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Gw2 Pay to Win or Skill to Win, Core Buids Outdated.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

There are no core elites so nothing to make equal.

There must be a misunderstanding then, when you refer to elites, what I am reffering to is the Build's Strongest Skills, the core of the entire build, and yes I understand the new meta builds require more SP to unlock than core skills. But they should be just as strong. 

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3 minutes ago, RUB RUB RUB RUBZ.9136 said:

So you came here to shut my thread down, and call my comments names. Instead you are part of the problem and why this has never been fixed. I see you've made many posts, you must be a regular troll, or do you contribute to the benefit of the community in some manor? 

You're the one accusing ANet of selling victories.

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1 minute ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

What new "shift in policies"?

Anet has leaned far extreme left in the last 7 years, even more radical than when they first began gw2. I think its effected their judgement on running the game, and also how it mandates infractions on players. However they have been very kind to me over the years, and have gone from people I once hated to forgiving them for the harm they've done to their own community, and me as an individual.

But as for their builds are concerned, its just blatantly uneven. So much so its not even close. A core ranger build maxed out in DPS, and some sustainability has no chance with the new EOD Meta Ele, Necro, or some Rev Builds. I mean, even my ele, with max sustain, defense, Nomads, and evade will burn to death in seconds against the new ele builds. Its not core either but stands no chance. The only thing it can do is run. 

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4 minutes ago, RUB RUB RUB RUBZ.9136 said:

Anet has leaned far extreme left in the last 7 years, even more radical than when they first began gw2. I think its effected their judgement on running the game, and also how it mandates infractions on players. However they have been very kind to me over the years, and have gone from people I once hated to forgiving them for the harm they've done to their own community, and me as an individual.

But as for their builds are concerned, its just blatantly uneven. So much so its not even close. A core ranger build maxed out in DPS, and some sustainability has no chance with the new EOD Meta Ele, Necro, or some Rev Builds. I mean, even my ele, with max sustain, defense, Nomads, and evade will burn to death in seconds against the new ele builds. Its not core either but stands no chance. The only thing it can do is run. 

So you want evangelical Christian specializations?

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43 minutes ago, RUB RUB RUB RUBZ.9136 said:

Actually that is EXACTLY what I am accusing Anet of doing, 100% you deserve a metal. And they ARE, that is exactly what anet is doing and it needs to change NOW. 

Anet is selling expansions. WoW sells expansions too and you're more powerful if you buy those expansions. You even go up levels. Same with FFXIV. Same with the vast majority of MMOs. You simply don't know what pay to win means.

Pay to win is when you have to spend money continually in the cash shop to stay even with everyone else, or fall behind. Not buy expansions. Expansions are an expected part of every MMO, because no one is going to give you free content forever, not in an MMO. Eventually you're going to have to pay to get the game.

If anything, because the level cap is constant, Guild Wars 2 is less pay to win than other MMOs.

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Yeah, it's not only a clearly intentional pay to win setup to push you into buying xpacs, it also actively hurts the experience for a player newer to the game. Heck, it even hurts the experience for trying to learn a class on an alt. As in, you could have the xpacs and you still gotta play an inferior build while trying to get hero points for a better one. 😒

This fact alone has put me off of playing most of my alts, compared to other games where I would easily switch between them.

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Gw2 is buy to play. Free accounts are a taste and a demo of the game. It shouldn’t have as much content or feel as good as the paid game. It’s not free for gw2 to keep adding content and keep the server up. Simple as that. That’s not pay to win 

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Just now, Freya.9075 said:

Gw2 is buy to play. Free accounts are a taste and a demo of the game. It shouldn’t have as much content or feel as good as the paid game. It’s not free for gw2 to keep adding content and keep the server up. Simple as that. That’s not pay to win 

If it's balanced so the best spec comes from the latest expansion, that means you have to pay to compete. Not just once as buy to play would imply, but every time there is an xpac. So, pay to win.

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1 minute ago, Labjax.2465 said:

If it's balanced so the best spec comes from the latest expansion, that means you have to pay to compete. Not just once as buy to play would imply, but every time there is an xpac. So, pay to win.

But is it though? Are the new eod specs so much better then the other specs that you have to have eod to be able to win? If so I don’t see that at all

if you check metabattle most great and meta builds are infact not eod specs. Why is that? 

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Just now, Freya.9075 said:

But is it though? Are the new eod specs so much better then the other specs that you have to have eod to be able to win? If so I don’t see that at all

if you check metabattle most great and meta builds are infact not eod specs. Why is that? 

I don't know, that's why I emphasized if it's the case. What seems very clear though is that elite specs (xpac specs) are balanced to be better. Also, it's been so long I almost forgot and you seem to be forgetting too, that GW2 once was buy to play with no F2P option and once said they wouldn't do expansions too. So there can be players who *have* paid for the game, but don't own any of the expansions.

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1 hour ago, RUB RUB RUB RUBZ.9136 said:

Like I said to Mythical, the new content has to be equally as strong as older content. Not impossible so OP that they cant be beaten. Its gotten to a point now where newer content is too strong and pushes new players away from the game and they just quit entirely. The new story content will never lose its appeal and even if the EOD expansions didnt have new class builds I'd still pay $ for the content, but new builds are just TOO STRONG. Its gone past a point where new content can kill core players in 1 shot in wvw literally. Ive seen many 1 shotters without even trying on new players or core builds including mine. 

Sure, some of the new specs are very strong.  And yet, I use two specs on my guardian when I command in WvW.  One is a support Firebrand for when we're short of support.  The other is a core spec that I find easy to play, still offers a lot of support to the group, is tough and does good damage.  It's not a roaming build, but I'm not roaming, so....  I also see core specs from time to time, and while some are not competitive, that's been the case for a very long time.  I see a  lot of core necros in WvW to this day.


The problem of specs that are difficult to beat has been around far longer than XPac's.  Since I see a lot of players using new specs in WvW that are not hard to beat, I think I can state with certainty that skill in playing trumps specs, just like it always has.  While the amount of boons available in some of the new specs is a bit much, boon vomit has been a problem in the game for much longer than the XPac has been around.


There are enough tools in the game so that any build can be countered.  Right now, players are feeling their way into playing -- or fighting against -- the new specs, so uncertainty as to how to counter is an issue.  I remain cynical about builds that hit hard, have boons for days, and can disengage and escape at will, all in one package.  That isn't new, though.


Finally, one shots?  You're upset about one shots now?  Why weren't  you before, because one-shot takedown builds have been with the game since it started.

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13 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

If it's balanced so the best spec comes from the latest expansion, that means you have to pay to compete. Not just once as buy to play would imply, but every time there is an xpac. So, pay to win.

New elite specs are on par with some of the older elite specs. What OP wants is core to be equal to elite specs in power, which is not going to and should never happen.

Edited by Aravind.9610
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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I don't know, that's why I emphasized if it's the case. What seems very clear though is that elite specs (xpac specs) are balanced to be better. Also, it's been so long I almost forgot and you seem to be forgetting too, that GW2 once was buy to play with no F2P option and once said they wouldn't do expansions too. So there can be players who *have* paid for the game, but don't own any of the expansions.

I have not forgotten that it once was buy to play and no free accounts. It still doesn’t change that free accounts have less content cause they choose to not buy the game which costs money for anet to keep up. Why should they provide the same for free accounts as the players who support the game? It’s a taste of the game and if you really like it, it’s natural to support the creators by buying their product to get the full experience of it. Still doesn’t make it pay to win. It makes it pay to play 

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2 minutes ago, Aravind.9610 said:

New elite specs are on par with some of the older elite specs. What OP wants is core to be equal to elite specs in power, which is not going to and should never happen.

Why not? Cause you want Anet to make more money or something?

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Just now, Freya.9075 said:

I have not forgotten that it once was buy to play and no free accounts. It still doesn’t change that free accounts have less content cause they choose to not buy the game which costs money for anet to keep up. Why should they provide the same for free accounts as the players who support the game? It’s a taste of the game and if you really like it, it’s natural to support the creators by buying their product to get the full experience of it. Still doesn’t make it pay to win. It makes it pay to play 

You're not getting the point. You keep saying free accounts when there are people who can have only base specs, but still paid money, because of how the model used to be.

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Just now, Labjax.2465 said:

Why not? Cause you want Anet to make more money or something?

And what's wrong with Anet making money? Did you expect the game to give out free content for you? Try any other MMO you want and you will see they all do the same. It isn't pay to win.

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1 hour ago, RUB RUB RUB RUBZ.9136 said:

Ok yes you did have to "buy" the game first but yes it was F2P later. I was confused on what you meant. That was my mistake. 

Semantics. GW2 has never ever been a F2P game. It's always been B2P with Free Trial added later. NOT F2P.

There is no reason not to buy the expansions if you are still playing after the Free Trial. New specs are options, not pay to win.

Edited by phandaria.4891
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Just now, Aravind.9610 said:

And what's wrong with Anet making money? Did you expect the game to give out free content for you? Try any other MMO you want and you will see they all do the same. It isn't pay to win.

Lmao, "for you." Why do you people always go to assuming the person you're talking to wants handouts? It's like a clockwork countdown to when that rhetoric comes out and it makes it clear there's no point in talking to you further because you checked out of the conversation a while ago.

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2 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

You're not getting the point. You keep saying free accounts when there are people who can have only base specs, but still paid money, because of how the model used to be.

They have the game they paid for. That’s how expansions work. If you want that content you pay to play. You don’t have to have those specs to win. There are reliable core specs that also play good. Even metabattle has a dedicated page for core specs in all content except raids which they don’t have access to anyways. 

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13 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

If it's balanced so the best spec comes from the latest expansion, that means you have to pay to compete. Not just once as buy to play would imply, but every time there is an xpac. So, pay to win.

Then every MMO is pay to win since you go up levels is pretty much all the MMOs making you more powerful.  WoW is pay to win by your definition but no one calls WOW pay to win. Do you want to know why?

Because expansions were never factored into the pay to win equation ever. You're taking a term that had a meaning and trying to make it mean what the words mean exactly. So if you say a phone booth is out of order, what order is it supposed to be in? Should I move it there?  Terms made of multiple words are only literally translated at the peril of the translator.

Pay to win came out at a time when games allowed you to buy power in the cash shop and you had to keep paying money to the cash shop to continue to compete.  It was endless.  MMOs sell expansions because they provide new content.  It really is that simple. If you think expansions are pay to win, you weren't there when the word was first coined. And if every MMO is pay to win then there's no point in having the term at all.

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