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Perma kite, stealth, and evades


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Between trapper rune rangers, evade sigil mirage, and invis on dodge deadeye there are just too many builds that can lock in and endless 1v1 and still move quickly from point to point to force someone to try to contest them. 

Trapper runes should grant ss or stealth, not both, really should just be ss of course.

Energy sigil should grant vigor instead of endurance bar refill.

Invis on dodge trait has been boring as kitten since it was introduced, remove it and the forced root on deadeye nonsense so you can finally balance de properly.

Please for the love of god grant more reveal and cleanses in the game, these have been very lacking for many builds to have access to since the resist nerf that only made sense for wvw (where it was a godsend).

I'm sure I am bad and just need to l2p against incredibly fun matchups lol


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The worst part is that even builds that don't even use stealth still drag out fights with effective invulnerability via passive or instant blocks/blinds/teleports/"invuln"/evades/etc.  GW2 PvP isn't interactive; it's just two guys doing whatever their builds let them do until one of them runs out of buttons to press ala:

Stealth just makes it even more obvious that agency and creativity aren't really the driving factors in PvP--rock-paper-scissors build match-ups and patch notes are.

Edited by Swagg.9236
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16 hours ago, Rider.6024 said:

Invis on dodge trait has been boring as kitten since it was introduced, remove it and the forced root on deadeye nonsense so you can finally balance de properly.

This is so notsmart, it's actually just beautiful. It shows an immaculate, pristine mind thats not burdened by deep thought. Kneeling with the rifle is what gives deadeye 1500 range... what do you mean remove the forced root? Running around while kneeling, or just delete kneeling as a mechanic? They are both very... unburdened ideas. Certainly not limited by the crude constraints of this reality. So free, so beautiful.

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11 minutes ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

This is so notsmart, it's actually just beautiful. It shows an immaculate, pristine mind thats not burdened by deep thought. Kneeling with the rifle is what gives deadeye 1500 range... what do you mean remove the forced root? Running around while kneeling, or just delete kneeling as a mechanic? They are both very... unburdened ideas. Certainly not limited by the crude constraints of this reality. So free, so beautiful.

I'd rather delete DE from the game since it's toxic af, but if that bs has to stay I'd change it into "After 3s staying in a place without moving you automatically go into Kneel position IF in Combat. Any movement input will quit Kneel immediately." This would let DE have "5" skill do something. 
Again, I'd really delete that spec from the game, it's so kitten toxic...

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1 hour ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I'd rather delete DE from the game since it's toxic af, but if that bs has to stay I'd change it into "After 3s staying in a place without moving you automatically go into Kneel position IF in Combat. Any movement input will quit Kneel immediately." This would let DE have "5" skill do something. 
Again, I'd really delete that spec from the game, it's so kitten toxic...

PoF was a mistake. Pretty much all of it.

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6 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I'd rather delete DE from the game since it's toxic af, but if that bs has to stay I'd change it into "After 3s staying in a place without moving you automatically go into Kneel position IF in Combat. Any movement input will quit Kneel immediately." This would let DE have "5" skill do something. 
Again, I'd really delete that spec from the game, it's so kitten toxic...

I mean, whats the point in nerfing kneel when kneel is already worthless and the only thing you use rifle for is spamming skirmishers shot and trying to get (and fail to get) a DJ reset? I'd rather remove kneel entirely, rework DJ into something else, and make it focused on a mid-long range skirmisher rifle. Leave the killshot to Warriors, they can at least hit it sometimes.

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