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28th balance patch toughts


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catalyst is getting the nerf hammer again? becouse of how strong it is now its probably not bad, what is super bad with ele is additional 5% crit in air - this completely invalidates the whole fury rework. just skip this change altogether, or change it so u get additional 5% while under fury boon. as is it goes exactly against what this patch was meant to do - that is to get rid of pointless conditional traits. who cares u get 5% more crit in air when u have to rotate elements anyway, so ull either have less then 100% most time, or overshoot and waste stats. this change is pointless.

chrono still has no crit. especially now. danger time is pointless. and now u have no fury uptime unless in a group. wasnt this patch suppose to adress exactly that? unless not all patch notes are posted or the ones that were are false chrono is just stupid now. u had to take eagle or thief runes before, and now u get even less fury and its even more important cos without it u loose 25% crit instead of 20.

havnt really look up all the changes for all the classess but for solo play u actually made it worse with the fury changes. same with weaver and all other classes which only had one source of fury, which is now aoe but without boon duration u loose 25% crit half the time, unless ur in a party. i recall the blog stating u wanted to make builds viable both in and out of group content?

unless im not understanding something correctly most builds will feel handicaped in solo play now, becouse of complete lack of reliable fury access.

Edited by Ascency.3580
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9 minutes ago, Veeman.5270 said:

Where can I find the patch notes? Can see it anywhere lol




And I give up, they just can't do balancing properly. Ele gets fooked again, thief gets buffs to stealth skills in competetive and harbinger with willbender both only recieve minor changes. I just can't with this game anymore.


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57 minutes ago, Ascency.3580 said:

havnt really look up all the changes for all the classess but for solo play u actually made it worse with the fury changes. same with weaver and all other classes which only had one source of fury, which is now aoe but without boon duration u loose 25% crit half the time, unless ur in a party. i recall the blog stating u wanted to make builds viable both in and out of group content?

Same with thief fury. Why. Give allys short buff yourself long buff. That is no wizardry. This function is already in the game. Why do they have to nerf solo builds in favor of Boon deathball stack meta. Some idiot at Anet wants to make instanced content great again in the most stupid way possible.

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im actually mad this time. most changes made to the game since ive started playing were good. even if they meant nerfs to what i was playing. they felt like someone did think them thru, sometimes mistakes were made sure, but who cares about eles blasting fury from fire fields, right? (why this was changed 2 years ago, especially in light of current planned changes is beyond me) but this patch is a joke. its bad to the core. unless, like i said, not all was revealed and they compensate lack of access to fury somewhere else this is horrible. the fury changes are so bad im, no joke, gonna take a break i think. or maybe we should rely on jade protocols when soloing?? is nc soft involved in decision making lately? cos this is pretty much their level of incompetence.

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Anet really needs to take these balance updates more seriously. They false promised quarterly balance update when launching HOT. I am worried they will not be able to meet the bar again this time.


Balance patch is like actual content for a lot of us. By improving underused skills, improving meta diversity, players do get a lot more fun play time in. They need to treat balance patch like content release not with such half-hearted attempt.


This balance patch is really putting things in the wrong direction. I really do not want another 3 months of mech in PvE, wb/harbinger in PvP. And as for WvW, the meta has been stale for god knows how long. 

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I'm convinced anyone that says Cata is strong atm never actually played Cata. All people do is look at some benchmarks or speedrun records to give their opinion. The average Cata damage is significantly lower then most other professions. The damage falls off incredibly fast in the case of suboptimal circumstances and is probably currently the hardest rotation out there. Cata was ele's only specialization that could somewhat keep up with the meta classes and now is banished into oblivion again. 

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Been trying not to rant and be overly negative. But I have to say, this is unacceptable. I've played MMOs for almost 2 decades. If the devs responsible for this patch are THIS incompetent, they can go work for Blizzard. I quit World of Warcraft for a reason.

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It was obvious from the start that it wasn't going to get a balance patch, given that the game has never received a balance patch. It has always just been changes for the sake of changing things.

At least, this one didn't hurt quite as much as the February 2020 patch (unless you main Warrior).

Edited by Fueki.4753
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