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Devs, you see all the hype in the warrior forums with people struggling to wait for patch day?

Azure The Heartless.3261

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I was in break from the game and came back 2 weeks ago. I have been playing warrior WvW and pve. Granted the dmg has been gutted and I see why we cannot really run defence anymore. Can I ask why don't people see the nerfs too? I mean losing rousing resilince and the might+ cd from the shield trait sound to me like a huge nerf to the traitline. Also, shake it off is another nerf for warrior. OK, berserker gets a lot of his old power back but still we got nerfs too.


Edit: Also, hammer only gets buff on its burst and still is not as strong as in the past. 

Edited by thaniretouni.4762
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1 minute ago, thaniretouni.4762 said:

I was in break from the game and came back 2 weeks ago. I have been playing warrior WvW and pve. Granted the dmg has been gutted and I see why we cannot really run defence anymore. Can I ask why don't people see the nerfs too? I mean losing rousing resilince and the might+ cd from the shield trait sound to me like a huge nerf to the traitline. Also, shake it off is another nerf for warrior. OK, berserker gets a lot of his old power back but still we got nerfs too.

If you talk about shake it off nerf, berserk damage nerf sure.

But RR? it's a bad gimmick that only works in low tier.

30% of your sustain comes from procing RR so people can just kill you without ccing you easy.

Might on block is also pointless is a 1 sec might that only synergize with mmr, why any person with a brain will just stop attacking you when they see you with shield up to not waste cd, another trait that only works on big fight and no where else. When you already have tactic fgj that help you when you share might, which is also the most potent and more stable healing in big fights

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11 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

If you talk about shake it off nerf, berserk damage nerf sure.

But RR? it's a bad gimmick that only works in low tier.

30% of your sustain comes from procing RR so people can just kill you without ccing you easy.

Might on block is also pointless is a 1 sec might that only synergize with mmr, why any person with a brain will just stop attacking you when they see you with shield up to not waste cd, another trait that only works on big fight and no where else. When you already have tactic fgj that help you when you share might, which is also the most potent and more stable healing in big fights

Axe 5 is also getting nerfed. And might on block was a nerf for big fights yes. But not all people run tactics u know. Some people go for more burst. Anyway, I did not say that all things are gloom and doom, I just said why all people are SO EXCITED. It is not like we received any updates on useless skills like Bola. or any buffs to Fear me. or we got  0 nerfs  this time around. Dagger oh is still lackluster after nerfs in 2020. Mace is still mostly useless. Sword stil has no identity.

Edited by thaniretouni.4762
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1 minute ago, Lighter.5631 said:


1 minute ago, Lighter.5631 said:

You don't go more burst by running the old defense that's for sure

Tactic out damage defense by miles

I was. Not to the classes full potential, but in the past it was needed for extra defy pain etc. When it got nerfed we at least could you the power from toughness trait for some extra juice. But RR I could survive a lot. Anyway, no need to stop only on that point. All I am saying I don't see the reason for being so happy when we get some heavy blows too. I am happy for berserker spec, I am happy for berserker's power (finally gives something early in the fight), yes I am happy hammer got like 60% of its old damage on the earthshaker (weapon still needs more buffs tbh). Some traits in defence are good but others not so good. At least not until we see the specifics. But I am super unhappy about axe 5 nerf, shake it off, and bloody roar nerf. Personally I dont like shield trait change or RR change 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Captain Sally.6249 said:

Now just make our rifles great like the mechanist in PvP and I'll be in as in love with warrior as the day I made my first character.

The rifle of engineer was always good except for the auto which they fixed. Its insane power however comes from very good traits and the mobility that mechanist has. Ofc its good for core engineer and scrapper too.

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Just now, thaniretouni.4762 said:

The rifle of engineer was always good except for the auto which they fixed. Its insane power however comes from very good traits and the mobility that mechanist has. Ofc its good for core engineer and scrapper too.

You're right, but the problem is the only traits I see for rifle warrior don't seem to be that enticing to take. Maybe part of the issue is the weapon, and the other part being the traits? I guess I'll have to check in a few hours if the new berserker changes make rifle feel any better.

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Hopefully the November patch strikes while the iron is still hot. This is a leap towards the right path for Warriors, but as someone that has played Spvp for ages, I feel this still not going to be enough for the class to be competitive outside of gold/low plat. 

I might be wrong (I hope so) but seems unlikely so far.

Edited by Nova.4608
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41 minutes ago, Captain Sally.6249 said:

You're right, but the problem is the only traits I see for rifle warrior don't seem to be that enticing to take. Maybe part of the issue is the weapon, and the other part being the traits? I guess I'll have to check in a few hours if the new berserker changes make rifle feel any better.

i do hope so too. warrior could use a decent ranged weapon for all its specs though. i wouldnt spellbreaker not taking advantage of that if they pump up some of the offhand dagger back though. i guess november is our next chance 

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