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Possible Queue "fix"... (brought to you by the letter 3 and the number Z)

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First I want to thank all the people who have been hard at work trying to resolve the varied issues with WvW and the queue. Hopefully, this is an idea to come at the problem from a slightly different angle. (I have to type fast before all the blood rushes to my head.. )


During almost every day during the week I can almost always get into WvW, except Friday nights.  This means that the queue is the most problematic on those Friday nights. Here are some things to note.

1. It's Friday. The one day people are most likely to be free to play. This means more than normal are looking to see some WvW action.

2. It's reset night, the one night everyone is kicked out of WvW and twice as many want back in. Now we have a really large group of people trying to get through a very small door.


 I'm wondering if it might not alleviate the queue issues by simply moving reset to Thursday nights. (or any other night) This would leave the WvW maps already up and going by Friday night and give people more freedom to play on the one night most people want to play.  While there still might be a queue, I feel it might be a more friendlier and fuzzier queue. Maybe even a queue you might wanna take home and show your parents. 🙂


I'm thinking that maybe it would be more like people would trickle in on Friday nights instead of a massive queue and Thursday nights probably won't have as many people available to play. It might balance things out a little more.  Or you could figure out a way to bend space and time and start putting server duplicates in pocket dimensions...





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Got to love how the population of WvW is a problem.

Moving reset to thursday on the basis that "there is queues on friday" is, to be honest, one of the most ridiculous ideas I've seen on the forum. And given everything seen on the forum that's saying ALOT. The idea fall on the simplest of sanity checks: what if there are queues on thursday?

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I had other ideas that I tossed out.  Apparently chocolate covered nuts aren't good for squirrels and so motivating them to run faster and give servers more power didn't work.

Guild maps for guild groups I tossed out too. I didn't think someone would want to stand around and figure out how to create a map just for group play.

Apparently the developers don't know how to bend space and time so a whole bunch of ideas had to be tossed out there too.


The premise here is that because it's a weekday, fewer people are going to be available to play then would be on Friday. Yes, people want to play because it's reset night. People also want to play because it's the start of a weekend after a long day of work. I'm working from the theory that fewer people are available on Thursday's  and so the "reset queue"  might be a bit smaller. The reality is that, yes, it would be nice for more people to be able to play and yes, it would be nice if there were more maps or better servers, or any number of things that could fix it.  I was just looking at it as a way to MAYBE alleviate some of the queue issues as well as provide a way to play on the weekend without having to deal with a "reset queue".  Although doing it earlier in the day might work too. 

IF, you were to reset everything at say  6 or 7 EST Thursday. It would still give people time to try and play on Thursday's for reset and because it's earlier, there's still time to get in some game play before heading to bed.  Then when Friday rolls around, the only time there might be a larger queue, is later in the evening as we get closer to the time people typically play on the weekends.  Yea, some people wouldn't be happy about that but people aren't happy about a month or more going by and not being able to get into play on ANY reset night or ANY Friday night.  People wanna hang out with friends and play and I just thought it would make it easier to do that in WvW on Friday's.


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