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Guild Alliances is actually the Edge of the Mists system on WvW Maps ....


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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The change will go from a system more open to both more hardcore and semi-casual players to one designed only for big highly dedicated guilds.

In normal WvW, if everything was 100% efficient we would all be in capped out 500 man WvW hardcore guilds raiding every night on all borders. Because that's what it's "designed" for. That's what wins fights. That's what wins matchups.

But we dont actually see that, do we? No because that's not really how reality works. All of your concerns already apply to normal WvW. Even the point about "nobody can dictate what server you can play on"... yeah you're right. But arent we already seeing exclusion over voice? Commanders dictate whether you can join them or not. They dicatate what classes they want. You can easily be left out in the cold.

Of course a change in the approach to guilds and groups of guilds have to happen. People have to adjust. I dont expect everyone to just go wvw->restructure and suddenly be in their forever fixed positions like nothing happened. The entire point is a more dynamic WvW. It'll take months to settle. But do we want more balanced matchups or not? Because everyone seems to say they want it, but they're not willing to accept what's needed to be done for it. 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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14 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

I think the you're trying to convince me of what I already agreed with about server conditions at the end of my comment. Whatever drama guilds have going on right now doesn't matter to me, regardless of what tier they're trying to crash or avoid, and if my guild right now ever fizzles out I can just drop tag and continue to run around with the usual crowd when I log on.

If there's drama with Alliances, guild and alliances leaders could have some say in where I'm logging in at in a match or two unless I or my guild are super careful with stats to try to let the math keep me around, or I need to bend the knee to someone. 


Maybe you should have picked a more suitable, or dare I say, better guild and alliance to begin with, than one that "has drama" and forces you to "bend the knee" 😊.

Anyway, if you agree about the server conditions, we've moved past any discussion about the system itself now. Have a happy reset. It's about time.

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27 minutes ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

Maybe you should have picked a more suitable, or dare I say, better guild and alliance to begin with, than one that "has drama" and forces you to "bend the knee" 😊.

Anyway, if you agree about the server conditions, we've moved past any discussion about the system itself now. Have a happy reset. It's about time.

The main guild on NSP had a thriving community and seemed to be where to go or be adjacent to if you wanted to be around baseline people. One good bit of drama at the top and that entire community turns into basically a bank guild within a month. That guild tag and the alliance blob they held together crashed in the worst way but everyone still logged in to their actual dynamic which guilds get too much credit for after that. 

Maybe there will be some of that element with alliances but there will be more influence by a few people of where people end up match to match than there is now. Better or worse, it's not a good comparison to current servers any more than comparing alliances, guilds, and solo players who will be moved by algorithm to current links because they're moving as a block right now and not individually by stats. More emojis wont make that connection make any more sense. 


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30 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

The main guild on NSP had a thriving community and seemed to be where to go or be adjacent to if you wanted to be around baseline people. One good bit of drama at the top and that entire community turns into basically a bank guild within a month. That guild tag and the alliance blob they held together crashed in the worst way but everyone still logged in to their actual dynamic which guilds get too much credit for after that. 

Maybe there will be some of that element with alliances but there will be more influence by a few people of where people end up match to match than there is now. Better or worse, it's not a good comparison to current servers any more than comparing alliances, guilds, and solo players who will be moved by algorithm to current links because they're moving as a block right now and not individually by stats. More emojis wont make that connection make any more sense. 



That's one of the bigger issues that people aren't looking at it, assume there will be drama on a larger than Guild size level. Phase 2 is going to need some testing on the UI and tools so that one person at the top losing it doesn't have the power to nuke the site from orbit. If they do how quick can a new Alliance be built so its available for next match up so that people aren't scatter on the wind for 2 months. The system being created looks like its a one person admin that can opt in for others but that then means more people with big red buttons. Now granted that's an issue for players but need to make sure those players have tools they need. Long story short lots of questions on Phase 2 items.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


That's one of the bigger issues that people aren't looking at it, assume there will be drama on a larger than Guild size level. Phase 2 is going to need some testing on the UI and tools so that one person at the top losing it doesn't have the power to nuke the site from orbit. If they do how quick can a new Alliance be built so its available for next match up so that people aren't scatter on the wind for 2 months. The system being created looks like its a one person admin that can opt in for others but that then means more people with big red buttons. Now granted that's an issue for players but need to make sure those players have tools they need. Long story short lots of questions on Phase 2 items.

Ya, if they cover all the bases and make after launch adjustments streamlined that will be great. I can even be alright with big messes happening as long as the team sorting server can be a little elastic and informative so that you can have a good idea of pug culture on each Team so you can work towards being set for the next match and not have it be total guess work if you have to drop guild or whatever. I'm just not sure what tools they could put in place to help people measure teams and alliances to help you get in where you fit in. 

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On 10/20/2022 at 4:43 AM, felix.2386 said:

you can fight for your server, you can fight for your alliance.

it's the same


and WAR is PEACE!


you forgot to write it and i am helping you here.


p.s. unfortunately i still remember that my server's name is AURORA GLADE and i still know some players there and not  MOOGOOLOO with some quagans that i don't know.

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On 10/21/2022 at 7:19 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

 today nobody can dictate what server you can play on. In future, your identity will be in hands of big guild leaders. They will decide who has the right to be in their alliance, and who has not. Which, again, means that small guilds without connections and unafiliated players will be left out in the cold. Which may negatively impact their interest in the mode.


And the snowballing effect:

this new potentiated power of guild and alliance leaders will draw the most twisted minds WvW has ever seen 😆


Comon what "negative impacts" are you talking about?! 😁

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