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Removing all trade-offs from traits.


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Hello everyone,


As anet removed a lots of trade-offs from traits , like scrapper has no more -180 vitality on his own barrier generator , berserker has no more -300 thougness and druid's pet has lost his -20% stats (i may have forgotten some) , let remind that thief and catalyst still have disgusting traits with huge trade offs (not even worth taking in any case).

Thief has -5% damage on "deadly aim" for having only pistol projectiels perforation. Think personnaly that today we can remove this -5% , even make it a +5% on pistol damage.

Catalyst has -10% damage dealt on "spectacular sphere" making it the worst dps/quickness provider off the game . Same , think we can remove that -10% and make quickness being toped on every sphere the first pulse , so it will be a more smooth quickness provider.


I know the traits i am talking about (druid , scrappy and berserker) are "obligate" traits to take , but thats not an excuse to let some disgusting trade offs .

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Deadly aim seems kinda wrong when you look at rangers pierce traits, that give bonus stats together with the pierce. Even if it's not grandmaster it shouldn't have -5% damage (not sure about +5% damage tho).
Spectacular Sphere probably didn't receive it due to the patch being WvW focused.

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I personally don't mind adding some trade offs to make abilities more Espec/profession defining due to it offering powerfull effect. I do however really hate "trade offs" that do not give any meaningful benefit. 

And on that note: why does elementalist still has 300 armor less and 7.5k health less then for example a warrior? Either increase the elementalist's power or increase its health/defense pool.


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4 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

They are removing trade off from spec not core trait.


But Anet completely forgot that not every class has the same trade off for obvious reason. The recent shenanigans with Vindicator's dodge is a good example.

Mirage it seems like was the orignial one spec that was given a trade-off, then to show they didnt plan to JUST do that to Mirage they also removed soulbeasts pet and gave some other specs trade-offs which they claim will now be removed, but then they only said the dodge that started it all was  on the table and nothing since was said. 

I will be surprised if they ever do anything more about trade-offs after Oct 4th. I do hope that I am wrong about that, but I have yet to see them move in a direction over the last 3 or so years that would lead me to think they will ever give Mirage its dodge back or undo the trade-offs on the rest of the classes/specs. Again, I hope Im wrong about that.

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18 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

They are removing trade off from spec not core trait.

Spectacular sphere is from catalyst spec , and is required to give quickness , that was the selling point of catalyst , finally being able to give quickness as ele , now you have to eat that disgusting -10% damage dealt , why hasnt any other spec such a trade off ? cause anet , still after 10 years , dont know how to balance ele ... Proof : catalyst nerfed few weeks after eod release , then rebuffed , then renerfed... etc etc.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 10/9/2022 at 6:30 PM, the krytan assassin.9235 said:

I personally don't mind adding some trade offs to make abilities more Espec/profession defining due to it offering powerfull effect. I do however really hate "trade offs" that do not give any meaningful benefit. 

And on that note: why does elementalist still has 300 armor less and 7.5k health less then for example a warrior? Either increase the elementalist's power or increase its health/defense pool.


Cause there were two classes able to heal with "some" efficiency when the game launched (10 y ago) those are guardian and ele , therefore this two where left with 11600 hp , and thief , cause thief is a thief it's squishy ... i know thats a dumb reasoning , i completely agree ...

So we are left with the same idea at the start of the game , we have multiple class able to heal like madmans but with huge hp pool ... standardize the hp pool in pve . In pvp and wvw i dont know what to do , i have little knowledge of those two modes , so wont talk about it. Ele was supposed to be the "glass canon" but the canon is also made from glass so it shoots one time , then break...

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On 10/10/2022 at 12:33 AM, Ken Yuudachi.9807 said:

We feel sorry for your situation. I think your point is really great, but considering CMC plays elementalist, the second opinion is more likely implemented. Thank you for your feedback. Next time, remember to remove the professions that the staff does not play. Especially the kind that can interrupt frequently or cause elementalists trouble with +1. ❤️

Considering what elementalist 'got' from the last patch I wouldn't say CMC playing ele means there would be any positive impact on the class.

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