main point has to be diversity! Even in the same families there could be some diversity in the pet abilities or stats. The pet archetypes don't have to be Soulbeast only, they could influence the base stats of the pets, instead of being defined just by family.

Most core game pet abilities are also very bland and uninteresting compared to the expansion ones (for example, birds' Quickening Screech which only gives swiftness - could also give quickness which is an excelent boon and it's right there in the name of the skill haha- or cats' Bite which is basically the autoattack but with more damage). I am not saying every pet should have different abilities, that would be extremely hard to make and balance, and some common skills helps tie the families together. Yet, I think there are so many thing that could be added like:

-- Executioner style abilities - pretty self explanatory, predatory animals like the feline line (example only) that hunt their prey could have a boost to some abilities if the enemy is below X% HP as if they're close to getting the kill);

-- Extra Crit Chance abilities - similar to the Jaguar's Stalk but skill specific rather than a general status since that's already the Jaguar's identity;

^As a follow up to this point, it's weird to see some pets like the Owl whose primary attribute is Precision and does not have any condition damage abilities, with 0 Ferocity and 700 Condition Damage

-- Conditional abilities - do X more if Y condition is met (similar to the Iboga's Consuming Bite which deals more damage for each condition or the Wallow's Undead Plague which increases poison duration on CC'ed foes);

-- Mob abilities - for example, Sand Lions are cool/annoying in the open world using the sand shields to repel projectiles and the pet only gets a roar that inflicts blind because the other abilities were used up with the "family" abilities that all Felines have (Bite and Maul);

-- Better diferenciate single target pets and AoE pets - this is somewhat already in the system with drakes being more AoE and others like Felines and Birds being more single target but if that's the identity you want them to have, make them the best at that.

Another point is that the Beastmastery trait line isn't used as a pet trait line but as a Soulbeast buff line. Maybe rework some traits or buff the existing ones to specifically enhance pets or their abilities. Oh and please please please make Vow of the Untamed give the pet the damage boost if the pet is unleashed.

Sorry about the long wall of text, but I always end up getting too excited about this topic and my brain starts working double time thinking of cool stuff for pets. 

Edited by Lobomon.6210
I keep remembering more stuff to add hahaha
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8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, I'm guessing you're just the typical troll that decides to contradict everything on someone's post, just for no reason.

No, no, no.

Is that the best you've got?

If you're going to start flaming a post with your toxic attitude without saying anything relevant or constructive, why bother?

Why do you do it?

It's a waste of everyone's time.

If all your ideas are not possible then why would I say "yes"?

8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I remember when I requested fishing, a mesmer without clones ; virtuoso in this case, and skimmer to be able to go underwater.

Those were possible since one was an elite spec idea, one was a expansion mechanic and one was a mount mastery. Hard to compare it to adding an entire new weapon which would mean that every single past skin set would need to be updated.

8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

What improvements did you suggest?

Which one of those did they actually do?

Pet oriented ranger spec, team mount and wvw mount. (not all of my ideas and not all of them on forum alone)

8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Did you know that a few of my posts got posted on other platforms by ANet too?

So that means that they do recognise that I'm a dedicated fan and really want the company to succeed. 

How many of yours did?

No no no.

So much negative. 

You're a bright light. Really helps the game and the devs, doesn't it?

That's some humble bragging. A shame that your ideas that got in were said by hundreds if not thousands of ppl(like any other ideas including mine).

8 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Just to let you know that I'm not saying this to brag or get a free pass,

Not that's more or less what you are doing right here and saying you don't doesn't negate that.

But sure if you want me to go in on your first post with more effort. (In a new reply cause I'm not editing the old one and this one is long.)

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15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Soulbeast

Please re-add the pet swap while in combat for this Elite Spec.

It causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing, but if it was reversed they would need to add a different drawback which is a bit of a gamble.

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Pets in WvW and Metas die too easily as it is... and I really wanna use this ES... I really do; but I often find myself reverting back to core.

I find pet swap more useful than anything Soulbeast can offer at this point. 

If you think core is better for you then play core. I don't see much point in trying to make an elite spec more like base kit. The pet dying is an issue but that's not fixing WvW zerg deaths and on meta you are better off with pet staying on merge to get max DPS output.

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Great Sword

Please make optional the extra visual effects on this weapon.

I like the great sword on ranger, even though it could do with improvements, but what I really don't wanna see it's the visual clutter, such as the white bear on this weapon.

I think it's really unecessary.

Rather that requesting it in ranger thread, you should request it as visual effect toggle for everything in game. (It was requested quite a lot btw.)

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Sword

Now, on this weapon, the issue is the opposite of the GS.

I don't mind the viper visual effects, however, the skills on this weapon, however cool, they are a danger to the user, especially around chasms, such as verdant brink, etc...

This weapon is not terrain friendly, and so it becomes useless, when in the heat of battle, such as being on top of a mountain or keep in Eternal Battlegrounds, and don't even have a decent chance of survival.

You either die or you die.

You can easily chose directions already. If you keep falling then it's because you don't know how to use it. 2-1 can go into target or in a straight line so nothing random, 2-2 just needs you to think about your position durning the fight and 3 goes in a straight line except you aim it in reverse by facing the direction with your back. All you need to control it is there already.

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Armour 

I understand that you want to keep classes distinguishable from eachother, but why 99% of medium armour are raincoats or have to have buttcapes?

I don't know why not bring some of your own ideas from GW1.

You are asking for new armor skins so ranger sub in not a place for it. (ranger using said armor is not enough.) Also medium armor is mostly based on leather armor designs that happen to be mostly huntsman gear (longer parts to protect you more).

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Other types of bows.

Since it seems like giving Ranger a rifle it's out of the equation; why not give it other types of bows... recurved bows, flatbows, medium range, etc... Jade tech bows with blades... or at least one other bow that would have at least 1 or 2 melee attacks, such as using it to slash a foe, 

There are 2 bows already and both of them already use skins that look like bows you mentioned. And like with all new weapon ideas: they have to make hundreds of skins just to add it.

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Boomerang

I think ranger needs this off-hand weapon, or as a utility skill.

No more needs added here.

 As said before: skins. Also I don't see a point in adding more weapons when there is still a lot of weapons left that are not used by X class.

15 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Pets. (Edit)


In WvW, please make it so pets can exit and attack a foe, if we're inside a building.

They should be able to find their way out of the keep or otherwise to attack designated target.

Pet AI is already problematic and making pets go in and out of buildings is A LOT of work. This idea is probably the closest to being done, but only after AI is redone... which was requested many years ago.

Now you can proceed to give counter arguments without being toxic just because some of your ideas (which were not even rare ideas) made it in.

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3 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

If all your ideas are not possible then why would I say "yes"?

Who dictates that are not possible? 


Don't have to say yes, why say anything at all if you are not bringing an alternative? 

That bear animation is outdated and looks more like a game visual from the 90's.

As well as looking old and naff it just gets in the way. 

I also suggested in a previous thread that it could be ported to the hammer, now that ranger has one. 

It does not suit a sword of any kind.


Those were possible since one was an elite spec idea, one was a expansion mechanic and one was a mount mastery. Hard to compare it to adding an entire new weapon which would mean that every single past skin set would need to be updated.

Who's requesting an entire new weapon?

I'm requesting for the bear animation to be optional.

Besides, Warrior got an entire new weapon.

So again, you are dictating that is not possible.



Pet oriented ranger spec, team mount and wvw mount. (not all of my ideas and not all of them on forum alone)

That's some humble bragging. A shame that your ideas that got in were said by hundreds if not thousands of ppl(like any other ideas including mine).

I am humble. But it gets to a point in these forums where we, the people who actually try improve the game get tired of trolls just bringing negativity.

And you're wrong. 

I actually started the threads on those.

Cloneless Mesmer one being the most trolled on.

ANet went and did it anyways.

Second, I started a poll about fishing, got some trolling on that too.

Now there are tons of people saying that it was one of the best ideas put into the game.

They have more meaningful conversations with other players while fishing than the entire time they played GW2.

The skimmer, I requested in QoL.

Never saw anyone requesting that before me.


Not that's more or less what you are doing right here and saying you don't doesn't negate that.

No it's not.

Don't say what I am and not doing here.

Don't try paint a facade over what is real.



But sure if you want me to go in on your first post with more effort. (In a new reply cause I'm not editing the old one and this one is long.)

Okay... ?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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13 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Not happening since it causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing.


3 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

It causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing, but if it was reversed they would need to add a different drawback which is a bit of a gamble.

AN during PoF promo, explicitelly stated that they envision "pinnacle of skilled soulbeast gameplay" to be "using f2, entering beast mode, using f1-f3, unmerging, swapping pet, using it's f2, merging using this new set of f1-f3" which means that ability to pet swap as soulbeast was very intentional.

As for "infinite pet revive" thing, I don't see anything that combat swapping pets enables that soulbeast cannot already do.

disabling of combat pet swapping was specifically AN sacrificing their vision of how soulbeast is supposed to be played to appeal folks that screamed how especs are superior than base class, and demanded trade-offs for all especs to vindicate that. Soulbeast lost it's in-combat pet swap, druid got the lazy stat penalty on the pet. (most of other especs also got hit with varying degree of quality "tradeoffs" in the very same patch.

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2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

It causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing, but if it was reversed they would need to add a different drawback which is a bit of a gamble.

Bud, Soulbeast isn't overpowered; not by a long shot.

Rangers are amongst the most nerfed classes, along with warrior and mesmer.

I don't know where you get the idea that pet swap would overpower soulbeast.

Most of the abilities gained are the same for pets of the same breed, and most are very underpowered. 

I'm starting to wonder if you even play ranger on the first place and why are you so concerned about it?

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

If you think core is better for you then play core. I don't see much point in trying to make an elite spec more like base kit.


And how does removing an ability makes any Elite Spec better!?

You're supposed to add stuff, not remove.

ES are supposed to ne better than core, not equal or worse.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:



The pet dying is an issue

Darn right it is.

99% of pets in WvW are complete and utter useless.

Some exceptions are: 

Jaracanda, Iboga, and Smokescale.

Everything else is useless.

Eagle and hawk are only good for speed, the wyverns get the odd, very rare AoE effect.

That's about it.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:


but that's not fixing WvW zerg deaths and on meta you are better off with pet staying on merge to get max DPS output.


Pets in general should be buffed.

Otherwise just remove them altogether. 

To have a mini that only has a few commands... what's the difference in having an average mini tagging alongside you, if it does nothing anyways?

Not just in WvW, but in world bosses too, for instance, your pet doesn't even reach the target, let alone cause any damage.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Rather that requesting it in ranger thread, you should request it as visual effect toggle for everything in game. (It was requested quite a lot btw.)

If the whole post is about ranger, why do two separate posts?

Don't know why this is an issue to you, or even relevant?

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

You can easily chose directions already. If you keep falling then it's because you don't know how to use it. 2-1 can go into target or in a straight line so nothing random, 2-2 just needs you to think about your position durning the fight and 3 goes in a straight line except you aim it in reverse by facing the direction with your back. All you need to control it is there already.

You make it sound easy.

Funny thing is that there's someone else in QoL stating the same thing as I am.

Can't be just me then.

You further denying the issues that need to be fixed about the game isn't helping.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

You are asking for new armor skins so ranger sub in not a place for it. (ranger using said armor is not enough.) Also medium armor is mostly based on leather armor designs that happen to be mostly huntsman gear (longer parts to protect you more).

Don't even know what the issue is here, as you are not making your point clear, but I'll say it again as in the OP.

Not all medium armour needs to be raincoats or have buttcapes. 

GW1 has some neat armour pieces.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

There are 2 bows already and both of them already use skins that look like bows you mentioned. And like with all new weapon ideas: they have to make hundreds of skins just to add it.

 As said before: skins. Also I don't see a point in adding more weapons when there is still a lot of weapons left that are not used by X class.

You really have an issue with skins, bud.

That's the easiest thing to do for the devs, related to weapons.

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Pet AI is already problematic and making pets go in and out of buildings is A LOT of work.

Says the expert.

Has it occured to you that because the devs are always extremely busy, that kind of thing kinda gets pushed to the bottom of the list of priorities and forgotten, until someone mentions it?

Just might...

2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:


This idea is probably the closest to being done, but only after AI is redone... which was requested many years ago.

Now you can proceed to give counter arguments without being toxic just because some of your ideas (which were not even rare ideas) made it in.

Ok sunshine.

Thank you very much.

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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Who's requesting an entire new weapon?


20 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

● Other types of bows.

Since it seems like giving Ranger a rifle it's out of the equation; why not give it other types of bows... recurved bows, flatbows, medium range, etc... Jade tech bows with blades... or at least one other bow that would have at least 1 or 2 melee attacks, such as using it to slash a foe, 


● Boomerang

I think ranger needs this off-hand weapon, or as a utility skill.

No more needs added here.


2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I actually started the threads on those.

Well can confirm it nor deny it, but I know I've seen more ppl than you mention those. Kinda surprised anyone trolled on Clones, fishing and skimmer since those were plausible. (I actually asked for skimmer/new underwater mount at some point).

1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Bud, Soulbeast isn't overpowered; not by a long shot.

Rangers are amongst the most nerfed classes, along with warrior and mesmer.

I don't know where you get the idea that pet swap would overpower soulbeast.

Most of the abilities gained are the same for pets of the same breed, and most are very underpowered. 

I'm starting to wonder if you even play ranger on the first place and why are you so concerned about it?

Never said Soulbeast is overpowered. Just that Anet wants Soulbeast to have a drawback. I main ranger and I'm concered that a different drawback to soulbeast in the current ranger state would simply hurt more.

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Darn right it is.

99% of pets in WvW are complete and utter useless.

Some exceptions are: 

Jaracanda, Iboga, and Smokescale.

Everything else is useless.

Eagle and hawk are only good for speed, the wyverns get the odd, very rare AoE effect.

That's about it.


2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:


Pets in general should be buffed.

Otherwise just remove them altogether. 

To have a mini that only has a few commands... what's the difference in having an average mini tagging alongside you, if it does nothing anyways?

Not just in WvW, but in world bosses too, for instance, your pet doesn't even reach the target, let alone cause any damage.

Semi-agreed. Pets should get new AI and then be buffed depending on their performance.

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

If the whole post is about ranger, why do two separate posts?

Don't know why this is an issue to you, or even relevant?


2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Don't even know what the issue is here, as you are not making your point clear, but I'll say it again as in the OP.

Not all medium armour needs to be raincoats or have buttcapes. 

GW1 has some neat armour pieces.

I guess I'd rather get a full scale thread about changes to toggled effects and armor designs rather than have it tied to a ranger thread. 

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You make it sound easy.

Funny thing is that there's someone else in QoL stating the same thing as I am.

Can't be just me then.

You further denying the issues that need to be fixed about the game isn't helping.

Using sword was never hard for me and usually when someone said that sword is hard to use (ingame chat) they changed their mind after teaching them. I simply do not consider it an issue that would need to get priority over other improvements.

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

You really have an issue with skins, bud.

That's the easiest thing to do for the devs, related to weapons.

Is it easier that many other parts of development? Yes. But it still takes time which can be used better.

2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Thank you very much.

No problem.

Anyway at this point this thread will be closed due to bickering+we are getting nowhere.

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On 3/25/2022 at 2:27 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, I'm guessing you're just the typical troll that decides to contradict everything on someone's post

Not agreeing with you is trolling?



- My number one suggestion for ranger is for most core pets to have shorter CD on their F2 skills. Most of them shouldn't have a CD higher than 25s (untraited) like most x-pack pets. In any way there is no core pet F2 skill that's strong enough to justify a higher CD than 25s.

- Number 2 suggestion would be to work on druid and especially celestial avatar. Can we just rexork cosmic ray into a damaging skill instead of a healing one? With the short CD (1s) of seed of life in PvE, it feel like it's a waste to have 2 skills doing basically the same thing. (The 4s CD in competitive mode on seed of life don't change this fact as less healing in competitive mode isn't a "bad" thing).

- Invigorating bond's 20s ICD, please, pretty please can we reduce this ICD to at least 10s? I'd be content if we can get rid of it. I mean, there would be meaning in switching pet and using their F2 if it wasn't for this gross ICD.

- Can we tie refined toxins' poison proc to something else than a health treshold? We got literally 0 control over this, the trait is tasteless and braindead as it is.


Edited by Dadnir.5038
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22 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Not agreeing with you is trolling?



- My number one suggestion for ranger is for most core pets that have shorter CD on their F2 skills. Most of them shouldn't have a CD higher than 25s (untraited) like most x-pack pets. In any way there is no core pet F2 skill that's strong enough to justify a higher CD than 25s.

- Number 2 suggestion would be to work on druid and especially celestial avatar. Can we just rexork cosmic ray into a damaging skill instead of a healing one? With the short CD (1s) of seed of life in PvE, it feel like it's a waste to have 2 skills doing basically the same thing. (The 4s CD in competitive mode on seed of life don't change this fact as less healing in competitive mode isn't a "bad" thing).

- Invigorating bond's 20s ICD, please, pretty please can we reduce this ICD to at least 10s? I'd be content if we can get rid of it. I mean, there would be meaning in switching pet and using their F2 if it wasn't for this gross ICD.

- Can we tie refined toxins' poison proc to something else than a health treshold? We got literally 0 control over this, the trait is tasteless and braindead as it is.


To piggyback off of your suggestions:

1. Buff or rework the power coefficients for pet skills. The pets don't hit hard enough to make up for having them... When they're able to hit in the first place.

2. Get rid of Marksmanship's Opening Strikes, for the love of Melandru! Waste of a whole minor trait line.

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2 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:


I requested a off hand boomerang.

It has 2 skills.

It can be copied from engineer wrench throw and one other. Just needs a reskin, which is easy.

It's not exactly a brand new weapon.

But again, even if it was; what was the problem again?

ANet keeps proving the negative posters time and time again that it can be done, and they will do it if so inclined.

So a boomerang for ranger doesn’t seem so absurd.



Well can confirm it nor deny it, but I know I've seen more ppl than you mention those.

Maybe so.

But I'm a daily forum frequenter for years now, and I can assure you that for cloneless mesmer all I got was flak. But... ANet did it... and I just saw a virtuoso solo a champion, when I died with my Renegade... which is unusual, I must say.

Renegade normaly performs really good; but that's besides the point. It is the fact that 99% thought virtuoso was ridiculous and a joke... and I just watched one solo a champ.

Not so rubbish as people said.


For the fishing, there was no mention of it before my poll.

You're more than welcome to check.


And for the ability for skimmer to go underwater... in QoL, I don't remember once someone suggesting it before I did.



Kinda surprised anyone trolled on Clones, fishing and skimmer since those were plausible.

You joking right?

Check my post on cloneless mesmer.

How many were actually angry about it.

Thought the idea preposterous and even insulted me with name calling.

That's how far people go to dismiss any requests or suggestions you may make ANet.





(I actually asked for skimmer/new underwater mount at some point).

Ok cool.

Now that you mentioned it, I think I recall a post of the sorts, but wasn't a request for a Dolphin or something of that nature?


Never said Soulbeast is overpowered. Just that Anet wants Soulbeast to have a drawback. I main ranger and I'm concered that a different drawback to soulbeast in the current ranger state would simply hurt more.

I guess you did read the other reply from another user to that?

ANet was never meant to take away pet swap from soulbeast, on the opposite... only you get the "nerf this and that" guys, and unfortunately things like this happens sometimes .



Semi-agreed. Pets should get new AI and then be buffed depending on their performance.

Older, outdated pets needs improvements.

Give us reasons to use a Hawk, or a Snow Howl, a bear, or even the stalker.



I guess I'd rather get a full scale thread about changes to toggled effects and armor designs rather than have it tied to a ranger thread. 

Honestly, I haven't seen a skins dedicated thread.

If there is one, I wouldn't mind you posting a link to it.


Using sword was never hard for me and usually when someone said that sword is hard to use (ingame chat) they changed their mind after teaching them. I simply do not consider it an issue that would need to get priority over other improvements.

I did forget to mention that I use action camera... so that might have an impact.

However, you must admit that ranger sword skills sometimes are all over the place though... and don't forget the fact that they are unusable near a chasm.


Is it easier that many other parts of development? Yes. But it still takes time which can be used better.

No problem.

Anyway at this point this thread will be closed due to bickering+we are getting nowhere.

Nah. No bickering bud.

We're having a normal chat about ranger.

Discussion doesn’t go against the rules.

Insults and mame calling does.

We've done none of those.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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17 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Not happening since it causes infinite pet revive and it was never intended to be a thing.

There is a simple solution that would also make soulbeast not boring to play:


1. Revert the pet swap changes to core. So, at this point, there is a 10s cooldown on pet merge and a 30-60s cooldown on pet swap.

2. Make merging with a pet not revive them.

3. If still too much, increase the pet swap CD to 35-40s.


Boom. Easy solution to avoid the infinite revive loop AND soulbeasts can actually think about their pets beyond the first one.

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52 minutes ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:


1. Buff or rework the power coefficients for pet skills. The pets don't hit hard enough to make up for having them... When they're able to hit in the first place.


Apparently, we can't have that because of the complaints from the WvW/PvP crowd.

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2 hours ago, Diak Atoli.2085 said:

Looks at the WvW/PvP splits already in-game.


Hey, don't get me wrong.  I'd be all for a pet AI fix if it were split.  I just don't see Anet wanting to put in the time/effort.

EDIT: also, IIRC, the pet nerf was done well before Anet started splitting?

Edited by kharmin.7683
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26 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Hey, don't get me wrong.  I'd be all for a pet AI fix if it were split.  I just don't see Anet wanting to put in the time/effort.

EDIT: also, IIRC, the pet nerf was done well before Anet started splitting?

Sorry, I was referencing more the 'complaints' with my snark. A quick trawl of the wiki indicates some pets' skills were reduced around June 2013. I'm pretty sure that's before they started splitting.

Either way, the point I was saying earlier was that pets don't do enough damage in PvE regardless of AI. Given what I remember from bunker builds in WvW/PvE, they're still fine there number-wise. Basically, PvE only needs a numbers buff, but WvW/PvP needs an AI rework.

Edit: Bringing it back to the OP's suggestions: Don't touch my Maul's animation! It's one of the few perfect in GW2!

Edited by Diak Atoli.2085
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What i would change to bring ranger specs better in line:


- Give core full control over the Pet like Untamed has right now

- Let us give our pet 1 skill it auto casts apart from its AA

- Let pet scale from our stats depending on their archetype

- Rework Signets

- Rework the beastmastery specialization

- Make our Pet commands a functional class mechanic with trait interaction, Replace the Command Utility skill type with something else

- Give us more trait interactions with "Pet-weapon skills" (skills like maul or winter's bite)

- Improve several bad traits across the board

- Gives an option to make sword a more condi heavy weapon (and let the weapon cleave on all attacks kitten)

- Replace Sic'em as a skill and give base ranger more damage

- Make ranger and the pet count as one entity in terms of buffs and heals, no double dipping


- No longer gain permanent bonus stats when merged

- Gain bonus stats for a fixed duration after merge and after unmerge

- Make Fresh reinforcement baseline and give your petuthe boons when you unmerge


- Revert the pet stat nerf

- Druid gains no longer access to the full pet control and the pet basically functions as it does now

-Pet also transforms when you enter CAF and gains more mobility, Cc and support capabilities depending on archetype

-Druid gains different CAF forms depending on GM trait that split intomhealing, buffing or CC/Condi


-Make the pet an invulnerable Totem that teleports to the designated ground target location and casts damaging effects that change depending on archetype and pet family

-the Totem pulses damage/condis/boons when teleported, when using another F skill or when activating a skill that interacts with the pet (like Maul for example)

-Return to me becomes: Bind Totem. When activated the Totem is Bound to you and is basically stowed until you enter combat

-You always gain an unleashed ambush when you Swap your Totem

-Hammer has only one Form that focusses on Cc and gains bonus effects against Cced targets

Edited by InsaneQR.7412
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7 hours ago, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

WDYM forced drawback? If you mean not being able to pet swap thatd be removed in those changes... not trying to argue it I just dont know what you mean

From the 25 Feb 2020 patchnotes:

"Soulbeasts, long standing without a tradeoff, are now receiving theirs—they lose combat access to a second pet and must choose carefully which pet they're going to be bonded with in battle."

They want soulbeast to have a drawback/tradeoff.

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On 3/25/2022 at 2:27 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So, I'm guessing you're just the typical troll that decides to contradict everything on someone's post, just for no reason.

No offence, but your requests are FAR off from the kind of QoL updates and buffs ranger needs.

No pet swap on soulbeast is a balance choice, and not a detrimental one.

GS is fine.

Sword is clunky and the aa is missing cleave on the second attack, but it's usable.

We don't need more single target ranged weapons. Off-hand boomerang makes me shiver.

Medium armors are a bit trash, nothing new there.

What ranger needs the most are updates to nature magic for better support options and synergy with druid outside of pve. Druid itself needs some fixes. Untamed should have been designed differently so it could shine in large scale wvw. Then there are a few minor things that could use some improvements, like signets and the corresponding trait and the marksmanship minors not relying on Remorseless in sustained fights.

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1 hour ago, Lazze.9870 said:

No offence, but your requests are FAR off from the kind of QoL updates and buffs ranger needs.

None taken.

...and That's your own oppinion... and not a very sincere one at that, at this point; but let's see what else you have to say.


You are well mistaken if you say that ranger and its variants are right up there with Reaper, Thief, and other top notch classes.

So at least be honest and true to yourself and others.

Let's read...


No pet swap on soulbeast is a balance choice, and not a detrimental one.

Not what was originally intended, and it seems it was more of a choice to nerf it due to complaints from the elites, as it may be that the higher paying costumers seems to prefer to play Necro, and ranger was too much of a threat to them.

If that's the case...

It's understandable on this one, even if I don't like it, but I can appreciate that from a revenue/Income point of view.

Hey, just like in a restaurant, right?

VIP's pay more for caviar than a cheeseburger.



GS is fine.

I never see anyone use it, but I can go along with fine, just for argument sake.

I'm only requesting for the visual effects to be optional.

No other weapon on any other class has those extra visual effects.

Why is it only ranger swords that are forced down your throat with the bear and the snake?

Optional means that for those who like can still see it. Not removing the option from you if you are a fan of semi transparent white bears covering your view of the field.


Sword is clunky and the aa is missing cleave on the second attack, but it's usable.

Again, be sincere. 

It is unusable around high drops.

Just go try fight with sword in the majority of fractals or places like verdant brink... and let's not forget the airships on personal story just before Zhaitan.


C'mon. I'm all in for a good discussion, but alteast be honest.


We don't need more single target ranged weapons. Off-hand boomerang makes me shiver.

Is boomerang single target?

Have you ever played any games where boomerang is only single target?

The ones I played hits all targets from the moment is thrown to the moment it returns.


Medium armors are a bit trash, nothing new there.

Ok. At least we agree on something.



What ranger needs the most are updates to nature magic for better support options and synergy with druid outside of pve.

Not going to contradict you on this... see, if you feel like is what ranger needs, I'd like you to elaborate more on that.



Druid itself needs some fixes. Untamed should have been designed differently so it could shine in large scale wvw. Then there are a few minor things that could use some improvements, like signets and the corresponding trait and the marksmanship minors not relying on Remorseless in sustained fights.


More of this please.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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