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Anet, you have defaced a national treasure and I demand satisfaction.

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Why did you change my Infinite WatchKnight Tonic, anet? I bought it because I liked it just the way it was. You changed a product I paid for. I will finish dailies today because of my mild OCD and afterwards I am done with the game. It's not so much about the breasts and the posterior, but about the principle of it. If you ever decide to stop imposing your ideaology on other people and shaming us women for the female form, then I might consider coming back to the game. Until then, adios!

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1 hour ago, Roksiel.6123 said:

Why did you change my Infinite WatchKnight Tonic, anet? I bought it because I liked it just the way it was. You changed a product I paid for. I will finish dailies today because of my mild OCD and afterwards I am done with the game. It's not so much about the breasts and the posterior, but about the principle of it. If you ever decide to stop imposing your ideaology on other people and shaming us women for the female form, then I might consider coming back to the game. Until then, adios!

You honestly think they are shaming the female form when the Norn cultural heavy armor tier 3 still exists? The human cultural light armor tier 3 still exists?

The body options for Player characters have not changed. None of the armors have been adjusted with this.

Literally, a singular model, that is a combat tonic and enemy (often disguised as other enemies because Pavilion) was changed, and you are taking this as a massive insult?

Good grief, seriously where the hell are you getting "Imposing ideaology" from? Who the hell is shaming women? Your PC's body is unchanged. Nothing you personally picked is changed. Did you use the watchknight tonic a lot? Why are you so focused on a singular model?

2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Yup, never gonna forget that painting that was changed into a fruit bowl. Anet should embrace that 😛 
At least we can laugh at their attempts more easily to appease the 0.000001% of people who care but also don't buy your products.

Ah yes, a singular model without any other changes, that the model was made a while ago with the Marionette fight return (and frankly, anybody should've expected the watchknight would be tweaked, as they used the exact same model), while ZERO other female related items are adjusted at the same time (much less Snargle)...


Is equal to Blizzard openly doing a mass scrub of sexual/adult puns in achievement, quest, title, and item names, replacing background paintings from classic, and renaming Consorts (which is a neutral and fine term) to something else from a boss fight. All while being swamped with investigations and sexual abuse accusations.


Seriously, I must ask why ya'll are so obsessed with the watchknight model. Did you use it daily? Was it more important then any other armor design or character you've made? Where the hell are you all getting these wild and baseless accusations of anet scrubbing anything sexual from the game? Mind you, this is the Anet that built up Snargle, the adult writer featuring interracial romance/sex. Also the Anet that all the way back at launch of GW2 was the ones telling us Sylvari did indeed have sexual organs and relations, they just couldn't have kids.

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It was one thing to change the watchknights  who were enemies or npcs.  It is quite another to change something that players thought of as their own possession.  I know players don't technically own anything, but we have the illusion of ownership. That illusion just got fractured, badly.

The Mk 1 tonic was a bit of a memento and a conversation piece.  Now it is a tainted memory.
It would have been better to make a new tonic and rename the old one.  legacy watchknight or some such.
 Folks weren't satisfied with the explanation given, so they began to speculate about what the "real" reasons were for the change.
Political correctness and censorship harm many forms of media today.  Players are afraid of censorship, especially retroactive censorship, because it means that nothing is safe.  

The illusion of ownership is cracked and people are angry.  Anet just took away our creepy doll and said that they gave us a better one.  Many people only wanted the doll because it was creepy, to them the new doll is meh.  
The illusion is fractured, what else will Anet take away?  "that outfit, and those armors didn't fit with our vision so we improved them."
Players want to pretend like they own the things that are in their inventories and wardrobe. When Anet reminds them that players own nothing, those same players wonder why they spend so much time and money to obtain virtual things that they have no control over.
Edit:  Maybe players should have those thoughts more often.  Perhaps Anet did us all a favor.  Don't get too attached.


Edited by Zebulous.2934
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6 hours ago, Roksiel.6123 said:

Why did you change my Infinite WatchKnight Tonic, anet? I bought it because I liked it just the way it was. You changed a product I paid for. I will finish dailies today because of my mild OCD and afterwards I am done with the game. It's not so much about the breasts and the posterior, but about the principle of it. If you ever decide to stop imposing your ideaology on other people and shaming us women for the female form, then I might consider coming back to the game. Until then, adios!

Well said!

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