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PvP is a wreck

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People are still complaining about dragonhunter?? Weird


Tempest was number two support in Pvp for years. Even lower in wvw. Why can't it have its hayday as number one for a while? 


I have to agree, EOD balance meta is much better than POF. Balance patches took forever then. Little did we know Anet was barely paying attention. Working on other projects at the time. Nothing is perfect but I think most veteran players are just happy Mirages aren't spamming evades/staff bombs all over the place


Anyone who's been playing for a few years can recognize the wheel of balancing. Anet goes through each class over time and nerfs a build to oblivion. Ele on top just means they finished going through a balance pass on all classes. 


It's time for buffs. Plenty of non meta especs that could use some love

Edited by Stallic.2397
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3 hours ago, Stallic.2397 said:

People are still complaining about dragonhunter?? Weird


Tempest was number two support in Pvp for years. Even lower in wvw. Why can't it have its hayday as number one for a while? 



Because dragonhunter, and guardian in general should have ZERO access to stealth.


The logic for being on top...lol...this is the exact excuse I said ele mains were using.




Anyway, I don't think this game is going anywhere, and I seriously doubt they are working on anything other than gemstore for the future.

My prediction is less than 3 years from today they will be giving that "thanks for your support over all these years."

Don't be surprised if even more veteran devs leave the company for other things.


PvP is over.

Take it or leave it.

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2 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

The 🍔is catching on. This pleases me greatly. 

🍔is like CmC. They both love hydration and somehow managed to make me vegan.


🍔's success was fated. Anet literally can't nerf the class because that would make them the hamburglar, and would probably garner cease and desist letters from a certain fast food chain.

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3 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:


Because dragonhunter, and guardian in general should have ZERO access to stealth.


The logic for being on top...lol...this is the exact excuse I said ele mains were using.




Anyway, I don't think this game is going anywhere, and I seriously doubt they are working on anything other than gemstore for the future.

My prediction is less than 3 years from today they will be giving that "thanks for your support over all these years."

Don't be surprised if even more veteran devs leave the company for other things.


PvP is over.

Take it or leave it.


If you ask Anet to nerf Tempest simply because of the ideology that no class should be the best but all should be equal, then Anet


... Will Nerf it into Oblivion.


Anet does not have a gauge to act moderately. 


So all in all, tempest will have been meta for maybe a week. And all the non ele mains will be happy. And then no one will care that they continued the wheel of imbalance. Mostly because, if Ele isn't top, then all is right with Tyria... Sigh


Meta tempest is a symptom of over-nerfing. Not because it's OP. Anet needs to buff non meta classes


P.S. Let Ele be fotm for just a hot second. That way people can actually play it, learn the mechanics and realize that it has very obvious counters. Not enough players care to learn Ele, which is why they think something as simple as Shocking Aura is OP. 

Edited by Stallic.2397
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@Stallic.2397 tho i found ele as supp ways healthier than something like guardian. Since ele could die faster when focused while guardian back in its not nerfed days where that tanky that you need 3 peops to smash its kitten. However the shock aura of tempest is still a somewhat busted mechanic would be decent if anet Look at it. 


When it comes to balance for pvp the EoD Start was rly the healthiest one. But also it doesnt see many follow ups so its also Bader when it comes to balance than PoF and HoT. Would say the Start was good cause the specs where somewhat punishable. The over a long Time balance is bader since they are still too good for near a half year now xd

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22 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Stallic.2397 tho i found ele as supp ways healthier than something like guardian. Since ele could die faster when focused while guardian back in its not nerfed days where that tanky that you need 3 peops to smash its kitten. However the shock aura of tempest is still a somewhat busted mechanic would be decent if anet Look at it. 


When it comes to balance for pvp the EoD Start was rly the healthiest one. But also it doesnt see many follow ups so its also Bader when it comes to balance than PoF and HoT. Would say the Start was good cause the specs where somewhat punishable. The over a long Time balance is bader since they are still too good for near a half year now xd

You just gotta be aware of the shockaura and avoid being stunned by it.

use range, or simply stop spamming your buttons for 3 seconds..... Not hammering your buttons nonstop might seem hard for some people.... But that is what you gotta do...

Its by no means broken.... If anything tempest related is broken, its the fact that by rotating smartly you will reach almost 100% projectilehate /reflect uptimes.... The current meta is heavily projectilebased... Thus this is a BIG deal.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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@Sahne.6950 you migth noticed that shock aura is basicly invulnerabily but with  daze if enemy hit you (all 2 secs). That means the enemy need to let you hit him or he would cripple himself even more. So yes ik how shock aura works and thats why i say its too strong (in pvp at least) in its current state. Cause of shock aura share is basicly a full Team that get free Hits on enemy. (To be fair stabiliy would be the counter to shock aura but stabiliy is actually too rare)


My gues is not that im not able to stop hit enemy while he get shock aura. My gues is the shock aura share made it a bit stupid in Team fights.

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32 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Sahne.6950 you migth noticed that shock aura is basicly invulnerabily but with  daze if enemy hit you (all 2 secs). That means the enemy need to let you hit him or he would cripple himself even more. So yes ik how shock aura works and thats why i say its too strong (in pvp at least) in its current state. Cause of shock aura share is basicly a full Team that get free Hits on enemy. (To be fair stabiliy would be the counter to shock aura but stabiliy is actually too rare)


My gues is not that im not able to stop hit enemy while he get shock aura. My gues is the shock aura share made it a bit stupid in Team fights.

I mean... shock aura is strong... but the whole team reflecting your projectiles right back at you is a even stronger tool.

But you kind of have to see the bigger picture here.... Besides shockaura.. (2 of those every 25 seconds) and projectilereflects... what else does the tempest provide? The healingoutput is mediocre... When someone gets bursted... no soothingmist or hp from sharing a aura will safe them unfortunately. So the Tempest has to preemptively act to prevent his Teammate from getting bursted, via giving them shochaura, should they be engaged in meele, or Reflects, should someone ranged atk your teammate.

Those 2 things are literally the core of what Tempest support provides to the team. If any of this gets nerfed... its bye bye tempest and "hello supportguard in every game" again...

I am a way bigger fan of Tempest having a spot as strong support, than having to deal with Core sup Stabigalore.

Lets not forget that Tempest ALWAYS has a glaring weakness...  

Fire/Water/Tempest is very vulnerable to powerburst.     Earth/Water/Tempest will melt to conditions.

There is no way around this. A support tempest will always have 1 of the 2 weaknesses. Identify which build the tempest plays... and act accordingly. Easiest way to identify what the tempest plays, is to look at the buffs he provides. If he provides Protection its the earth build and someone with Conditions has to deal with him. If he doesnt provide protection, its the fire build... If the tempest provides regeneration his selfsustain will be pretty good, but he wont have stability while overloading, thus can be easily shutdown.   You need to understand what the tempest is playing and understand what you have to do to counter him.

The whole thing gets out of hand if a tempest runs Earth/fire/tempest bruiser... But that is a diffrent story 😛

Edited by Sahne.6950
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@Sahne.6950I just see the whole pictue and saying besides shock aura might be somwhat too strong. I like tempest it actually is what a support should be. It supports your team while been actually somewhat kill able. Not like back the core guardian with its aegis stabi Heal support while also been litterly unkillable. I personaly would always prefer something like tempest over something like guardian back then ^^

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