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PvP is a wreck

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On 7/22/2022 at 2:20 PM, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

ok then what is overperforming in your opinion?

Im am currently pretty happy with the balancing. 

Strongest specs imo are Deadeye and tempest. Against condis harbinger is still pretty bonkers aswell. But that does not mean we have to nerf em

Edited by Sahne.6950
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12 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Why are the best specs automatically doing "too well"?  How about they are good? And we should bring others to that level aswell? 


While I can agree that balance can go either way, this seems like a way to avoid the question. If something is better, and you are seeking balance, would that not mean that one thing is doing 'too well' in comparison to others?

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1 hour ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Out of the bunch Holo and SpB were ok on the mechanical side even though the numbers were insane, maybe cause you couldn't even get a proper hit when there were 4 players on the screen, conditions, circles the floor is lava. SpB was the king of the sidenode but mostly cause it couldn't do kitten vs FB Scourge stack that constantly rezed each other and could actually kill bunker builds. 
You also forget the other big ones DE two shoting people(that kinda got looked up quickly cause some PVE thing if I remember correctly), Weaver good luck with downing that one if it was water and Soulbeast which kept anything with block outside of FB out of play and got us the whole rework on unblockable and then removed the trait that caused the rework.
PoF was a shitshow on the "balance" side all around, even today scourge and fb are big deal in WvW and PVE. 

Except, the comment I replied to, wasn't a comment about general balance, it was specifically a comment about boon-spam, CC-spam, and passive traits. SpB was a massive offender, particular regarding the first 2. Deadeye and Weaver, while insanely unbalanced, weren't offenders in that regard.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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1 hour ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

This is a super unproductive way of looking at the situation. 'it was worse in the past so lets leave things the way they are' That doesnt make any sense, if its still broken why not fix things? It literally has nothing to do with the past.

You guys brought up 'the past' by saying things are worse now than they've ever been.

Yeah, stuff now needs fixing, but nobody is going to listen to what you have to say if you overlay it with ridiculous hyperbole that "its worse now than its ever been". It doesn't help your cause, it just sounds like aimless whining.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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2 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

You guys brought up 'the past' by saying things are worse now than they've ever been.

Yeah, stuff now needs fixing, but your ridiculous hyperbole that "its worse now than its ever been" doesn't help, it just sounds like aimless whining.

change should be consistent to attempt to better balance everything, referencing the past as a  comparison to the current is a reason for change, never a reason to leave things be.

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21 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

change should be consistent to attempt to better balance everything, referencing the past as a  comparison to the current is a reason for change, never a reason to leave things be.

Non-sequitur. I didn't say you shouldn't compare to the past. I said you shouldn't say things are worse now than in the past, if its objectively not true. (Specifically referencing the things being complained about in this thread, not the state of the game in general).

1 hour ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

It literally has nothing to do with the past.

21 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

referencing the past as a  comparison to the current is a reason for change

Make up your mind.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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4 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

Non-sequitur. I didn't say you shouldn't compare to the past. I said you shouldn't say things are worse now than in the past, if its objectively not true. (Specifically referencing the things being complained about in this thread, not the state of the game in general).

Make up your mind.

i did in the last post, maybe you should re-read. 🙃

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Mechanist is quite literal garbage atm. Overnerfed AF. easily shutdown, easily countered. If you are dying to a mechanist, you do not know how to fight them yet.

I i am able to kill 2 of them at once with my tempest... they might actually be kitten 😉

The only thing i can get behind is reaper maybe... a Good reaper is like a solid rock. But a bad reapoer is a freekill.

we seriously can NOT nerf every strong build. If anything, every build should perform on the level that Reaper is performing atm!

constant nerfing will NOT improve the balance. We need more diversity. WE need to get more builds out of uselessness, instead of nerfing everything that you struglle against.

Tempest. Nothing else needs to be said. 

Well I imagine shocking aura, overloads, high sustain, magnetic aura, passive conditions ontop of applied conditions help tremendously in comparison to other classes that have less in their kit. I'd suspect Tempest will be getting a nerf next batch anyway. 

It still baffles me that they have damage on cc traits when they did an entire balance batch reducing damage on cc abilities. (Not that you're running that trait or that I'm specifically talking about ele but it is pretty much the only reason a lot of ele builds are viable when I would think there should be other options besides relying on one trait for damage output.)

Also, reaper's damage is too high imo. I don't think that's the standard we want to set. I also think poison on reaper shroud 4 should be a trait not baked into the weapon ability. But these days they like throwing conditions and boons on everything, thus part of the reason for the power creep we have now.

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3 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

Explosive entrance is criting me for  4k. Not sure how this is a balanced trait when the daredevils pulmonary impact trait cant even crit and requires a daze/interrupt to be used.

How do you even counter this.

yea theres no way that is true, with firearms traitline, 20+ might, tier 3 heat, full zerk/scholar. i crit EE for 2,3k on light golem in hotm

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Unpopulare opinion but it would be nice to see Auto range attacks nerfed. Most of them deal too mutch damage for just what they are ..... ranged attacks. A specialy engi rifle plus mech 1 spam means simply 1,5k dmg per second. In first Look that does in fact do not Look that good but remember it does this at range so all he need to do is run and spam the 1 Button to get a kill over time. And cause of the sustain your also struggle to punish him. Same goes for harb. Its Aa chain in shrout is simply too fast i would love to see it also nerfed maybe a bit higher cast time or souch. (Also i dont get why the rework of rifle from engi was needed. It Look stupid and it feels stupid also it made mechanist even more annyoing to fight. 


EDIT: I know the build isnt broken or stuff.... but get 1 spam claped by a guy that simply outrun you is a bit of stupid and for 100% sure toxic game Design.

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5 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Tempest. Nothing else needs to be said. 

Well I imagine shocking aura, overloads, high sustain, magnetic aura, passive conditions ontop of applied conditions help tremendously in comparison to other classes that have less in their kit. I'd suspect Tempest will be getting a nerf next batch anyway. 

It still baffles me that they have damage on cc traits when they did an entire balance batch reducing damage on cc abilities. (Not that you're running that trait or that I'm specifically talking about ele but it is pretty much the only reason a lot of ele builds are viable when I would think there should be other options besides relying on one trait for damage output.)

Also, reaper's damage is too high imo. I don't think that's the standard we want to set. I also think poison on reaper shroud 4 should be a trait not baked into the weapon ability. But these days they like throwing conditions and boons on everything, thus part of the reason for the power creep we have now.

Yes. +20% CC damage does wonders for a CC skill that does....3 damage. (Yes! An extra 1.2 damage...yay...)

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7 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Yes. +20% CC damage does wonders for a CC skill that does....3 damage. (Yes! An extra 1.2 damage...yay...)

20% of 3 are not 1,2. It's 0,6 extra damage. Do you even math, bro?

But hey, the trait still is a nice damage boost for fierce blow (I guess you were referring to the trait merciless hammer), since it is already hitting quite hard on CCed enemies and boosting that up by 20% is not bad. But it would probably be better if they make it a similar trait like lightning rod, allowing hammer to deal damage on CC once again.

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Cos literally nobody plays PvP. It's a graveyard. And it's a graveyard because ANet never touches the mode. I think it's beyond saving with just balance patches, I don't think they could ever get enough people playing again to make it fun.

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On 7/22/2022 at 2:46 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

Since, 3 weeks prior to EoD the ammount of "PVP RELATED BALANCE PATCHES" has skyrocketed. almost 2 years prior to that NOTHING has been balanced in pvp. but in the last 4 months or so we had almost 10 pvp balancepatches ( i did not actually count.... but for Anet standards there is a absurd ammount of pvp balancing happening atm).

You could argue they have a lot of catching up to do... with the long lack of serious balance patches...

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Bladesworn can instakill or almost Insta kill if their Dragon trigger hits

Dragonhunter can do a lot of cc and damage with traps

Mechanists are crazy with rifle now

Deadeye stays at max initiative

Tempest is the best support in meta (other than core guard maybe)

🍔 can apply max stacks of torment in seconds, float and fear people increasing damage from torment, place every single condition on you in one(almost animationless) skill, grant themselves quickness, and every single boon in the game with one skill.


All of these are really boring in playstyle.

(Bladesworn has to sit there for half aminute

Dragonhunter has to drop their traps and spin in a circle

Mechanist are better pressing aa then any other skills

Deadeye spams 2 until his finger hurts(or the key wares off)

Tempest raises hand in air like just don't care

🍔 has no fun cause every thing dies when they touch it)

But you basically can't win without them.


Edited by Infinity.2876
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2 hours ago, toxic.3648 said:

then post in wvw forum, it gives a skewed viewpoint posting dmg numbers from wvw in the pvp forum

Still the same problem, it's a trait that crits when other traits have been changed so they couldn't crit and hits ridiculously hard for a trait. A minor one at that. 

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