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Recommend GPU (AMD or NVIDIA) for WVW


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Decided to get a new video card.

Stuck on deciding 6600 XT, 6700 XT and 3060 TI

I been also living in the past with a 720p monitor(ugh) - next upgrade


Anyone have either of these cards running WVW at max settings on:

1440 p * most desired

1080 p 


Is there a difference in quality, FSR, Ray Tracing or Performance?

Could not find anything on youtube comparing the cards playing GW2.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.




PSA - clean the dust from your video card, I neglected mine it's gone to hardware heaven. 

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i am using a gtx 1060.... Cheap, runs quite, runs on low temperature, never had a GPU related crash. I can run Medium shaders, the rest High to medium in WvW at 80+ Frames. With dx912 Addon i have around 30-40 fps in large Zerg fights, which is more than enough for me. (I think the limiting factor in my pc is the CPU in Zergfights, because my GPU is not hitting max usage during those)

a GTX1050 ti should also seal the deal... they cost like 250€ on Amazon. If you have the spare money go for 1060 or above. they sit at something like 320€ currently.

i would not recommend getting a AMD right now. They cost less to begin with, but they on average run on a higher temperature. This leads to the card running at higher fanspeeds, which is louder, and they use more energy. With the energy prices currently... The money that you saved on the AMD card, will be thrown out of the window after a week of playing with said AMD card. The newer AMD cards dont suffer from this as much.. but they cost ALOT. and basicly all you need is a 300 bucks GPU for gw2 and you will be fine.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Old 5700 xt run game ok if you use dx11. Average fps in last +1000 hours is about 90. I have gshade on (sharppening, colorfulness and basic stuff on), max character limit, high settings, shadows low, postprosessing off and so on.  I don't really think that gpu really matter that much. Fps is low in big fights no matter what gpu you have.

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53 minutes ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

I would say that your CPU is a lot more a limitation than your GPU as far as graphic performances goes on GW2, specially in wvw.

while you are right with what you are saying, i just want to point out that i am playing with a CPU that i build into my pc 14 Years ago. It was one of the first  i5 that was released..and it pretty dated by now. I was not getting good FPS in gw2. but when i upgraded to my GTX 1060, the performance skyrocketed.

in other words: a 14 Years old i5 and a semigood GPU is all you need. i can not complain about performance issues. using dx912 addon helps immensly!

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Yes, but that's because you had a very old CPU and a very old GPU, so if you upgrade it to a far more recent (and powerful) GPU you will have a huge increase in performances. But if instead of upgrading your GPU you had upgraded your CPU to the same generation as your current GPU, you would have had an even higher performance increase.
For many games, CPU > GPU for the same gen components.

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well not true kinda... gw2 uses a old engine. It doesnt even fully use all cores of your cpu. Newer cpus just spam more cores... when in reality you need a few, good cores. i think it uses.... 4?  someone correct me please.

i am rocking 80+ fps... when i had under 40 previously...  NO WAY, i would sit at higher fps right now if i kept my gpu and upgraded the CPU. thats just not true.

but i get what you are saying CPU>GPU in alot of games, but the problem with gw2 is simply that it cant fully utilize the newer CPU´s.  in other words... a newer CPU might actually be worse than a older one, because the newer ones tend to have more cores for example8. You need a CPU that has a strong single core performance. Which sadly alot of the newer ones dont have... they just spam 8 cores, which 4 of them you can not even use when playing gw2.

For example a old 4 core CPU will be better for gw2 than a newer 8 Core CPU, eventho the 8core has 40% more performance on paper.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

well not true kinda... gw2 uses a old engine. It doesnt even fully use all cores of your cpu. Newer cpus just spam more cores... when in reality you need a few, good cores. i think it uses.... 4?  someone correct me please.

i am rocking 80+ fps... when i had under 40 previously...  NO WAY, i would sit at higher fps right now if i kept my gpu and upgraded the CPU. thats just not true.

but i get what you are saying CPU>GPU in alot of games, but the problem with gw2 is simply that it cant fully utilize the newer CPU´s.

Newer CPUs don't just spam more cores. There are IPC gains too which means an newer gen CPU at 4ghz will beat an older gen one at 4gz at single core performance. The amount of improvement here differs between each generation though.

CPU has a bigger impact in gw2 than most other games, you would likely get a bigger improvement from upgrading CPU but I have no idea how you would be getting 80+ FPS with a 14 year old i5, although I believe the first i5 came out 13 years ago.

I know that the improvement from me upgrading a 7870ghz to 2 of them, then to an r9 fury, then to a gtx 1080 was comparable to the improvement of overclocking a 3570k to 4.4ghz but the improvement from that CPU to a 3600x was bigger than both of those together.

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29 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

in other words... a newer CPU might actually be worse than a older one, because the newer ones tend to have more cores for example8. You need a CPU that has a strong single core performance. Which sadly alot of the newer ones dont have... they just spam 8 cores, which 4 of them you can not even use when playing gw2.

For example a old 4 core CPU will be better for gw2 than a newer 8 Core CPU, eventho the 8core has 40% more performance on paper.

A newer CPU is only gonna be worse than an older one if you are getting a lower tier version in a generation that had a minor performance increase or of you are switching from an Intel/and CPU to the competitor in a generation where the old one was far ahead. The presence of 8 cores does not hinder the 4 core performance and the single core performance doesn't have to drop unless you are going to the extreme end of core counts where the clock speed is lower.


I have no idea where any of the information leading to your conclusion could have come from but you should probably take another look or be specific in the example since the old outperforming the new would require specific choices of CPUs to compare and would either be an unfair comparison or a known bad choice.

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30 minutes ago, Littlekenny.4196 said:

Newer CPUs don't just spam more cores. There are IPC gains too which means an newer gen CPU at 4ghz will beat an older gen one at 4gz at single core performance. The amount of improvement here differs between each generation though.

CPU has a bigger impact in gw2 than most other games, you would likely get a bigger improvement from upgrading CPU but I have no idea how you would be getting 80+ FPS with a 14 year old i5, although I believe the first i5 came out 13 years ago.

I know that the improvement from me upgrading a 7870ghz to 2 of them, then to an r9 fury, then to a gtx 1080 was comparable to the improvement of overclocking a 3570k to 4.4ghz but the improvement from that CPU to a 3600x was bigger than both of those together.

the first i 5 s are on the stronger sides when it comes to single core performance! thats why they are still very much usable. i am even recording and rendering Youtube videos with it. It did cost a fortune back in the day.

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1 hour ago, Littlekenny.4196 said:

I have no idea where any of the information leading to your conclusion could have come from but you should probably take another look or be specific in the example since the old outperforming the new would require specific choices of CPUs to compare and would either be an unfair comparison or a known bad choice.

i have the idea from my specific specs. My current single core performance outperforms alot of the newer CPU´s still.

i am not saying the every newer cpu will perform worse than a older one. i just wanted to explain, why in my specific case, it was more beneficial to upgrade my GPU. As my GPU was significantly worse than my CPU, and my CPU was and is to this date pretty optimal to play GW2.

He just stated without any background information that it would have been better for me to upgrade my CPU, which is just outright wrong and i wanted to explain why.

YES Gw2 uses more Cpu than it does GPU... atleast on medium and low setting. BUT if you GPU is bottlenecking your performance... no CPU upgrade in this world will change that. Hence i upgraded my gpu and it doubled my FPS.

my message: a 14 year old CPU and a GTX 1060 (320€) is perfectly capable of running Gw2 even in Zerg situations. So if your CPU is anywhere close to that of a first gen i5... a upgrade to a GTX 1060 is more than enough. From my standpoint... a CPU upgrade is NOT necessary by any means, if i can run gw2 just fine with my old one... because of the coreusage issues that i stated.


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5 hours ago, Mike.2907 said:

Decided to get a new video card.

Stuck on deciding 6600 XT, 6700 XT and 3060 TI

I been also living in the past with a 720p monitor(ugh) - next upgrade


Anyone have either of these cards running WVW at max settings on:

1440 p * most desired

1080 p 


Is there a difference in quality, FSR, Ray Tracing or Performance?

Could not find anything on youtube comparing the cards playing GW2.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.




PSA - clean the dust from your video card, I neglected mine it's gone to hardware heaven. 

1. Read littleKenny's response above. Might want to put your CPU model.
2. I have a 3070ti with a 5600x and it plays well at 1440 (this is a good resolution in general) and increasing the graphics or number of players on screen affects CPU performance more than gpu which sat at 40% pretty solidly no matter what. This is with DX11 enabled so offloading more resources to the GPU than originally. CPU however went from 40% load to 60% and higher as more objects were added in and effects added, it also only seemed to use 3-4 cores but multiple threads per core, take that for the anecdotal evidense it is.

Buy your graphics card for the other games you play, if you're going for a 1440 monitor and ray tracing is something you care about I'd recommend saving for a 3070 if you can or waiting for a month or two till the 4000 series and more info about new AMD graphics cards comes out.
From what little I've seen of prices in the UK 6700XT is about the same as a 3060ti and performs on average better, so if you NEED a card now and you don't give a monkeys about ray tracing 6700XT is great for 1440 gaming.

TLDR: GW2 is an old game, any mid range modern CPU (even 7+ year old CPUs) and modern GPU combo will give great performance, you should buy your parts based other games you want to play.

Edited by apharma.3741
Added TLDR
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8 minutes ago, Littlekenny.4196 said:

Please run the CPU-Z benchmark or any other benchmark which shows single core performance and show it.

you can simply look at the values of the parts... no need to run any benchmarks when you can literally go to the websites and compare these values.

ofc it wont outperform the new flagships from Nvidia or AMD.

But if we look at Price / single core performance. The first gen i5 s are pretty high up there. im pretty sure they will be top of their price category.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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11 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you can simply look at the values of the parts... no need to run any benchmarks when you can literally go to the websites and compare these values.

ofc it wont outperform the new flagships from Nvidia or AMD.

But if we look at Price / single core performance. The first gen i5 s are pretty high up there. im pretty sure they will be top of their price category.

Nvidia don't make consumer desktop CPUs, Littlekenny is talking to you about CPUs.
What is your 14 year old CPU? You can go to a site like this and compare single core performances of CPUs old and new, there are gains for newer hardware. An example, I went from a 7700K (2,731) to a 5600x (3,360) which is a 23% single core performance uplift in that workload, real world performance is likely to be lower. I wouldn't say my old CPU outperforms a lot of newer cpus on a like for like comparison, by like for like I mean if you had a mid range desktop cpu you shouldn't be comparing it to low end mobile, energy efficient or cheap cpus not marketted at gamers like the 7700K was.

Why did I upgrade? More cores, newer platform, other reasons (can upgrade to 5900 or 5950 if games need more cores) in general and it made very little difference in GW2 but where it made the difference is in other games, in particular CP2077 which was bottle necked by the 7700K.

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You'll see a bigger FPS improvement upgrading your CPU over your GPU. Alder lake CPUs play GW2 real well. Look into that instead. The 12100 should be right up your budget, not like GW2 uses that many cores anyway.. Even under DX11.

Edited by kanderous.7512
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53 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

So if your CPU is anywhere close to that of a first gen i5... a upgrade to a GTX 1060 is more than enough.

I upgraded to a 3700x from a 2600k and I went from


10fps on the 2600k


50fps on the 3700x 

with the same GPU and graphics settings between both systems.

in zerg fights. So, architecture and IPC will matter.

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5 hours ago, Mike.2907 said:

Decided to get a new video card.

Stuck on deciding 6600 XT, 6700 XT and 3060 TI

I been also living in the past with a 720p monitor(ugh) - next upgrade


Anyone have either of these cards running WVW at max settings on:

1440 p * most desired

1080 p 


Is there a difference in quality, FSR, Ray Tracing or Performance?

Could not find anything on youtube comparing the cards playing GW2.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.




PSA - clean the dust from your video card, I neglected mine it's gone to hardware heaven. 

It sounds like your GPU is dead and you are now running of integrated graphics.

Is that the case or are you on a backup GPU or not able to run at all?

What CPU do you have?

Wat other games do you play?

What is your target frame rate?

What character model limit do you run and want to run?

What character model quality do you run and want to run?

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56 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

my message: a 14 year old CPU and a GTX 1060 (320€) is perfectly capable of running Gw2 even in Zerg situations. So if your CPU is anywhere close to that of a first gen i5... a upgrade to a GTX 1060 is more than enough. From my standpoint... a CPU upgrade is NOT necessary by any means, if i can run gw2 just fine with my old one... because of the coreusage issues that i stated.

And as others have stated, that is just so incorrect. Newer CPU is way faster single core. It was only a period in the middle that Intel saw next to no improvement but if you upgrade today that doesnt affect you. No sensible person is gonna "upgrade" from a 2500k to a 6600k or something. Even an i3 12100F is like 50% faster single core than the 6600k. Ryzens have been impressive from the start and improved alot over 1st gen.

Either way the OPs question was about GPUs and there the answer is whatever the heck you can get your hands on. A 6700xt and 3060ti is roughly similar. Raytracing, FSR, DLSS is nothing that GW2 use anyway. Personally I'd pick the 3060ti if forced *but* newer cards are on the horizon so I would also wait until after summer for more info unless desperate. 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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12 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

nd as others have stated, that is just so incorrect. Newer CPU is way faster single core. It was only a period in the middle that Intel saw next to no improvement but if you upgrade today that doesnt affect you. No sensible person is gonna "upgrade" from a 2500k to a 6600k or something. Even an i3 12100F is like 50% faster single core than the 6600k. Ryzens have been impressive from the start and improved alot over 1st gen.

again i can only agree with what yall saying 😄 i jsut was saying that in my specific case... the GPU was the bottleneck. and for a reasonable ammount of money i could not upgrade my CPU nor did i have to, becaues the single core performance of my CPU is more than enough  to play gw2 lagfree in Situations with heavy GPU and CPU load. at the time where i upgraded my gpu, there were very few newer CPU´s in a reasonable pricerange that would have made a significant improvement to my performance. so i solely upgraded the GPU and i doubled my fps this way.

This one guy just made it sound like, whatever GPU you have... just upgrade the CPU and the CPU will carry your entire pc, because gw2 uses alot of cpu.

yeah ive heard that Ryzen´s are pretty good. but i have had alot of bad experiences with AMD. Mainly overheating/alot of noise/crashes.

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3 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

again i can only agree with what yall saying 😄 i jsut was saying that in my specific case... the GPU was the bottleneck. and for a reasonable ammount of money i can not upgrade my CPU, becaues the single core performance is more than enough on a 14 Year old CPU to play gw2 lagfree in Situations with heavy GPU and CPU load.

Are you sure of that? You've been saying you have a 14 year old i5 but that would mean you literally have a 1st gen i5 (i5 was announced in 2009 at retirement of core 2) and I'm pretty sure even a cheap 3rd gen Ryzen 5 would improve performance in GW2.
That's without mentioning that an upgrade would give other benefits like nvme storage for fast load times, better performance in everything else and more RAM capacity and speed while also being more efficient.

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i have a first gen i5 yes. at the time where i was upgrading to my 1060 there were no Ryzen yet. i am talking like.. idk 5 years ago.. or something.

AAAND pc parts atm are hella expensive arent they? 😄

an upgrade would help yes, but nevertheless i have no performance problems whatsoever so there is no need for an upgrade!

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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i have a first gen i5 yes. at the time where i was upgrading to my 1060 there were no Ryzen yet. i am talking like.. idk 5 years ago or something.

AAAND pc parts atm are hella expensive arent they? 😄

an upgrade would help yes, but nevertheless i have no performance problems whatsoever so there is no need for an upgrade!

CPUs are at msrp and with the increased competition from Intel they're actually pretty cheap now. DDR4 is pretty much at the cheapest it will ever be while being the highest performance it will ever be. If you're looking to upgrade the core of your system now isn't a terrible time, especially on the cheap.
DDR5 though is pricy and getting the newer stuff coming out from intel or soon AMD will mean a DDR5 early adopter tax and lower performance in general. You'd also get a worse mobo long term imo going DDR5.

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Lucked in on 3060 ti fe at bestbuy. 

Much appreciated all the advice. Next monitor haha. 

Moving on up!


I probably not the only one to take away some advice,  but don't get fooled: ram < gpu bus if you have a 4,0 PCI slot; so I read.

Do your own diligence. 

And good luck upgrading.



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