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No need to nerf vindicator, engineer is strong and need the check

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Sup engi still op as f*ck.
I had been played sup engi and in 1 year in wvw and it was nearly unstoppable in nearly every fight.
The dodge roll style seem OP, but it can't compare with the engi,  when Scraper have already cleaned 1k condis the Vindicator have 200-300 condis.
I mean there are ways to outplay it but it is so incredibly easy for a new player if you know how stack on pin.
A newbie pick up the engineer and just absolutely smash.
A class needs skill to play like revenant gets wack all the time, a high risk, low reward class in wvw...engi always win for some reason...

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I've played engineer since launch and have played it through many different metas including support scrapper, even though I haven't tried it since the patch.

Last night and tonight I tried out the support vindicator while having zero experience on that elite spec. Let me just say that I disagree with you on your assessment of what is easy. Yes, it does less cleanses than both scrapper and tempest, but that's not what makes it easy (nor are cleanses the only benefits these classes bring). On vindicator, I only focus on a few skills and the endurance bar compared with the number of skills a scrapper will utilize. There are buttons on vindicator that I almost never have to press.

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Vindicator is completely broken in wvw.  I have seen 8+ guys trying to kill a single vindicator and can't unless they get multiple cc's.  Which is no easy feat with all the dodges.  On top of that, the dodge is longer than it should and skills don't work on targeting it correctly.


I play scourge mostly in blob fights and don't find dealing with scrappers that difficult.  So what if you can cleanse like crazy, there is more to fighting that just cleanses.

Edited by Nordic Natedog.4360
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9 hours ago, noneHotBuildTest.7251 said:

Sup engi still op as f*ck.
I had been played sup engi and in 1 year in wvw and it was nearly unstoppable in nearly every fight.
The dodge roll style seem OP, but it can't compare with the engi,  when Scraper have already cleaned 1k condis the Vindicator have 200-300 condis.
I mean there are ways to outplay it but it is so incredibly easy for a new player if you know how stack on pin.
A newbie pick up the engineer and just absolutely smash.
A class needs skill to play like revenant gets wack all the time, a high risk, low reward class in wvw...engi always win for some reason...


Aren't all classes easy if you just stack on tag in the middle of a boon ball and are unkillable? I think I would try and break that one out a bit more to make a better point. Do different classes add better (damage/heals/CC/support/steath/condi) than other classes in zergs, yes. Are different classes easier to play than others to different people, yes, especially depending on how you set up your build. Are people less effective than they could be with different build outs, yes. I agree I think all classes should have mechanics that are challenging to the player, and fun. But 100% uptime of anything (boons, barrier, invis, CC, superspeed...) is where they should look at it. The dodge at baseline was pretty close to that of a perma-dodge and when people built out for it they were finding (hadn't tested yet but others posted and vids on it)  that was easy to achieve. Not sure I would say building for perma-dodge was skillful play, agree would be fun. It was the same with the Engi rifle mod and allowing for the mech to trigger aim-assisted rockets. Doing one was fine, doing both was too much. The Rifle (hey ANet Warrior rifle wink wink nod nod) change aided all the Engi types but went too far with the mech. So again would breakout your thoughts a bit more on how you were using the dodge and it should be put back so people can understand the why of it better. And if your point is purely about support Vindi's role in group play, focus on that and why the change needs to be reverted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not agree with the scrapper "being OP as f*ck comment but I understand the frustration. I would have agreed not too long ago but with all the changes I think it is still good but not OP.  I think the fact that you see groups trying other support shows that.

Support in general has been nerfed too much imo but that is another topic all together.

They should have reverted the Vindi dodge to the way it was before it got buffed rather than change it again and nerf it worse than it was before the buff. Why buff something you think was weak then make it weaker then when you buffed it? Weird logic imo.

I respect the balance team trying to make adjustments, but to do so in haste before a new meta happens is a major over reaction. They say they want build diversity, but when it starts to happen, they go and undo it before we could see for sure if it was broken in WvW. 

I thought the dodge Vindi buff was fine. Not sure why it got nerfed so fast. 





Edited by AphoticEssance.7592
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remove minstrells from game and those OP support classes will be in line... players will have to l2p rather spam.

But i dont trust Anet developers they will make the gameplay far far worse in future to catter some players base that QQ  they need to be more carried.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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