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How the hell you are supposed to fight bladesworn ?


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From support perspective i can see them charging their attack but there is nothing i can do. They just land their deadly attack no matter what.

You cant block - even weapon block doesnt work
You cant dodge/evade
You cant blind
You cant hide - it hits you behind pillar, boxes any obstacle with large margin.
You cant kite them/stop them with staff 5.

You cant really do anything. Everything mace block/sword blind, shield aegis, staff barrier, virtue, vigor and sigil of energy. utilities like advance! 100% ignore.. What the #%@! am i supposed to do ? Gw2 always been about dodges, blocks and other counter abilities, positioning and using terrain obstacles to your advantage. This profession ignores it all. I just dont get it... why this even exist ?!

Edited by Luna.6203
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>Continuous poison

>Space yourself when you know they'll have DT up soon

>Dodge their DT the right way (the side or forwards)

>Time your dodge with the blast, not the slash

>PLEASE don't flinch when they use Flicker Step

>Keep track of their Tactical Reload

>Count their Stunbreaks/Prepare 2 CCs

>Save your defensive mechanics (projectile reflect, projectile block, block, blind, etc) for after they use DT to cover Blooming Fire/Artillery Fire/etc


Even as a support you can do enough things on this list to make the average BS much less scary

Edited by GeneralBM.5781
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2 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

>Continuous poison

>Space yourself when you know they'll have DT up soon

>Dodge their DT the right way (the side or forwards)

>Time your dodge with the blast, not the slash

>PLEASE don't flinch when they use Flicker Step

>Keep track of their Tactical Reload

>Count their Stunbreaks/Prepare 2 CCs

>Save your defensive mechanics (projectile reflect, projectile block, block, blind, etc) for after they use DT to cover Blooming Fire/Artillery Fire/etc


Even as a support you can do enough things on this list to make the average BS much less scary

....and what do they need to keep in track for them to kill me? I'm pretty sure the list is shorter.

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Honestly i have no idea what you talking about.

2 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

Continuous poison

what that means ?

2 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

Space yourself when you know they'll have DT up soon

space yourself ?

2 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

>Time your dodge with the blast, not the slash

>PLEASE don't flinch when they use Flicker Step

>Keep track of their Tactical Reload

>Count their Stunbreaks/Prepare 2 CCs

>Save your defensive mechanics (projectile reflect, projectile block, block, blind, etc) for after they use DT to cover Blooming Fire/Artillery Fire/etc

Please be real. Try it yourself made support and go to mid fight lets say 4v4 where two enemy bladesworns constantly charging at you. Youll be happy when you dodge when you spot their animation. You still have to keep eye on your allies/enemies. Their position hp and conditions. Rotate your skills and utilities to mitigate as many hits as possible and heal hits that lands. Almost all professions can kill you in two-three seconds if you dont dodge their burst - kite melee - los range - reflect their projectiles and so on.. There is always some counter play except bladesworn.. they dont care... U are behind box with aegis in middle of dodge roll. No problem!! They hit you anyway instantly cut half of your hp and keeps you stunned so they can finish you off. I mean seriously ?

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31 minutes ago, Eugchriss.2046 said:

....and what do they need to keep in track for them to kill me? I'm pretty sure the list is shorter.

Better start accepting having to tryhard against them now, Anet is notoriously slow at responding to PVP forum tears


4 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:

what that means ?

Bring lots of poison.


5 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:

space yourself ?

You want to have a good distance from a BS roughly every 8 seconds. Do you even know how a BS works?


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20 minutes ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

Bring lots of poison.

Yeah ill make sure to bring some poisons as guardian.

21 minutes ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

You want to have a good distance from a BS roughly every 8 seconds.

Yes you can run away. Dont go near points dont go for objectives like bell. That way they cant kill you thats true.

9 minutes ago, Lysico.4906 said:

Op    Play a bs in pvp for a few matches.   Understanding the class is key to fighting it

Ive played basically all proffesion.. not all builds still i have over 2k games played. 641 as warrior - second highest. I know how they work.

Really amazing tips guys. use poison, run away, gitgud.

Anyway I saw video where guy dodged that dragon crap by dodging forward. OK but DONT pretend that is okay its obviously bug and should be fixed. Not to mention you cant always dodge forward. Im barely at open space as support. Its suicide. im always near obstacle. Dodge forward would be dodge to wall.


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45 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

run pure glass and delete them


Its this one, and the poison one.

Once they're out of stunbreaks some classes have burst damage will crumple the less skilled/bandwagon ones like an aluminum can.

If you don't have burst damage (like thief) ignore the fight and pressure them 2v1.


From support persepective

You were winning 1v1s as a support?

Bladesworn has some boosted 😸 to be sure, but there's 2 problems there.

Whoever you're supporting should be peeling hard enough here that (dodge Dragon Trigger) should be your main priority. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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With catylist. I am guessing its the same as in wvw where it can kill 5 good players with ease. I really don't get why any pre eod spec was nerfed. Bladesworn unblockable, uninterruptable, and with daze, calylist with circles of destruction that are as wide as the computer screen and seemingly infinate reflect/invuln. 

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2 hours ago, Luna.6203 said:

i have over 2k games played. 641 as warrior - second highest. I know how they work.


Great. I've dueled them with a full glass Berserker and it's possible to beat them but you must execute bulls charge and headbutt after you've build up some adrenaline and dodging DT. I played BS a lot before they nerfed WB. 

Good advice on poison - thieves, specialized ranger specs can apply lots of poison but it may not have enough burst if it's pure condi, I still have to test. Best bet is to play dps Mesmer as they have always countered Warriors or the engie spec I play (not mechanist, eww) that has 2 stuns and some quickness.

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2 hours ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:

Ask question.

Get answer.

Reject answer.



btw lets talk about how a support guardian is seriously talking about "fighting" anything.

rUn AwAy. Yes run away, you're a support guard up against a BS. your job in the teamfight is literally to play keep-away until your team needs you

Ohh sorry i didn't realize that . . . . . you wrote was an answer. Solved thank you. And thanks for extra paragraph about how to play support. After over 700 games played as guardian now i finally know how play support thx to you.
I have no doubt you had good intentions. From duel stand point what you wrote was ok. Take poison.. OK if you have profession with that. You can also run away from objectives or even stay afk. Problem solved.. i mean it! If you stay afk in lobby or somewhere in corner of map in fact bladesworn wont kill you.. U are right and i accept that.

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1 hour ago, Lysico.4906 said:

Op. If you are not going to listen to counters and suggestions then why post?   You want to just kitten about bladesworn I guess.     People trying to help you and you are coming across as dismissive and looking for a fight.  


You told me to play BS and learn i told you i did. This doesnt change fact that profession can hit through wall and dodge so ofcourse i came here to kitty about bladesworn. I thought its obvious.


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17 minutes ago, Lysico.4906 said:

You play support and expect to beat dps 1v1??    Ok OP.   Found the issue with you. 😜


Yeah what a fail right? In fact i fight 1vs2 or even 1vs3 as support all time? That was mistake right ? kitten i knew i was doing something wrong. Thank you all for advices. This whole conversation was extremely productive. Im super glad i made this thread no regrets.

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9 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:


Yeah what a fail right? In fact i fight 1vs2 or even 1vs3 as support all time? That was mistake right ? kitten i knew i was doing something wrong. Thank you all for advices. This whole conversation was extremely productive. Im super glad i made this thread no regrets.

LOL no, you are not fighting 1v2 1v3, you are tanking.

you are not winning.


also how can you not dodge dragon slash, i literally dodge it 70% of the times.

it is so predictable.

just dodge the dragon slash, the rest of the skills you can face tank it with your trillion block/blind/weakness w/e.


among all meta builds, you should never die to bladesworn as support in 1v1 ever lol.

Edited by felix.2386
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1 hour ago, Luna.6203 said:

No idea where you get that i was 1v1 as support and winning. But sure why not.


39 minutes ago, Luna.6203 said:


Yeah what a fail right? In fact i fight 1vs2 or even 1vs3 as support all time? That was mistake right ? kitten i knew i was doing something wrong. Thank you all for advices. This whole conversation was extremely productive. Im super glad i made this thread no regrets.

Nobody is saying that 1v2 or 1v3 is a mistake. The point that people are trying to make is that as support guardian, you should expect some difficulty with bladesworn. Your supported teammate will have to do the peeling for you since your blocks/interrupts will not as be effective in stopping the bladesworn should they attempt to target you. If they do this, you will need to rely on dodging. Your blocks and the like will be effective in mitigating everything but dragon trigger. 

This is the opposite matchup of you vs glass warrior. in that matchup, they will struggle vs you because of their bursts being concentrated in single strikes that can be blinded or blocked. On glass guardian/Willbender it would be easier for you to burst down the bladesworn, but since you don't have damage as support you do not have that luxury. 

That being said, there are indeed issues with bladesworn that need to be fixed. Even when those are fixed though, the particulars of your matchup will not disappear entirely. Bladesworn needs to be adjusted so "just 2v1 it!" or "just run lmao" arent the solutions to encountering it 1v1 on a node, as should other classes that meet that metric; but even when that happens it will still eat support guardians alive. It's built as an answer, at least in part, to the years of guardians autoblocking/autoblinding warriors up to this point. 

So dodge dragon trigger, call target on bladesworn, and have your teammate peel. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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