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[Class Advice] Looking for agile flashy melee class


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I agree with the above poster..  a willbender guardian is just what you are after.  As someone who knows what a demonhunter from wow is all about.


Thief is agile yes, but its more challenging to learn as you will feel very squishy and have low damage until you maximize a build and gear set.


Willbender is an elite spec meaning you will need to hit max level on your guardian and then quest for a bit to unlock hero points to learn willbender, but its honestly what you're after I think. 


Another flashy melee could be power mesmer sword / greatsword builds, but those are a bit complex to learn.  But they summon illusions and evade a lot and have nice burst.

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Holo - the most flashy class and lil' less agile

Rene - its spirits are flashy and u can go power sword/sword with assasin stance to be mobile or condi mace/axe and demon stance (maybe works like shadowhunter? dunno i just did a quick look), with mace/axe and demon u r also mobile - mace 3 is a short leap, axe 3 is 900u shadowstep and demon stance also have short leap 3s cd

Vindi is also worth looking into being quite mobile (well mostly to assasin stance but alliance gives also 2 dashes on short cd, gs too)

Ele - every espec seems flashy

Guardian is also very flashy with willbender being mobile

But being honest you can pick thief with specter where every skill is a shadow step and turn him into a flashlight thanks to infusions

Edited by AintGold.5128
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1 hour ago, SeTect.5918 said:

OP asked for "not overcomplicated rotation".

Its also not so agile. Except if you use mainhand dagger.

If you just use your fingers to search a little, you can find some easy rotations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EvXatRk4I


k&t=28s https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_LI_Tempest


Plus weaver on sword 2 skills have leap or shadowstep - except earth

And tempest seems quite simple because of its overload mechanic




Edited by AintGold.5128
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3 minutes ago, AintGold.5128 said:

If you just use your fingers to search a little, you can find some easy rotations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EvXatRk4I

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilJgfp1w0-k&t=28s https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_LI_Tempest

Plus weaver on sword 2 skills have leap or shadowstep - besides earth

Why would you play this build if you can play anything else with 5-7k more dps and as easy as this.

The leap of fire sword has that low range that you cant count it as mobility, it has 200 range or something lol.
The Air shadowstep is fine tho.

Besides Earth? What do you mean? Earth has no mobility at all.

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9 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Why would you play this build if you can play anything else with 5-7k more dps and as easy as this.

Just throwing quick examples that there are simple rotations, also if you knew there are easy rotation why you said


57 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

OP asked for "not overcomplicated rotation".


13 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

The leap of fire sword has that low range that you cant count it as mobility, it has 200 range or something lol.

It has 450u range  (please, check things first if you are not sure) which for me is quite decent. Plus for me everything what moves you faster than normal run from point A to point B seems like a mobility skill to me.


19 minutes ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Besides Earth? What do you mean? Earth has no mobility at all.

I meant every skill sword 2 is a mobility skill, but no sword 2 earth. My bad, english is no my primarily langauge.

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The recently released Willbender is probably bang on what you seem to be asking for. Guardian isn't too bad baseline if you run the right build, but baseline guardian is mostly focused on going into combat rather than out of it - pretty much all its mobility skills are oriented towards going TO something. Dragonhunter, however, does add a bit of unconditional mobility through Wings of Resolve.

Thinking through the others systematically:

Revenant: I think pretty much anything revenant could work, especially power builds. Shiro brings a lot of mobility, but if for some reason you don't want to bring Shiro (maybe not flashy enough?), sword/sword definitely brings mobility. Jalis (core), Glint (with Herald) and Kalla (with Renegade) all bring fairly flashy effects, you can pretty much choose your poison. Condition revenant could also work - Mallyx is less flashy than some others but certainly brings a lot of effects, they're just mostly dark purple, and while the mace/axe set isn't as mobile as sword/sword, it's not exactly lacking in means to move around quickly, and a Mallyx revenant is probably the closest thing GW2 has to a WoW demonhunter thematically. Revenant might actually be the best choice, since while it isn't the new shiny, it's always been a mobile melee class with some flashy effects and a reasonably low cognitive load on rotations. Willbender fits the criteria now as a guardian elite, but future guardian elites will probably go in other directions, while revenant will probably have the basic fundamentals you're looking for regardless of elite specialisation.

Warrior: You might find Spellbreaker actually fits, if you use greatsword as one of your weapons. Dagger/dagger for the alternate set adds an additional couple of leap-to-target skills and some extra flashiness, but locks you into being almost purely melee.

Ranger: A bit of a dark horse candidate might be a soulbeast using sword and/or greatsword, and a pet that grants a mobility skill (this was meta in sPvP a year or so ago). Sword and greatsword each have at least one fancy animation with a ghostly animal striking alongside you.

Thief: The most melee-oriented thief builds are either core or daredevil. Agile, often have reasonably easy rotations, but as you might expect from thief, not really all that flashy (but there are some impressive animations if that counts, they're just not combined with magic light effects). You could try a melee deadeye or spectre, but it's not really what those elite specialisations are designed to do.

Engineer: Both holosmith or scrapper could work well, with holosmith being the flashier of the two (but scrapper hammer is pretty flashy with electrical effects). Utilities allow for some extra mobility such as the infamous rocket boots. Engineers can have fairly complex rotations, though, although it depends on build: you can often get away with simpler rotations, but getting maximum effect often involves something a little more complicated. Holosmith may be the better choice if you want to avoid complex rotations, since it generally relies more on holoforge than on cycling through multiple kits.

Necromancer: Ehhhh, you could possibly do a melee harbinger, but I wouldn't really recommend it? Reaper is melee, fairly flashy, and reasonably simply to play, but they're not exactly known for their agility. 

Mesmer: Less melee-oriented than revenant, with only one melee weapon choice available unless you're using Mirage, but probably one of the flashiest core professions (alongside guardian, revenant, and elementalist), and the elite specialisations just add to that. It can have a fair amount of mobility (especially Mirage), and often has reasonably simple rotations unless you're trying to go boon chrono. It is designed more as a 'ranged profession that can melee' than a melee profession, though, and it's fairly reliant on summons (however, the way they work makes you less reliant on the AI than such professions tend to be).

Elementalist: Very flashy, and if you go melee with dagger or weaver sword, it offers a fair amount of mobility... but probably not at the level of the likes of willbender, Shiro revenant, daredevil, or mirage. However, it's fairly squishy, and is known for having complicated rotations and generally requiring fast fingers to get the most out of it. 


TL;DR: Given that the comparison point that I recognise is the Warcraft franchise DH, Revenant and Willbender are probably your best choices to start off with. They have the characteristics you're asking for, but also have thematic similarities (frontline combatants that include a bit of magic into their combat styles, and they each have at least one skill that behaves similarly to Immolation, at least in the short term). Mallyx Revenants even go as far as drawing their power from demons, including a metamorphosis-style skill (although in mechanical terms, it's one of the Immolation-style effects). 

Edited by draxynnic.3719
Bolded the tldr
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58 minutes ago, AintGold.5128 said:

Just throwing quick examples that there are simple rotations, also if you knew there are easy rotation why you said

Because I think that OP wants something useful and not something dealing 70-80% of dps of others.
And imo these 30k benchmarks arent useful if there is something with same effort that deals 39k dps.

59 minutes ago, AintGold.5128 said:

It has 450u range  (please, check things first if you are not sure) which for me is quite decent. Plus for me everything what moves you faster than normal run from point A to point B seems like a mobility skill to me.

I said "or something lol", because I was not sure indeed, but I was also too lazy to check it, tho it really feels like it would be a smaller jump, sorry but 450 range isnt good for me. 600+ is good.
At this point almost every class has good mobility because of swiftness.
For me a good mobility class should either have 3x 600+ gap closers or 4x+ 450+ gap closers.
Which would be thief in general and willbender.
I guess that are just our opinions that are different then.

However the 450 jump and 600 shadowstep on Air isnt enough for me tbh. That are just 2 skills. And some swiftness from weaver (and 25% movement speed while on air attunement but it gets ignored while you have swiftness). The water 2 isnt really useful too imo, its even a dps loss, I have no idea why you would ever use it in pve, I dont use it at least.

Willbender has....5 skills that shadowstep or are leaps (idk is the elite skill also shadowstep? It has 600 range but the description doesnt say anything about shadowstep and i dont have a guardian to test). 1 is even an ammo skill so you can cast it 2x (F2).

And thief...well I dont think I have to explain that.

Imo the mobility of thief/willbender is not comparable with the mobility of weaver.

However yes if you count all these together, weaver has a bit mobility, but...OP asked for both easy rotation and good mobility.
Willbender and Thief (Daredevil/Specter) are both as easy to play as the 30-31k dps Tempest/Weaver (ez rotation builds) while doing far more dps and far more mobility.

Maybe I would just suggest to mention this in your first comment in this topic, because they fit better in the aspects that OP wanted.

1 hour ago, AintGold.5128 said:

My bad, english is no my primarily langauge.

Maybe also my bad, also not my primarily language. Maybe I just read it wrong.

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3 hours ago, SeTect.5918 said:

Maybe I would just suggest to mention this in your first comment in this topic, because they fit better in the aspects that OP wanted.

Tho I mentioned willbender and specter in my first comment too, just at the end.

Also weaver water sword 2 seems to come in handy when you are out of stamina and need to evade something - since it have evade framerate

Edited by AintGold.5128
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17 minutes ago, AintGold.5128 said:

Tho I mentioned willbender and specter in my first comment too, just at the end.

Nono I mean that you could say that these fit the best in OPs aspects, but I just saw you actually did by saying that (s)he could just pick these if every skill should be shadowstep xD

19 minutes ago, AintGold.5128 said:

Also weaver water sword 2 seems to come in handy when you are out of stamina and need to evade something - since it have evade framerate

Its very situational. Its useless for dps (even dps decrease) and it goes backwards. - while most mobility skills deal damage and or gap closers.
You can always use guardian sword 2 or greatsword 3 or willbender f1-3 or weaver fire 2 and air 2 because they also deal good damage while water sword 2 is very situational because it decreases dps and goes backwards.

This is the problem that Catalyst hammer air 4 has atm. It shoots u backwards to the moon so its a massive dps loss because you have to run....600 units to the enemy again.

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  Another vote for Willbender; after the latest buffs is VERY strong in OW PvE with both hybrid (celestial) and condi based builds, and in PvP the power variants made good progress with marauder + divinity runes based stats.

   All those builds have good mobility and use fast hitting mele attacks, with plenty of damage and unexpected levels of HP for a class which is used to have to stay at 11K HP and have a very slow pace in exchange to deal big damage. Now you can stay above 21K HP, over 3K armor, move fast, do tons of bursty burns and still have decent crit chance and damage in PvE, while at PvP you have less armor and focus mostly in physical damage but still retaining a very dinamic gameplay.

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