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Scrapper feel bad to play and borderline useless


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Since they nerf scrapper barrier gen, it feel so bad to play. No substain, alright damage (maybe lower than Holo honestly). The only po8nt of scrapper is being a quick bot nowday. Since the nerf to his barrier gen, I dont like playing it at all. It feel bad and so squishy for poor damage. Honestly, I use to love playing it, now I just serve to wipe the floor with myself.

They scrap scrapper, once again. F5 still useless most of the time...


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7 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

5% barrier conversion would be forgivable if it worked on Condi as well. 

Well it would be more fun but the scrapper have almost 0 condi in its kit. And core condi engi is not the greatest thing in Tyria.

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Holo has better damage and survivability.


Mechanist has better damage and much much better survivability.  The impact savant nerf was boneheaded.


At the end of the day, Scrapper is a fun spec but has very very niche uses now.  Basically its only useful in WvW as a support, and even there they keep nerfing it.

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4 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

Holo has better damage and survivability.


Mechanist has better damage and much much better survivability.  The impact savant nerf was boneheaded.


At the end of the day, Scrapper is a fun spec but has very very niche uses now.  Basically its only useful in WvW as a support, and even there they keep nerfing it.

Perfectly playable in spvp too (not talking MAT), you can reach plat 2 with it

Edited by Guirssane.7082
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I don't know how good it does in group content, but I've just leveled my Engineer to 80 and I'm having loads of fun playing Scrapper. At first I thought I'd go for Holo, but I just love how Scrapper has multiple big AoEs that surround it, + barriers are cool. It definitely fits my playstyle and it's def gonna be my main now.

It doesn't look like it's the top dps class, but I've seen worse. Also, in terms of survivability, it really depends, with some mobs I can just sit still and just do my rotation, but some would kill me pretty quickly unless I dodge their op attacks. Having a constant Barrier (goes up to 9k sometimes) with 17k HP is more than enough for me, and it's a lot better in terms of survivability than a lot of other builds.

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If you're not fighting challenging mobs then yeah any spec in the game will work fine.  


Try killing champions, HoT hero points, or desert bounties. The survivability difference between Scrapper and mechanist is day and night.

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16 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

If you're not fighting challenging mobs then yeah any spec in the game will work fine.  


Try killing champions, HoT hero points, or desert bounties. The survivability difference between Scrapper and mechanist is day and night.

I'm aware of that and I agree it's not the best. 
However, I'm talking about the "feels bad to play" part, as it isn't the case for me. It's very much enjoyable to play, but I guess that would change with some harder stuff, and it really depends on personal preference. I still feel its survivability is a lot better than some other classes though you'd expect more survivability since its damage isn't the best.

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I like to use This build when playing scrapper in spvp which gives it a really good play style

Essentially just run back and forth between mid and far over and over

You can replace mortar with sneak thyroid you get ambushed between points

In Wvw zergs it's still called upon as a good barrier/condi cleanse support and gives much of the same things as firebrand with more personal sustain 

Edited by Infinity.2876
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