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Why are store prices so inconsistent?

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9 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Yet both Skyscale skins achieve the exact same thing function wise: they change the appearance. Similar to how both cars at their core provide mobility.

Both cars might have diverging engineering backgrounds in some areas, but in others they draw the same benefits from the same engineering and development work. The main difference is one could argue in perceived value and prestige.

Not unlike some skins in this game, which with more elements like new animations or sound work become more complex to design and implement while at the same time drawing more appreciation from parts of the player base.

Fair enough but isn't the perceived value different to everybody?

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Soo in all honesty, you think its weird that the skin you really like and want costs more then the one you dont like. 

Some mount skins are a complete new model of the mounts. They are 2000 gems. And after 2 years when the demand is lower they cost 1600. Unless the demand is still high. 

The mount skins which dont have a lot of remodel (the somewhat more boring skins, because they kind of all look the same) are in packs. Noone would pay 2k for that if they were seperate. So they are bundled.. for 1.6k


As for the gathering tools you might be right, i havent checked them out. I only buy them when on sale. 

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19 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

They are account bound not account wide. You have to manually switch them is what I meant. Which cost time. Not much. But the Person I was replying to did value that 1 second faster animation soooo you have to do a lot of gathering to get that minute back:). If you like the convenience or like optimizing stuff for its own sake fine. I do that too. The idea of "unlimited" profit is nice.

On a Side note: I just find it funny when someone states optimizing gathering is the clear choice when gathering itself is so unprofitable. You could have a map full of quartz nodes which are one of the more profitable Mining nodes, a Unbreakable Watch knight pick and fast skin but if the travel time between nodes is longer then 1 sec it better to just do echo wild meta.
To make back the extra 300 gems from Unbreakable Watch knight, instead of the vanilla on, you have to gather 7 and a halve hours. Not go out an gather 7+ hours, actually let that animation roll for that amount of time. That are 5250 nodes you have to gather to go even. And as gathering isn't all that profitable that 5k nodes take ages to gather if you want to play "optimal".

So, they're account wide then, like I said.  If you have three shared slots, and three tools, they are accessible to every character on your account.  I wouldn't lose any sleep over having to take an extra minute when logging out to move the tools to the shared bags.  It would take less than that to equip them.

My own side note is that I find it hilarious that anyone would actually spend 7 hours doing nothing but gathering, or dedicate a lot of time to figuring out how long they have to gather to make up for gems they spend.  If I'm converting gold to gems, I've already spent the time I need to get the gems, that's how I got them.  If I decide to just buy them outright by purchasing gems through the store, then I've already spent the time, because I obviously had the disposable income to buy the gems.  It came from somewhere.

What's really funny is believing you have to have the tools in the first place.  I know I don't have them.  I do have an invisible bag on every toon I have, and I have at least one set of tools in the bag, on top of whatever I have equipped.  I don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out how many hours I have to play to get them, because I've already spent that time, again, because I already have the gold to get them.  IF the increased gathering speed is something one is concerned about, they can get the tools, or, if they feel they really need the animations, or just don't want to spend the gold keeping regular tools "in stock".

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44 minutes ago, robertthebard.8150 said:

So, they're account wide then, like I said.  If you have three shared slots, and three tools, they are accessible to every character on your account.  I wouldn't lose any sleep over having to take an extra minute when logging out to move the tools to the shared bags.  It would take less than that to equip them.

My own side note is that I find it hilarious that anyone would actually spend 7 hours doing nothing but gathering, or dedicate a lot of time to figuring out how long they have to gather to make up for gems they spend.  If I'm converting gold to gems, I've already spent the time I need to get the gems, that's how I got them.  If I decide to just buy them outright by purchasing gems through the store, then I've already spent the time, because I obviously had the disposable income to buy the gems.  It came from somewhere.

What's really funny is believing you have to have the tools in the first place.  I know I don't have them.  I do have an invisible bag on every toon I have, and I have at least one set of tools in the bag, on top of whatever I have equipped.  I don't have to spend a lot of time figuring out how many hours I have to play to get them, because I've already spent that time, again, because I already have the gold to get them.  IF the increased gathering speed is something one is concerned about, they can get the tools, or, if they feel they really need the animations, or just don't want to spend the gold keeping regular tools "in stock".

That does read kind of salty for someone basically agreeing with me besides semantics. Speaking of semantics:
Gathering tools are account bound. Legendary Gear pre armory was account bound. Legendary gear post armory is account wide. Mounts are account wide. Gathering tools are not account wide. Even if you think they are synonyms I explained to you what i meant anyway.

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19 hours ago, Albi.7250 said:

Oh yeah that honestly looks like a nice, convenient setup. How long to you need to gather for these 3 shared slots to be efficient?:)

You don't buy the slots and infinite tools to be efficient with them, you buy those for their convenience. 
Swapping out 3 tools in total each time you change characters and not having to worry about buying new tools every day is actually convenient.

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Swapping tools is not convenient but that is why I have a full set on most characters. On the other hand I have bought 0 mount skin. You can either make your decisions based on your priorities or you can try to become rich enough that you don't have to. The third option of hoping the world will change is not viable.

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4 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You don't buy the slots and infinite tools to be efficient with them, you buy those for their convenience. 
Swapping out 3 tools in total each time you change characters and not having to worry about buying new tools every day is actually convenient.

That is what I'm saying the whole time. Are people so out for blood they lose all reading comprehension? That all started with some fool stating "going for that 1 extra second is the obvious thing all players would want to do eventually" and I disagreed with that. People keep quoting me and arguing a point I never made.

I just provided math to make my  point how pointless it is to optimize gathering. Does math confuse people? Do numbers trigger people?

Edited by Albi.7250
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1 hour ago, Albi.7250 said:

I just provided math to make my  point how pointless it is to optimize gathering. Does math confuse people? Do numbers trigger people?

 P(|¯X−μ|≥ϵ)≤Var(¯X)ϵ2=Var(X)nϵ2,   β1 , β0    P = PMT * [1 – [ (1 / 1+r)^n] / r]   

σ  f(x)=a_0+∑_(n=1)^∞▒(a_n  cos⁡〖nπx/L〗+b_n  sin⁡〖nπx/L〗 ) 

And that's basically how gem store prices are derived and why in-game gold efficiency is a non-factor in such derivations.


That should help simplify and clarify things.


Edited by Rogue.8235
there was a typo in my maths stuff
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On 6/14/2022 at 6:20 PM, Labjax.2465 said:

I don't know what you mean by "normal." 🤨

I can understand you're assuming some of it is as simple as cynical making more money, but um... there definitely are glyph tools that have fancy appearance/animation to them. You can check that without even buying them by clicking on one and seeing the preview. And I'm confused by your use of the phrase "at a premium" because the new Mount Pack in question is a better deal than some of the individual older skins for sale.


Normal in the sense that it's absolutely about making as much money as possible. Regarding the 'better deal', the new canthan mounts pack only has 3 skins, whereas the older packs have 5 skins, hence the price is 1600 as opposed to 2000. Dark Monarch Skyscale Skin (and other such individual skins), for example, are at a premium of 2000 gems because they are unique looks that are not available anywhere else. They were briefly available in the BL chest, but of course you can pay the premium price of 2000 gems to bypass the RNG. The uniqueness of those skins completely changes the shapes (and in some cases skill effects) of the mounts. Most mount skins are just 'repaints' of the base skin. THAT is why they're at 2000 gems. Many players WILL pay the price to avoid the RNG of the BL chests. Additionally, the items cycle through the store/statuette trader, so they are not always available. It's a 'get them while they're hot!' situation. Basic marketing.

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