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10 hours ago, Nata.9812 said:

I once read on map chat of Auric Basin that some players got suspended because they were trolling by putting merchants, portals, etc. over the chests (after meta is complete).

I don´t know if that is true, but would be nice.

Sadly an extremely common "prank" in Gw2, I doubt there's much Anet can do in terms of punishments to stop this behaviour outside of perma bans.. but that's hardly a punishment that fits the crime.

I've seen many people simply ask that certain mechanics get disabled within a radius of a chest etc.

That's probably a better alternative though it would take some work to implement such a thing.

12 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

But that's the problem.  I *used* to see this result in temporary account suspensions.  Now, people can repeatedly bomb map chats for DAYS with gamer words and not even get suspended, even with reports by at least me.

You lost me on "gamer words".. I am not sure what kind of language you are referring to with that descriptor.

Suffice to say though if people are using extreme language especially derogatory, racist and abusive language then I've no doubt they will be punished for it.

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The term "Gamer Word" stems from gamers initially trying to downplay the use of hate speech in online video games. It was an attempt to minimize the impact of terms like ni****, re**** and fa**** as "just things gamers say when they are heated up."
The meaning eventually evolved into it's current use that includes many common curse words that are generally filtered in online games and often the cause for account related action such as suspension/ban.
Current meaning:
Gamer Word=Swear Word/Hate Speech

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1 hour ago, Dravvi.3146 said:

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten - Yep seems to work here.

I’m going to assume that you’re intentionally trying to meme, that you had read my entire post and saw the word “bypass”, and that you understand what bypass means. 

Edited by mythical.6315
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5 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

The term "Gamer Word" stems from gamers initially trying to downplay the use of hate speech in online video games. It was an attempt to minimize the impact of terms as "just things gamers say when they are heated up."
The meaning eventually evolved into it's current use that includes many common curse words that are generally filtered in online games and often the cause for account related action such as suspension/ban.
Current meaning:
Gamer Word=Swear Word/Hate Speech

I see, that's what you meant.
So basically it's just common abusive language that has existed for a very long time.. most of those words you used have been around for centuries I think.. or at least a century.

I can't say I care for the term "gamer word", it implies a link between this kind of behaviour and gamers and promotes unfair and false stigmas on what is one of the biggest communities on earth these days.

The vast majority of gamers do not behave like that.


Gamers have constantly been branded and attacked with stigmas and accusations like that over the decades, and the gaming hobby and culture has always been unfairly scapegoated and blamed for the awful behaviour of individuals, not to mention horrific crimes in worst cases.

Games are not and never have been responsible for such behaviour, the blame always lies with the individuals.. and perhaps sometimes their parents as well.

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2 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

I see, that's what you meant.
So basically it's just common abusive language that has existed for a very long time.. most of those words you used have been around for centuries I think.. or at least a century.

I can't say I care for the term "gamer word", it implies a link between this kind of behaviour and gamers and promotes unfair and false stigmas on what is one of the biggest communities on earth these days.

The vast majority of gamers do not behave like that.


Gamers have constantly been branded and attacked with stigmas and accusations like that over the decades, and the gaming hobby and culture has always been unfairly scapegoated and blamed for the awful behaviour of individuals, not to mention horrific crimes in worst cases.

Games are not and never have been responsible for such behaviour, the blame always lies with the individuals.. and perhaps sometimes their parents as well.

Cool soapbox.

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