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Scrapper: power hammer feed back


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Good day, 


I don't normally post much because I usually enjoy the roller coaster of changes as the game evolves. With the recent changes to hammer making there weapon damage alittle better, there PvE (open world) survivability isn't the greatest since impact savant was nerfed could that be increased while a hammer is equip? I'm not the most experienced player in all game modes but I was able to solo a fair chunk of HoT hero points because of that trait now it's alot harder if not impossible in some cases. I think if it was 5% and while a hammer is equip it's back to the 15%.  I'm not sure if previously something made it sorta OP. I would love a open discussion about this without being insulted. I would appreciate education or constructive opinions please and thank you! 



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It was part of a sweeping set of changes for several specs/traits/runes that A-Net determined to be too passively tanky in PvE.

Battlescars on Revenant, and Rune of Tormenting were all also nerfed at the time.

It is still ridiculously good, and you can solo those points, but it take a lot more personal skill and you build has to be focused on the tasked.

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Anyway if we compare scrapper to other classes and builds scrapper really compete. There are better sources of quickness and might.  In group play but specter ,mechanist and firebrand way out perform in barrier up time quickness might healing /support, scrapper is actually in weird spot, if they could have a easier time on up time on these boons. Scrapper isn't the strongest DPS or booner there thing was survivability which isn't the case unless skilled knowing fights and knowing all mechanics. But for casual players that doesn't commit to the time required to learn everything scrapper is then in a odd spot. 

They were great for aoe damage in bursts but cap being reduced to 5 with everyone else, I feel scrapper has nothing to real shine with, there gyros are "ok" 

 In WvW you don't see hammer scrappers ever because rifle is amazing and it's ranged vs trying to smack them in melee unless dueling which is a different fish altogether.


To be a support DPS scrapper would probably need a set that is like marauders but minus vita and plus concentration to truely shine. But this is my opinion I love scrapper but would like to see some positive changes to compete with mechanist or be a tanky melee

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54 minutes ago, Freedoms.2635 said:

In WvW you don't see hammer scrappers ever because rifle is amazing and it's ranged vs trying to smack them in melee unless dueling which is a different fish altogether.

Hammer scrapper is literally the healing backbone of any WvW large group. If you meant roaming then idk, but for larger groups you are completely wrong.

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Yeah the impact Savant nerf was horrible.  Killed Scrapper for difficult open world content.  Mech and even holo are much tankier because they can build condition damage and also have tankier traits than a measly 5% barrier conversion.  In a raid when you're being fed buffs that can add up, but when soloing it's basically nothing.  Unless you're doing easy content of course. 


At the very least they should remove the vitality penalty now that it's such a low barrier amount.  Realistically they should buff it to 10%.  Even at 15% Scrapper wasn't as tanky as condition builds so...

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Impact Savant feels great in raids and terrible in OW. 

Buffing  it to 10% wouldn't impact raids that much since:

1. It already caps barrier in raids thanks to modified amunition + full boons. 

2. Scrapper isn't exactly close to overperforming at the moment, so they have room to buff it. Firebrand is still king of quick dps, and as selfish dps it's a mostly melee build with decent but mediocre dps. 


 Holo and Mech shouldn't be tankier than it in open world. Being tanky but having lower damage than glass builds is its intended trade-off. Let it be tanky. 


PSA For any open world Scrappers out there

You don't have to run the Snowcrows setup on scrapper. Try this set up instead


You get a significant chunk of extra bulk, and the DPS you lose from running Accuracy sigil over impact is offset by the fact that dragon stats are slightly better than Zerker once you've crit capped. 

If you start to dip below cap in low level zones, you can fix that problem with food. 

The difficult part is getting the Dragon stats because Anet likes to watch us suffer. 


Note: THIS IS LESS OPTIMAL ON MECH! They want to go over the crit cap because the mech still inherits their excess stats. 






Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 9/12/2022 at 5:01 AM, Freedoms.2635 said:

Good day, 


I don't normally post much because I usually enjoy the roller coaster of changes as the game evolves. With the recent changes to hammer making there weapon damage alittle better, there PvE (open world) survivability isn't the greatest since impact savant was nerfed could that be increased while a hammer is equip? I'm not the most experienced player in all game modes but I was able to solo a fair chunk of HoT hero points because of that trait now it's alot harder if not impossible in some cases. I think if it was 5% and while a hammer is equip it's back to the 15%.  I'm not sure if previously something made it sorta OP. I would love a open discussion about this without being insulted. I would appreciate education or constructive opinions please and thank you! 




If your full berserker, take Cavalire Hammer, it schold give you addional defence nessesary to survive harder bosses

also 10 tier on jed bot schold up your vitality from 14k->17k making your barrier pool bigger

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On 9/13/2022 at 9:23 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

2. Scrapper isn't exactly close to overperforming at the moment, so they have room to buff it. Firebrand is still king of quick dps, and as selfish dps it's a mostly melee build with decent but mediocre dps. 

It benches 1k higher than quick firebrand now. Sure, it will lose a bit if it brings stab, but just damage-wise it outperforms qFB (even more so on POWER* damage bosses).

The pdps build can be played with rifle at about 2k dps loss. Though mine toolbelt, shredder gyro and shredder toolbelt remain strictly melee. 35k bench on hammer, just under hybrid soulbeast isn't too bad. Though I wouldn't be opposed to a buff when taking into account the amount of input required.

Edited by Wolfshade.9251
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7 hours ago, Wolfshade.9251 said:

It benches 1k higher than quick firebrand now. Sure, it will lose a bit if it brings stab, but just damage-wise it outperforms qFB (even more so on POWER* damage bosses).

The pdps build can be played with rifle at about 2k dps loss. Though mine toolbelt, shredder gyro and shredder toolbelt remain strictly melee. 35k bench on hammer, just under hybrid soulbeast isn't too bad. Though I wouldn't be opposed to a buff when taking into account the amount of input required.

I now play quick scrapper as main, at every PvE content and i'm loving it ! Superspeed with quick makes you an absolute zoomer, going places fast and hitting fast. And with mortar kit, you have also very good range. Couldn't expect to not look at Guardian ever again, but Engineer made me do it ! 

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