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Jade tech offensive and defensive buffs

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That's such a huge power creep though. Contrary to EoD maps, Core Tyria maps weren't designed with players having all boons and +150 power and condition damage permanently on them.

Besides it also promotes a very gimmicky open-world gameplay of going back to EoD maps every 2-ish hours to stack the buffs again... If it's indeed intended, they could at least add some batteries and protocols around core Tyria and other non-EoD maps too. 🤔

Edited by Arckange.8251
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44 minutes ago, kenny.7236 said:

I was only expecting changes to EOD maps.

I very much expected the same. Making the buffs and battery charges persist across EoD open world maps and open world map instances was the QoL update a lot of us were asking for. Making them persist across every open world map though sounds like a very weird decision to me.

I hope they'll either go back and make them work only on EoD maps again, or at least make them easier to use outside of Cantha. Also it gets removed upon entering Mistlock (probably because it's considered an instance) but it sucks considering how other VIP pass areas which are in open world maps work fine with it.

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19 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

It's a power creep for sure, but It'll get me to visit cantha each day even when I don't want anything from it.

Yeah, they figured out one way to get us back there for sure, I wasn't ever going to re-visit the continent but now will just to roflstomp everything not on Cantha. Take that HoT! 
(Is quite insane solo play open world power creep though)(That also works for all of the games meta's) 

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This looks to me like they have replaced whoever was in charge and decided to make a 180° turn. Over years the focus was on limiting access to boons and balancing boon-distribution. EoD and what they do right now feels like they use scattergun tactics. As much as possible to everyone at once. All the support-professions that have been raised and established over the years slowly lose their unique purpose. 

What is the point of this? Reduce support in GW2 to heal-only? Because it requires less resources to maintain?

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The impact is that it makes bad builds less bad if their users bother to grab these.


Examples with completely made up numbers:

Adding 1,000 DPS to a build that does 1,000 DPS is a massive improvement.

Adding 1,000 DPS to a build that does 10,000 DPS is a much less significant improvement.

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This is just terrible in so many ways. Bad players will become even worse. Its like giving them training wheels a helmet, shoulder and knee pads and a diaper all at once. Everything besides the last meta is already too easy why make it easier, pushing one button a few times getting too hard for some players?

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