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Pet choice for Untamed or does it matter?


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The new Untamed build on the block is permanently keep your pet unleashed and spam F1-F3 off-cooldown due to Fervent Force (while swapping in and out for certain skills). With that in mind there is no time to even hit Pet skills, so my question is what pet should I run?

Untamed kind of turned the pet into accessory and you can literally run anything without lowering your DPS numbers by much. I see the Iboga is the most popular due to its auto attack but are there any other suggestions?

Edited by Mell.4873
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6 minutes ago, Lottie.5370 said:

Anything other than Iboga is a giant DPS loss, if that's what you care about.

Oh it was reported on all the Benchmark websites that its the best due to the auto attack. Then I compared it, it does seem to be ever so slightingly higher.

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I use tiger for the F2 fury in melee.  Guaranteed to not be meta though since I'm so very casual.  Still, I like the synergy with Sw/D in melee with tiger.  F2 for fury, unleash for sword ambush then swap back for F1-F3 skills on unleashed tiger.  Repeat.   /shrug   Works for me.

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For condi untamed, condi alac untamed, and power alac untamed, ALWAYS ilboga. It's a flat DPS loss to take any other pet, since the ramp up with the autoattack does more than any other pet.


The second pet can be whatever utility you need, but be warned white tiger is an alluring but often poor choice due to the lobotomy bug going on with EoD pets where they don't do anything for upwards of 30s when swapping to them. I'd reccomend brown bear for an extra group condi cleanse or (if you somehow needed it) electric wyvern for more CC (rock gazelle takes too long to line up its attacks, but if you really wanted to use it you could).

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Iboga's dmg output is heavily reliant on having many conditions on the target. When there aren't many different condis, eg in a solo situation, it tends to get outperformed by cats (and maybe a few other pets, but i haven't tested anything else yet). Among the cats i prefer the Jaguar, because it's F2 skill is a nice dmg buff which does not have a cast time, so you don't have to worry about that skill getting canceled or wasted.

Also putting pet skills on autocast will allow the pet to use them while being unleashed (which is ridiculous when you think about it - manual control should only be limited by the player's ability to press those buttons, not straight worse regardless of player performance - and yet here we are ...)


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2 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Iboga's dmg output is heavily reliant on having many conditions on the target. When there aren't many different condis, eg in a solo situation, it tends to get outperformed by cats (and maybe a few other pets, but i haven't tested anything else yet). Among the cats i prefer the Jaguar, because it's F2 skill is a nice dmg buff which does not have a cast time, so you don't have to worry about that skill getting canceled or wasted.

Also putting pet skills on autocast will allow the pet to use them while being unleashed (which is ridiculous when you think about it - manual control should only be limited by the player's ability to press those buttons, not straight worse regardless of player performance - and yet here we are ...)


Ilboga both in golem and in practice is a dps increase from every other pet in structured pve content, which seems to be what OP is asking about. Cats are fine for pvp, but pve ilboga or bust.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I will play around with it. I will probably pick something that has high health for the second pet incase Iboga dies for some reason. Honestly the rotation is so packed so much with skills I will barely have time to even use the pet skills.
Even if I need CC, the cooldown reduction based on CC will probably account for more than any pet can preform.

Edited by Mell.4873
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