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The Mysterious Skeletons (Possible Spoilers)


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Oh I'm actually a better prophet than Glint, I had predicted this is going to happen.Let's start from the beginning, why was PoF story so much better than what we got in HoT and LW episodes?Because the Elder Dragons don't work well as antagonists, everyone talks about them but you don't really ever see them except the very ending.And since they are so gigantic it's hard to create a properly working 1 vs 1 battle with them, hence both fights with Zhaitan and Mordremoth were a disappointment, while for Primordus and Jormag the fight was skipped altogether.So instead we got a God i.e. Balthazar who for plot convenience turned evil. His power is comparable to an Elder Dragon, but the difference is that unlike Elder Dragons he is an antagonist we can meet more than just during the final battle and since he is compact size we can have a proper 1 on 1 fight with him. Which is why unlike with the previous 2 main antagonists the final battle with Balthazar was satisfying and quite epic.Where am I going with this? It's simple, the next antagonist is going to be "compact" too. And I could only think of 1 guy that fits the shoes and these Mysterious Skeletons appear to confirm my predictions. Notice that they appear in 2 places Godslost Swamp and Reaper's Gate which both have strong connections to Grenth and the Underworld.Story short it's HIM! Death Inevitable, Emperor of Oblivion, Master of Nothingness, The Ender of All, The Final Death, The Final Judge, The Mouth at the Edge of Darkness, The Voice in the Void, THE OMEGA DEATH! No it's not Grenth who we will be fighting next but his predecessor DHUUM!These Mysterious Skeletons are Skeletons of Dhuum, back in GW1 they also preceded his return. And he is back again and unlike Balthazar he cannot be killed because like he once said himself "Death Cannot Die" so he is going to be a tough cookie, not to mention we will not have the 7 Reapers to help us put him back into slumber again.But how is he back? Well you have seen what had happened to Kormir's Library soon after she left, it started to fall apart, then imagine the current state of the Hall of Judgement where he was imprisoned now that Grenth is gone.I had predicted the seals put on him by Grenth must have weakened without him, not to mention Dhuum grows stronger with every death.So as it is it seems I was right all along, so get ready to meet the new antagonist of LW4 and/or 3rd expansion.And Dhumm will probably have a grudge on the Commander from the start, as he hates everything that lives after death like the undead, so he will have a bone to pick with the Commander for coming back to life during PoF story.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:This doesn't make sense. The end of PoF focuses on finding the balance in nature while dealing with Kral as an active threat. What would be the purpose of introducing a new antagonist? And after we beat him, then what? How does this event add to the story? I personally don't like another Scarlet fiasco.

I don't know about that. Resurrecting Lazarus doesn't make any sense, neither is Balthazar's return, but anet will find a way to explain it.

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Interesting theory, although it's worth mentioning that the human gods are no where near as strong as the Elder Dragons as stated by Koromir. Elder Dragons consume magic, human gods are magical beings. Do the math. The only way they could win is if they use the dragons weakness against them, but otherwise I don't see how they could stand up to the dragons without being devoured.

I do agree that in certain aspects, having a more human opponent to fight makes for a better story, even if I loved HoT story. Balthazar was fun to fight, had good but misguided motivations and he used sabotage and deception to get at the elder dragons rather then try using his own power. Dhumm will be interesting if all this plays out true!

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@extremexhero.9178 said:If that is true then he won't be happy about all the ghosts in Ascalon, possibly cleansing the foe fire. That would free up the Charr legions, could lead to something there.

Which leads to the Legions stabbing everyone in the back with a full on military invasion. Because what else are they going to do with the extra troops? Throw them at the Dragons they aren't supposed to kill?

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