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Mirage requests


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I'd like to request the following for Mirage:


● Please change the (F keys) shatter skills.

It's the only Elite Spec that has the exact same icons as the core mesmer.


I also think that the entire F skill set should be reworked to adapt and fit with mirage theme.

F4 teleport is fine, but the others need rework please.


I suggest, for instance.

F1. Shatter active clones, and create 3 more new ones. Inflict Confusion.

F2. Shatter 1 clone, and create a shield that blocks attacks and rebounces projectiles.  Inflict Daze.

F3. Shatter 1 clone, and gain stealth. Inflict blindness.

F4. Remains the same.


● Rework Mirage dodge.

I suggest by

1. making its effect last longer, or

2. use a teleportation away from target.

I personally would prefer the second option.


At the moment mirage has a disadvantage here with the dodge.

It should last longer and increase its speed for longer dodges.

The teleport mode could also be interesting, as it could dash/teleport towards the direction you're using or backwards as default.


Mirage, as the name implies, should be all about creating illusions.

Therefore its ES trait should be more in harmony and synchronised with illusions traitline, making clones stronger, and do more damage.

Also, confusion and daze should be applied more often and do more damage.


Please remove mirrors and replace them with auras that block attacks and rebounces projectiles.


Thanks ANet

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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The most realistic changes I see them doing to Mirage if any, is the following below:

2nd dodge returned for WvW/PvP.

Mirrors removed, but have their effects go off on the mesmer after a brief delay because no one likes the mini game and makes no difference in having it go off automatically after a brief delay as opposed to walking up to the mirror which would essentially be the same amount of time/seconds.

Shatters, I don't see them touching BUT, if they wanted to give it some flavour/differentialty, they could add additional conditions on each one (excluding F4) or create a trait that gives them additional effects/conditions or a form of detargeting for that "misdirection" effect.

Riddle of Sand, changed so it goes off with every ambush.

Mirage Mantle, I mean, could have its duration increased or given an additional one or two defensive boons for 1sec.

Speed of Sand, gain superspeed instead because I don't know...it's much better than what we get for it?

Lastly, Dune Cloak...no one uses it. A Wasted trait. Make something else.

Other than what mentioned, they won't be doing any heavy reworks or adjusting since Mirage is in a good place.

Edited by Tseison.4659
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5 hours ago, Tseison.4659 said:

The most realistic changes I see them doing to Mirage if any, is the following below:

2nd dodge returned for WvW/PvP.

Mirrors removed, but have their effects go off on the mesmer after a brief delay because no one likes the mini game and makes no difference in having it go off automatically after a brief delay as opposed to walking up to the mirror which would essentially be the same amount of time/seconds.

Shatters, I don't see them touching BUT, if they wanted to give it some flavour/differentialty, they could add additional conditions on each one (excluding F4) or create a trait that gives them additional effects/conditions or a form of detargeting for that "misdirection" effect.

Riddle of Sand, changed so it goes off with every ambush.

Mirage Mantle, I mean, could have its duration increased or given an additional one or two defensive boons for 1sec.

Speed of Sand, gain superspeed instead because I don't know...it's much better than what we get for it?

Lastly, Dune Cloak...no one uses it. A Wasted trait. Make something else.

Other than what mentioned, they won't be doing any heavy reworks or adjusting since Mirage is in a good place.

I'll replace the mirror suggestions for something else.

I agree with you actually. 

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Honestly at this point they probably wont touch Mirage outside a second dodge being added back. Even then they will probably remove the ability to attack while dodging.

Nothing is really broken and the kit is very geared towards PvP. The only thing that I could see changing is maybe some of the numbers or an entire condition being balanced like confusion.

I mean it holds a some of the highest DPS spots and is very tanky, I don't know what more you could ask for.

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The problem with mirage dodge is the mirage mirror is like an extra dodge except it's rooted to a location.


I like the idea of increasing the duration of the initial evade but if you increase of them some mirage's will just skip the extra evade from mirage mirror and not get anything bad for it.


Some solution ideas will including:

Lengthening evades on weapons and utility skills


Lengthening evades from mirror


Adding a 1/2 dodge


1/2 dodge would use if endurance( so it can be effected by vigor) but would have a shorter evade time any traits that proc off of dodge would be half as effective rounded up


Edited by Infinity.2876
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52 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Honestly at this point they probably wont touch Mirage outside a second dodge being added back. Even then they will probably remove the ability to attack while dodging.

Nothing is really broken and the kit is very geared towards PvP. The only thing that I could see changing is maybe some of the numbers or an entire condition being balanced like confusion.

I mean it holds a some of the highest DPS spots and is very tanky, I don't know what more you could ask for.


My real issue is the dodge.

I really like mirage... I did use it for quite sometime, but that dodge , @Mell.4873 the dodge  really does wind me up.


Also, it bothers me that F skills share the same icons with core.

There's no uniqueness there.


Last but not least, @Tseison.4659 does have a good point on the mirror skills.

They're just meh!


ANet has changed entire skill sets in the past.

Example... the Thieves preparations used to be... traps? Was it? If I remember correctly.

So we may never know.

ANet might take an interest in improving this ES.

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I don't think you're going to see a change to the shatter skills that extreme. Mesmer core traits are built around the assumption that F1 does power damage, F2 does condition damage, F3 is a CC, and F4 is defensive. Any changes to the shatters are likely to maintain this formula.

I'm also inclined to think that mirage F4 should probably come out of any such rework a little weaker, in exchange for getting the second dodge back in competitive.

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This  is my take for changes. I play pve only, cause I get confuse with one dodge. 


1) I also hate mirage mirrors. Just make mesmer do a mirage cloak after deception skills. 


2) Change shatter names and icons to something thematically. I would like one shatter to be like axe 3, where u attack with your clones. 


3) if possible put 2nd dodge in pvp, cause I don't play. I don't care if the damage get nerf, but if the class behaves different from pve I can't do pvp. 

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If they were to change Mirage shatters they should lean into allowing more ambushing. Draxynnic.3719 has it right that shatters need to follow a pattern so mesmer traits work with them.  I wouldn't be against Stravos.8249's suggestions on possibly allowing clones to attack at full power instead of shatter but it would probably involve a lot of work with how traits interact with it.


Personally I would suggest keep it simple and add some Mirage-like stuff to the shatter in the same way Chronomancer has their shatters set-up.  Also I don't spvp because I don't want to learn two games (too many skill/mechanic splits).  These changes are made with a PvE mindset.


F1: Destroy all your clones, for each clone shattered deal damage and gain Endurance. Gain 1 clone if returned to maximum Endurance in this way (Can only happen once per shatter).


F2: Destroy all your clones, for each clone shattered confuse nearby foes and gain vigor.  This vigor would be in addition to Nomad's Endurance. 


F3: Destroy all your clones, for each clone shattered daze your target, if three clones are shattered in this way create a Mirage Mirror.


For the last one I rarely use it in PvE but as with Chronomancer and Virtuoso both f4's work much differently than core, seeing Soulguardian.6203's suggestion for F3 it should be the F4 for a Elite spec designed around deception it makes sense distortion on Mirage should change to stealth for it's last shatter allowing them to set up their perfect ambush.


F4: Destroy all your clones, for each clone shattered gain stealth and aegis. Master of fragmentation might add blind to negate an extra hit. This will also mean changing the Desert Distortion trait to grant ambush when gaining stealth instead of distortion.

Alternative F4 for those who dislike collecting mirrors. Mirrors would be stored as a resource above clones (3 mirrors). This is a solution I believe many have already came up with and could be made into a shatter skill.

F4: Shatter your Mirage Mirrors: You gain aegis and mirage cloak. Damage and weaken foes around you. Summon a clone for each mirror shattered.  Master of Fragmentation could make this cause an additional condition to foes such as blind like above or possibly a short daze.

On second thought I regret writing the above as in pvp the main issue is counter play and mirrors being collectable is part of it due to downstates. 

Edited by Syronus.7605
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