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Engi most OP

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"Engi OP,  please nerf" and the "it isn't nerf, just focus/reflect rofl" threads are not helpful nor insightful and do not even address the actual issue of Mechanist.

Mechanist isn't overpowered in a PvP setting, so long as your team knows to focus them or listens to the target call.

But, again, simply stating such does touch on the actual issue or even help anyone reading the threads. Yes, higher ranked players know to focus the Mechanist first or to keep constant reflect up, if they can. This has been mentioned so, so very much over all these threads about how well Mechanist performs to the point that is is more common than the "mech op, please nerf" threads.


Moreover, something that over-performs in low ranked play and gets kittened in high ranked play also isn't exactly a good thing. That aside, let's get into the meat of the topic.


The real issue of Mechanist isn't its damage or its overall performance, it's how it is played.  It is absurdly easy to play- meme levels of ease of use. To the point that you can pick up engi for the first time in 10 years, throw something together, and perform fairly well with basically no input. Your auto attack and auto mech skills doing almost all the work for you, save for in high ranked play.


Something that requires the tiniest bit of input (we're talking dodging and moving to and from capture points) should not perform as well as it has. It teaches the player absolutely nothing as they climb the ranks with Mechanist, only to be completely crushed once they rise up to a high enough rank to where players know how to easily counter Mechanist. It creates a bad experience for the Mechanist player as well as the people that are on their team. As you now have someone who is out of their depth, likely does not know the ins and outs of a match and only got to where they are solely because of how well Mechanist performs in low to mid ranked play.


That isn't to say a build can't be easy to play. Not every build or class has to be overly complicated to perform well. A build's challenge to play should also come with the trade off of how well it performs overall. Leading to a higher mastery over the build equating to an overall higher skill level of the player. Overly easy or overly complicated builds should not carry someone through the ranks- their skill should. And that is the core issue with Mechanist.


Mechanist has too much payoff for too little input from the player. Mind you, such a thing is fine for PvE, but not for PvP or WvW.

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43 minutes ago, spartan.9421 said:

"Engi OP,  please nerf" and the "it isn't nerf, just focus/reflect rofl" threads are not helpful nor insightful and do not even address the actual issue of Mechanist.

Mechanist isn't overpowered in a PvP setting, so long as your team knows to focus them or listens to the target call.

But, again, simply stating such does touch on the actual issue or even help anyone reading the threads. Yes, higher ranked players know to focus the Mechanist first or to keep constant reflect up, if they can. This has been mentioned so, so very much over all these threads about how well Mechanist performs to the point that is is more common than the "mech op, please nerf" threads.


Moreover, something that over-performs in low ranked play and gets kittened in high ranked play also isn't exactly a good thing. That aside, let's get into the meat of the topic.


The real issue of Mechanist isn't its damage or its overall performance, it's how it is played.  It is absurdly easy to play- meme levels of ease of use. To the point that you can pick up engi for the first time in 10 years, throw something together, and perform fairly well with basically no input. Your auto attack and auto mech skills doing almost all the work for you, save for in high ranked play.


Something that requires the tiniest bit of input (we're talking dodging and moving to and from capture points) should not perform as well as it has. It teaches the player absolutely nothing as they climb the ranks with Mechanist, only to be completely crushed once they rise up to a high enough rank to where players know how to easily counter Mechanist. It creates a bad experience for the Mechanist player as well as the people that are on their team. As you now have someone who is out of their depth, likely does not know the ins and outs of a match and only got to where they are solely because of how well Mechanist performs in low to mid ranked play.


That isn't to say a build can't be easy to play. Not every build or class has to be overly complicated to perform well. A build's challenge to play should also come with the trade off of how well it performs overall. Leading to a higher mastery over the build equating to an overall higher skill level of the player. Overly easy or overly complicated builds should not carry someone through the ranks- their skill should. And that is the core issue with Mechanist.


Mechanist has too much payoff for too little input from the player. Mind you, such a thing is fine for PvE, but not for PvP or WvW.


We are not talk about mech!

Engi OP! not just mech.

Holosmith has a quite easy combo and 1 shot everything and perma superspeed let it ez kite other class.

Rifle Scrapper is able to provides perma quickness, fury, might is not balance.

Mechanist sustain is overperforming, tank from any 1v2 and beats just about anything 1v1.

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Alright, you got me with the not talking about mech point. I jumped the gun there.


That said, I do believe the issue you're having is purely one of skill. Take a moment to chill and look at this objectively.

Having a high upkeep of three boons doesn't make a class OP. Having high upkeep of fury, might, and quickness gives you good dps potential, sure, but high dps does not equate to being OP. Moreover, boons can be corrupted and stripped. It isn't a be-all, end-all to have high upkeep of boons. You've got options.


Where is this oneshot build Holosmith and why isn't everyone running it? Can you provide a link to this build?

"Oneshot"  builds (which is honestly a misleading name for these builds) are gimmicky at best, and fall apart as soon as you give them any sort of resistance.

If having superspeed makes something OP, do you also think that Revenant is OP? Revenant running Rising Momentum and using Impossible Odds can achieve the exact same move speed as anyone with Superspeed.(Side note, Revenant can also do this with Rising momentum, swiftness, and Rune of Speed) Movement speed is capped at 190% while in combat.

That said, there is also more to kiting than just superspeed, and even if a Holosmith has superspeed, they're still easy to catch. Engineer doesn't have a whole lot of movement options. Furthermore, Holosmith has one thing that grants superspeed (if traited for it). Most of Engineer's superspeed comes from core Engineer or Scrapper.


Mechanist is not tanky in a 1v2. That honor goes to Bladesworn. And, even still, is also a matter of skill. Anyone can tank a 1v2 if their opponents have no idea how to play.


All of this aside, complaining weakly on the forums is not going to help you and is not going to make anything change. Instead, maybe try getting better at PvP and learning of ways to deal with these builds you struggle with, or just not playing the game mode. PvP isn't for everyone.

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1 hour ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:


We are not talk about mech!

Engi OP! not just mech.

Holosmith has a quite easy combo and 1 shot everything and perma superspeed let it ez kite other class.

Holo is balanced right now. It's still solid, but it has to compete with Herald, Bladesworn, and Willbender and it doesn't outperform any of them. 

It does good damage since it's a DPS build, that's literally its job, but it won't be dishing out any one shots unless it's some meme varient with firearms or Overheat. Those builds are very fun to play, but suboptimal. 

1 hour ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Rifle Scrapper is able to provides perma quickness, fury, might is not balance.

It's perma to self with chronomancer rune, but that build is pretty meme and squishy.  Very fun though, that's my go-to build right now, but with Hammer and Mortar kit.

We also have Herald and Harbinger doing the exact same thing but better so...

1 hour ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Mechanist sustain is overperforming, tank from any 1v2 and beats just about anything 1v1.

Have you heard of these fun builds called bladesworn and catalyst? 

Mech sustain  got heavy nerfs. Mech has gotten more nerfs than any other EoD spec. It's been hard nerfed, and hotfixed nerfed multiple times, and is no longer the immortal sustain god it once was. 

There are better side node options now, like the two I listed. If you can't beat mech in this meta, there's really no excuses. 



If you're noticing a reoccurring theme here. It's that Engi is perfectly playable in this meta, but no matter what flavor of engi it is, it's going to get outclassed by something else. It's balanced right now in PvP, and side node mech is arguably overnerfed, but people will make the argument it should be overnerfed because of AI. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Sitting 17 points above having a gold badge...

Yeah because of this GW2 - Chat Log Of Blatant Alt Phase Throwing - Twitch

Every season the same exact thing happens. You see me solo queueing at 1600 margins the entire season usually playing between around rank 30 and rank 50, but then as soon as the final 2 weeks hits 120 games required, I am not allowed to stay in these margins and the win trader/throw alt community hates me enough to throw on me every single chance they get. I try to play only 1 game per 3 days during 120 req season end, but 100% of the time my games will be losses and I will drop from 1600 margins down about 80 points from my last 3 to 4 games played = around 1520 finish each season. Same thing happens every season. The video displayed shows you the kind of treatment I get in my ranked games. They even go out of their way to let me know what is happening, to make sure I know.


Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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