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LFG ideas

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I'd be ok with rearranging the tabs, it doesn't matter much to me what order they're in. But I don't think it would be practical to add filters for "roles" because those are entirely player defined and so change frequently as the meta shifts. They're often different between different events and areas of the game as well. Right now alacrity and quickness are popular requests for some meta events, that hasn't always been the case and probably won't be at some point in future. I doubt Anet would be willing to keep changing the available filters based on what's currently popular with players, but if they don't it will likely lead to out-dated and nonsensical requests in future. (There were times for example when the most important filters would have been for no magic find on equipment, or all beserker stats, or specific combinations of conditions.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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The changes I would want is that there is a separate button in the main bar (like for wvw, pvp, tp, etc.) so you can access the LFG with one click and that it doesn't default back to all sections being closed but rather go back to what I had opened before. For some activities, like Dungeons, I don't always see a group there and I do want to check back a few more times before I give up. So a one-click solution for that would be great imo.

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Having the roles there doesn't really make sense in the world where so many ppl jump in with multiclass experience.
Especially for the content where it matters like raids/strikes and fractals.

All we need there is ppl able to read lfg post and squad message. It it slightly infuriating when someone joins/leaves without saying their role/-s.

I am all for clean-up of tabs in there. I fear that with couple more LS and xpacks, we might need a map to get to the content we want.

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

But I don't think it would be practical to add filters for "roles" because those are entirely player defined and so change frequently as the meta shifts.

I just add it as a filter, like you can write "alac" in the filter too, it's just to find groups that need your role faster than write it.
But i didn't mind the meta rotation and it can delete the importance of this idea. I just think anet like the idea to get alac, quick in each group with dps and healer and stay with it as a trinity. So if they focus to stay with it, maybe this can be a nice add to filter every raids/fractals to find a group faster.


4 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

The LFG for current map would be a nice addition. It should not replace the LFG for specific maps.

It doesn't, i show in the first screen a tab with every map + a search bar where you can easily type a name like "tarrir" and find the lfg for it.

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I like it.

I dont think we will ever get the option to join specific map instance like this. I think they want to populate them evenly and dont want excessive instance hoping.

Also I would like to open several tabs at once. Like select click them on the left and they just stack on the right. And then save layout preset. And that preset just appears in the bottom of leftmost list. And it doesn't cost 400 gems. Whoa magic.

And yes yes, a direct icon to lfg. Not hidden like they are ashamed of it (they could be though). And a direct key bind shortcut. 

Also. Join your group instance from anywhere in the OW. Works for fractals, raids, strikes, dungeons. Can cost 3 silver if they want to keep the gold sink.

Edited by Cuks.8241
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3 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I dont think we will ever get the option to join specific map instance like this. I think they want to populate them evenly and dont want excessive instance hoping.

But you can already do that, and it's one of the main reasons to join a group for open-world events. At the moment it's done by joining a group, right clicking someone and picking 'join in...' and if I've understood correctly this would just add another way to do that, rather than any new function.

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I really appreciate your ideas OP.  I would like to see LFG as its own little icon so I can go directly to it.  The layout is nice with it side by side.  I like some filters, maybe not for what roles but I could see the use in instanced content.  

I don't find it difficult to find anything in LFG but it might make it easier for people to have something a little more streamlined like this.  Especially for festivals, since they seem to be all over the place instead of neatly grouped up each time since people apparently don't scroll that far.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

But you can already do that, and it's one of the main reasons to join a group for open-world events. At the moment it's done by joining a group, right clicking someone and picking 'join in...' and if I've understood correctly this would just add another way to do that, rather than any new function.

Yes you can. But its limited to joining a squad member. If you would have insight and access to all instances players or full squads could freely hop instances looking for a specific spawn or maximise the farming or avoid certain players or groups and so on. You can do that to some extent with parking alt accounts in different instances but its still limited and kinda random. 

I think they want instances to populate as organic as possible. Sometimes you get to a fuller map, sometimes you dont and they can keep population spread out (outside of specific events). Otherwise players might just gravitate to fuller maps and others would be stuck on empty maps. 

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