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How do people judge builds?

Grand Marshal.4098

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I have been hearing lately a  lot of incoherent bs about every build in the game being described as a "one-trick pony".

Okay fine, those sure exist but are you seriously trying to claim that condi mesmer is a "one-trick pony" or similar builds.

So have we reached a point where perfectly tanky builds wiht built-in sustain (mostly condi) are regarded as one-trick ponies because maybe 1 condition is their main means of dmg while the other 20 don't seem to scale with condi dmg ig? /s

What is Gunflame or Trapper DH supposed to be then? How do people seriously say such things and evaluate builds like that? To make it believable that the build is very bad and needs buffs? Idk.

We are in an age of the game where Necromancers can escape zergs, Mesmers oneshot you from 1200 range in stealth and thieves can tank dmg with no dodges, so go figure I suppose. 

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I think with condi mesmer the implication is more that they're trying to get you to play their game, and if you play their game, you'll probably lose, but if you don't play their game, they just sorta sit there like a lump. (This may not be a 100% accurate assessment of the build itself, of course.)

You could say the same about, like, the super-tank builds that spend 20 minutes trying to get you to chase them up a cliff so they can spam fear/knockback to kill you with fall damage — they're trying to pull you into their element, where they have a major advantage, and their strategy outside that is to survive and showboat for attention but they can't do much beyond that.

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I assume we're talking about condi virtuoso, which seems pretty bad except for the 1-button 1200 range 20+ confusion stack resulting from ANet's odd design decisions taking a class with traits designed for 3 illusions and giving the new elite 5 illusions?  That is pretty much the definition of 1-trick pony, isn't it?  Avoid it and you probably win, get hit by it and you probably lose.

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On 6/1/2022 at 2:30 PM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I have been hearing lately a  lot of incoherent bs about every build in the game being described as a "one-trick pony".

Okay fine, those sure exist but are you seriously trying to claim that condi mesmer is a "one-trick pony" or similar builds.

So have we reached a point where perfectly tanky builds wiht built-in sustain (mostly condi) are regarded as one-trick ponies because maybe 1 condition is their main means of dmg while the other 20 don't seem to scale with condi dmg ig? /s

What is Gunflame or Trapper DH supposed to be then? How do people seriously say such things and evaluate builds like that? To make it believable that the build is very bad and needs buffs? Idk.

We are in an age of the game where Necromancers can escape zergs, Mesmers oneshot you from 1200 range in stealth and thieves can tank dmg with no dodges, so go figure I suppose. 

well first id exclude those open world players that use builds only usefull in pve for playing solo, why? cause in open world you can go however you want and still do all the content with help of the other 10 players you have near you.

That said builds diferenciate between game modes, a pve raid, fract or strike build snt the same as wvw or pvp.

for raid you have just 10 people, the boss has tons of health, has mecanics that hit hard and usually a timer of around 10 min to do the boss, that forces people to specialize a lot, a dps needs to focus on dps and nothing more, a healer heals and usually gives boons because harrier stats and healer usefull skills make it posible, as for tanks they are usually suports too because they dont need that much thoughness either, all this makes builds more tanky or sustainable less viable, if everyone has similar thoughness its dificult to manipulate boss agro as desired and having specialized healers make it so dps with sustain deal less dmg with no real advantage.

moreso certain builds can realy be good on certain strategies, a scourge healer is great for new groups or to make sure people survive the bosses, that said those groups then have to change a bit to make space for this builds, sometimes its easier to just say 2 alacs 2 quickheal 6dps and get it done  XD

for wvw and pvp i cant say much but at least i know you need more sustain than in pve.

wvw is usually zerg fights, 20vs 20 or so, that means more focused burst dmg and being all players everyone is in more risk, so any stability, projectile block pulls, corrupts etc are very valuable and so you need more life to survive. More than that id say ask some main wvw players.

for pvp is 5vs5 so pretty much duelings and builds that make it possible to defend a point till your alies arrive or builds so you can kill people and capture points.


Once all this said people usually rage when you say, this class needs a buff on this raid build, or that class already has this other build so we dont need what you say.

If you want something you can ask for it but please at least be sensible, if a class has a great condi elite with wich you can already make a hibrid, or a build is great in wvw only, dont say that class doesnt need a power elite on pve content, maybe you dont need it but surely some else does, same with asking things you already have.

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