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Listing Warrior's pvp problems


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Just now, Pati.2438 said:

@anjo.6143 you are not wrong tho the only  problem is still you cant kill other classes fast enough..... even when they fail to dodge every single skill. Most of the time it ends like this: you won that 1v1 against enemy on lets say far node but you need that long for the kill that the enemy get allready a plus or one enemy run into you after you kill him and now your mostly death cause of no cooldown left. I rly wish anet would give us warr Mains at least some damage buffs to our weaponskills.

As a sidenoder, you are not correct in try to kill other class fast enough. Your primary objective is hold 2+ players on you, so your team can outnumber the enemy at the other 2 nodes and warriors have more than enough resources to do that.

So you duel on side nodes (cause mid one is where the teamfights happens most), trying to kill the enemy, but there you will not spend all resources like a crazy trying to get the kill, instead you will try at max to hold the node at least neutral.

1) If you hold neutral, you are doing your job.
2) If you can cap the node while you are dueling, your are doing your job really good.
3) If you kill the enemy, your did perfectly.


   → If your team lose on the others node and you get plussed, give up the node, kite and stay alive while you hold enemys busy with you.

If you are doing your job and your team keep losing on the rest of the map, you will keep geting 1vsX and eventually dying. But the problem there isnt your class.


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When did I ever say that Necro and Guard arent low skill floor with high ceilings? Of course they are. They should have been nerfed years ago, their core traitlines on top of their especs. They probably dont do any of that because they want to make PvP as accessible as possible for even the most mechanically unskilled player, yes the kind of player that keyboard turns their character and clicks their skills.

Edited by XxsdgxX.8109
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4 hours ago, Damocles.4908 said:

Just purely for my own interest, what weapons and traits are warriors mostly running? and are those who have their own custom builds. are you also struggling in PVP (I am not saying that you have to win every fight but atleast do good)?

picking anything other then bladesworn right now is a throw and bladesworn isn't so great either, it does not fit in the current burst meta. not like any warrior ever did great in burst meta to begin with

Edited by Lighter.5631
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On 5/25/2022 at 12:57 PM, Pati.2438 said:

@anjo.6143 if its so. Then anet need to make warr more bunker since: 

1. Ever half good play could allready kill a warr in 1v1

2. Get a plus from other classes means an instantly death for like 90% of the time


I totally disagree with your 2 statements and I think war has all resources to do the job really good

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@anjo.6143 then what is you normal rank in pvp? cause the only sides where warr is actually at least a bit good is just bronze/silver/gold maybe also low plat but everything more is where you need help peops if it come to a more than 1v1 scenario. Heck even in 1v1 you need help sometimes cause the class simply out dps/tank ya ezily ^^

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1 minute ago, Pati.2438 said:

@anjo.6143 then what is you normal rank in pvp? cause the only sides where warr is actually at least a bit good is just bronze/silver/gold maybe also low plat but everything more is where you need help peops if it come to a more than 1v1 scenario. Heck even in 1v1 you need help sometimes cause the class simply out dps/tank ya ezily ^^


So, you are saying that war has the resources, but it depends on how good(rating) is the person playing with it? 


For instance, you can watch boyce vods playing or vaans on NA

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@anjo.6143 No i would be more like warr would have the ressources but was back then in febr patch the by far hardest nerfed class. (most classes get like 33% nerf to everything while warr got that too but even more cause of its selfheal comb traits (all nerfed for about 33%+ and its burst combs seen a nerf for about 66% cause ccs damage was a big need for its damage).


Also all i see is Vaans playing bladesworn in pvp as well as boyce since its heal shoutspam is ways too good (for real 500k heal per match on zerker amulett .... omegalul) but well even vaans is playing other classes now besides warr cause its actuall state is this bad and boyce play more ranger than warr now well simply cause only bladesworn is rly okayish (as said cause of healshout carry) also there is a reason why every warr main ik know would always prefer every other spec over bladesworn right?

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1 minute ago, Pati.2438 said:

@anjo.6143 No i would be more like warr would have the ressources but was back then in febr patch the by far hardest nerfed class. (most classes get like 33% nerf to everything while warr got that too but even more cause of its selfheal comb traits (all nerfed for about 33%+ and its burst combs seen a nerf for about 66% cause ccs damage was a big need for its damage).


Also all i see is Vaans playing bladesworn in pvp as well as boyce since its heal shoutspam is ways too good (for real 500k heal per match on zerker amulett .... omegalul) but well even vaans is playing other classes now besides warr cause its actuall state is this bad and boyce play more ranger than warr now well simply cause only bladesworn is rly okayish (as said cause of healshout carry) also there is a reason why every warr main ik know would always prefer every other spec over bladesworn right?

 War is good for the class purpose, not op, just normal. 


And ranked meta nowadays rely on dmg, so sidenoders doesnt have a peaceful time.


You win more playing dps, since even if you can hold 2 opponents for 5min and yet yoi can have bad teamates losing the whole map

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@anjo.6143 okay so if warrior is good. Why no one plays it then? why did you dont see it in AT?


I mean you said "Warrior is good cause it could hold 1vx" meanwhile it cant. It can only hold thos things against rly bad players. It could even barely while it is obviosly a side noder. What is the point of a side noder if he cant even do its one job.

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Warrior needs it own identify within heavy class. Guardian mitigation is mainly blocking or blinding, rev about evade. Warrior need it own unique absorption facetank mechanic which in turn would buff the warrior itself - the case of hit me and ima slap you 2x harder theme. Generally warrior is a class they should focus the most rn, put resources into reworking it instead of tweaking some numbers cause lots of their skills are simply outdated and lag way behind against stuff from everyone else where you can attack and evade at literally same time.

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