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On 5/28/2022 at 12:50 PM, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

I hope when LWS7 comes out they release a few more EoD pets, such as a non-ranged juvenile giant turtle (so we don't have to deal with the crap that comes from a ranged pet with a bubble F2 that doesn't follow it) and an actual Rainbow Phoenix like in GW1. I didn't even play GW1 and feel like the phoenix is a bit lame compared to GW1's.

They've already released their GW2 version of the rainbow phoenix.  They won't go back and add another (or re-do it).

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On 5/24/2022 at 4:15 PM, Bastrii.3047 said:

What's wrong with the Ranger profession? (Besides the fact that longbows are terrible, as per usual with all longbow based builds.)

Aside from everything? I mean outside from the roleplaying flavor the class mechanically is very outdated and flawed, already was when the game came up in 2012,  with the pet AIs being very unreliable, very clunky Pet management, skillset and effects with a very narrowed design when the game is going in the opposite direction, non-functional effects on pets,  bugged traits and skills, underwhelming elites. 

Does Druid still has some playing time in raids/strikes? I haven't seen a ranger in streams for ages. In PvP I guess hasn't changed much, still playable but not meta and you have much better choices in general for a 5v5. In WvW is straight up not wanted. 


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38 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Aside from everything? I mean outside from the roleplaying flavor the class mechanically is very outdated and flawed, already was when the game came up in 2012,  with the pet AIs being very unreliable, very clunky Pet management, skillset and effects with a very narrowed design when the game is going in the opposite direction, non-functional effects on pets,  bugged traits and skills, underwhelming elites. 

Does Druid still has some playing time in raids/strikes? I haven't seen a ranger in streams for ages. In PvP I guess hasn't changed much, still playable but not meta and you have much better choices in general for a 5v5. In WvW is straight up not wanted. 


I wish they would rework Ranger, because I notice just how terrible Ranger is as a whole compared to certain other classes.

All of Ranger's toolkit is poorly written. Soulbeast, for example, has baked in power buffs - but daggers are a condi weapon, they're slow, they deal poor damage, and their combo makes 0 sense. They also have no way to evade damage besides, maybe, a small evasion. Offhand dagger is terrible. Mainhand axe is terrible. Offhand axe is okay in fractals and raids, where a meat target will stand still for a burst.


Longbow is by far the most laughable form of ranged dps in the game. It's written to be the longest range of dps possible, yet its base kit doesn't fit it at all. At 1500 range, you don't need stealth. Nothing can hit you. So it's an emergency button? Well, no - because often times the shot will flat out miss, be blocked, or be evaded. So it's a wasted slot. It has one knockdown for around... 1.5 seconds, and it feels strong, but in pvp, it hits for 9 damage on a crit. It's deplorable. It's "burst" attack hits... let's just say, *not very hard*. The cooldowns on longbow are also horrible. It's supposed to be the bread and butter power weapon, but its damage in all respects is far worse than Dragonhunter's in pvp. The only thing it has is a hard cast area control that is, for the most part, ignored in pvp. Want to throw it down? Stunned, dazed, knocked down. Actually do so? You hit for one tick of 300 damage before the entire enemy team flees. You're better off just holding auto attack for damage, with the max damage buffs you can get. But even then, if you hit 1,000 damage a pop on every single crit, it would take 12 seconds to down a single person standing still at max range. That's if they have 16k HP, which is no vit on an adventurer, or +5k hp on something like a mesmer.


The only thing good that Ranger actually has in PvP is greatsword. And not everyone wants to run Greatsword Ranger. And the pets... *sigh.* The AI is trash. It is. My pet will vanish, teleport, miss every single attack that isn't instant - and it will die in two seconds in pvp. It's... depressing. It really is. No wonder everyone runs soulbeast for everything. Druid has nothing, and I want to play druid. But everytime I do, I get stomped in pretty much every category. Buffs? No - Guardian does it better. Damage? Any class out DPSs a druid. Heals? Again, Guardian.


I guess I'll just focus on my guardian until Ranger gets a rework. I still want a deer pet. I do. But playing PvP has left me rather depressed, when I just get curb stomped endlessly - even when I run my build pretty kitten well.

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Aside from everything? I mean outside from the roleplaying flavor the class mechanically is very outdated and flawed, already was when the game came up in 2012,  with the pet AIs being very unreliable, very clunky Pet management, skillset and effects with a very narrowed design when the game is going in the opposite direction, non-functional effects on pets,  bugged traits and skills, underwhelming elites. 

Does Druid still has some playing time in raids/strikes? I haven't seen a ranger in streams for ages. In PvP I guess hasn't changed much, still playable but not meta and you have much better choices in general for a 5v5. In WvW is straight up not wanted. 


Druid does still see some play, and despite that it's going to be nerfed june 28th via spirit changes it'll probably still be pretty strong (especially if frost spirit pumps out might and can give 25 might on its own with boon gear- druid could take natural light and be amazing at healing). But other than that Druid sees no play because the energy system is kind of outdated, meaning every useful support quality is locked behind a system that doesn't work out half the time.

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Bumping this because deer deserve to fight for Tyria, too! Not just spiders, bears, wolves, smokescales, phoenixes, cats, a common farm pig (why is this a pet and not a deer - we even have a deer rank in PvP! This makes too much sense not to have as a pet!) a slew of crocodiles ("drakes"), a floating plant thing, five different moas, jellyfish, sharks... but apparently, not deer. Which would be a great pet for charges and stun. Or even a support pet, like the Fern Hound! Deer are often seen as symbols of nature, good luck, gentleness, and awareness. Maybe give it a pulse of stability for several seconds to you and all allies around it, while also instantly dashing at your target and knocking them down? Because Gazelle misses every single attack it has as it is.

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On 5/24/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bastrii.3047 said:

I think it'd be cooler to have skins for pets, that way it's just more content to collect the pets that fit your vanity for Rangers.

Yes I've also thought about this for a long time as well.


Anet could drastically cut down the amount of pets if they replaced the individual pet creatures with species categories instead, which would also allow for drastically expanding the diversity of skins as well.


For example instead of 8 different Cat pets we would simply have a Feline category.

So we would pick Feline, and after that we would pick a skin from the list of cats we have unlocked/tamed.

Then we would pick which of the 8 Feline F2 skills we wanted and which Archetype we wanted.

This would allow us to have a Ferocious White Tiger with Mighty Roar if we wanted, rather than being forced to take a Stout White Tiger with Guardians Roar.


We could then either tame or buy pet packs in the gem store which would add a few more feline skins which already exist in game to the list such as the Alpine Stalker, Fire Stalker, Earthen Stalker and Sand Lioness.
Without having to add more skills and abilities to the mix and bloating the pet list with more cat clones which only have very slight differences.


You could do this with almost every pet type in the game.
Canines, Drakes, Sharks, Moa Birds, Devourers, Jellyfish, Spider, Wyvern, Birds, Pigs and Bears.
While the singular categories like Smokescales, Iboga's, Jacaranda's etc remain as they are and simply get more skin options added.

It would cut down the current 59 individual pets to 21 species/family categories while also allowing more skin diversity to be added to expand the amount of pets the Ranger can have in total.

Plus it opens the doors for more species to become pet candidates down the road.
For example, Raptors, Skales and Skelks have long been on my pet wishlist since as far back as Gw1 XD
Not to mention some Gw1 pet species that never made it into Gw2 could finally make it into GW2 as new pets such as the Dune Lizard, Crocodiles, The Lurker Crabs, Rollar Beetles and Giant Rats.

Edited by Teratus.2859
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/31/2022 at 3:32 PM, Teratus.2859 said:

Yes I've also thought about this for a long time as well.


Anet could drastically cut down the amount of pets if they replaced the individual pet creatures with species categories instead, which would also allow for drastically expanding the diversity of skins as well.


For example instead of 8 different Cat pets we would simply have a Feline category.

So we would pick Feline, and after that we would pick a skin from the list of cats we have unlocked/tamed.

Then we would pick which of the 8 Feline F2 skills we wanted and which Archetype we wanted.

This would allow us to have a Ferocious White Tiger with Mighty Roar if we wanted, rather than being forced to take a Stout White Tiger with Guardians Roar.


We could then either tame or buy pet packs in the gem store which would add a few more feline skins which already exist in game to the list such as the Alpine Stalker, Fire Stalker, Earthen Stalker and Sand Lioness.
Without having to add more skills and abilities to the mix and bloating the pet list with more cat clones which only have very slight differences.


You could do this with almost every pet type in the game.
Canines, Drakes, Sharks, Moa Birds, Devourers, Jellyfish, Spider, Wyvern, Birds, Pigs and Bears.
While the singular categories like Smokescales, Iboga's, Jacaranda's etc remain as they are and simply get more skin options added.

It would cut down the current 59 individual pets to 21 species/family categories while also allowing more skin diversity to be added to expand the amount of pets the Ranger can have in total.

Plus it opens the doors for more species to become pet candidates down the road.
For example, Raptors, Skales and Skelks have long been on my pet wishlist since as far back as Gw1 XD
Not to mention some Gw1 pet species that never made it into Gw2 could finally make it into GW2 as new pets such as the Dune Lizard, Crocodiles, The Lurker Crabs, Rollar Beetles and Giant Rats.

A Reef Drake with the poison breath would be ace. A raptor as a variant type of a drake would also be spectacular.


I wouldn't be surprised if ArenaNet speculated on similar ideas themselves since pets and mounts are closely related concepts.

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