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24 minutes ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

you wont end up with them unless you're really bad, normal does have a matchmaking somehow

This is a lie. I mean not a total lie but I can guarantee they'll have plenty of matches with some new players. I've seen every skill level in unranked, generally skewed matches, etc.

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I was placed with a team mate that had 157 ap last night. The way he fought, well didn't fight and just flailed around not helping in any way in team fights was a real struggle to have any kind of fun. When the enemy is 2v1 pumbling me and I see this war to my back right with sword axe rotating in circles idk doing what to think. He Definitely was not helping me win a game, it was dissapointing and alittle frustrating to see. I have no problem playing with new players. I just want an easier way to see their experience better for a better overall gameplay experiance.

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16 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

you wont end up with them unless you're really bad, normal does have a matchmaking somehow

If only this was how it worked in practice. I can have an active rating that qualifies me into the top 100 and the game still makes me beat up silvers. Or I can have no active rating with 0 ranked matches played in the current season... aaaand it's exactly the same.

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