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WvW-Product Backlog


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I was asked to post this here: (I've included some feedback)


I'm a passionate WvW-Player for many years now and have been active since GW2 was released in 2012. In real life, from time to time, I am professionally involved in designing and testing requirements for application software.

In the past, I've been a little disappointed with the low development capacity invested in WvW, and like many other people in the community I often had my own thoughts. In my opinion, WvW is an important part of the end-game content of GW2. Below is a list of solutions to some major and also minor problems that I think WvW has. They would bring enormous benefits to the gameplay or quality of life, but in most cases do not require an extremely high development effort.

Some would even be advantageous prior to larger waves of players (e.g. triggered by the implementation of higher loot amounts, or the release of the alliance system,...) to make the first impression of this game mode more positive, or to reduce potential anger among veteran players.

The list is sorted by priority (1-high to 3-low - in terms of positive effect for WvW game mode) and includes a personal effort estimation.



I have used many pictures - for every Point🖼️👁️‍🗨️:

Original Google Docs ⚔️ (slightly edited after initial feedback) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uGSDHlkebs3HrhL1zJ0pV-YnsIjIIvHuy0k0pb-CZNo/edit?usp=sharing

or Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/xvh94v/wvw_product_backlog/



1 Hiding Minis in WvW by default ✓✓✓ Done

The "hide" checkbox in the Miniatures menu should be switched on by default when entering every WvW map.

This will turn off Minis when entering WvW maps automatically.

Alternatively Minis should be invisible by default for enemies.


For newcomers, this means they get a friendlier welcome as they are not immediately hit on by veterans in a silly way, because their Minis are visible in mass-stealth-mode.



2 Buff Warclaw's Blessing (Speedbuff)  ✓✓✓ Done

Reduce the activation of this buff from 5 seconds to 2-3 seconds or, in case it is too performance heavy,

activate it specifically via skill (with appropriate cooldown)


If necessary, increase the duration and range.

Alternatively, a rental of “a weaker version” mount in the spawn would be conceivable (without mountskills)


With a view to newcomers to WvW:

Mounted players are out of range too quickly, so this buff won't be helpful most of the time, because the Warclaw buff triggers too late. It's very frustrating when you are always too late to the action.



3 Pips per rank - revise milestones

Adjust rank milestones:

From +2 pips per rank to +3 pips per rank, there are over 400 levels!?!

As a beginner you see no light at the end of the tunnel. You'd have to imagine what it would be like in PvE if the first progress you unlocked was a small increase in reward currency after 200 fractal runs.

For the beginning, a distance of about 50 WvW level / ranks would certainly be a goal.

After that, maybe 100 more.


To reduce the now increased pip gain per week, the pips per chest can be increased

If necessary, create alternative goals to influence your own pip level, e.g.:

+ 1 pip per tick for running in a squad with or near your commander.

+ 1 pip per tick for participating in attack/defense events.

+ 1 pip for server/alliance loyalty

+ ...

With an eye on newcomers and casual players:

Your own progress to more pips and WvW tickets is very time consuming. The rank part seems to be created especially for the WvW veterans and as endgame content.

Goals, such as the next rank for more pips, must also be within reasonable reach for the novice or casual player group. Otherwise, people give up early.

How many hours of gameplay do you need to put into 150 WvW ranks, with the result of one pip more?

 PS: I get 7 pips extra per tick for my rank.



4 Rework Edges of the Mists

A new map is needed that uses other maps as buffers when queues are full, and supports similar gameplay behavior.

New features:

+ halved pips rewards

+ allow mounts

+ with only a few cliffs and no frustrating walking paths to the commander

Experiments like new maps / map rotations, map events, mounts (Turtle), or water battles could be tried there.



5 WvW-Informations

Implement a menu similar to the looking-for-group feature where players, commanders, events or guilds (from the team/on the server!) can draw attention to themselves. The menu must be server and team specific. It makes no sense to recruit players who can not play in my team!

Advertising is important to be successful, especially against harder enemies.


Also, it would be handy if the menu was also accessible via a bulletin board next to the spawn and, or in the main keep.

We need more space for a larger text than in the looking-for-group feature if we want to announce an event correctly.

There should be a note, outside of the WvW-modus, that this menu is only viewable once you enter any WvW-map.



6 Champion Commander Siegerazer rework

The following doesn't help win, but there is something to do in WvW for everyone, if there is no player-commander.


This event for severely underperforming teams needs to be upgraded:

If the own keep/ spawntowers are held by the enemy over a certain period of time, or they upgraded the keep to T1 or T2, the Champion Commander Event should be buffed:

such as: 

+ a mobile shield around the NSC commander (like a stronger version of the shield generator)

+ armor/life -buff aura of the commander and at the claim event

+ after capturing the spawntower, more mats are available plus half-build arrow carts and 2 offencive treb are spawned

+ walls and gates of the spawn towers should then be invincible over a period of time (aproax 10 mins)


(Some buffs could also be attached to an offensive summoned banner, which only lasts within the enemy district near your own spawn)


These reclaim-events, supported by the system, should receive a repeating interval which becomes stronger over time as well as being more visibly marked on the map.

Maybe it makes sense that a matchmade-ranking should be linked to the commander's level. (When you are 1st in the match. you dont get more than LvL1)

Design Siegerazer Level 1-3 -> Link see above



7 Rework "Outnumbered"

The buff Outnumbered needs a rework. If an enemy team overpowers you, it doesn't help at all. Its just.. there and thats it.

For example this buff could provide higher stats like;

+ double Life/Iron Hide or increasing all Stats (+100) only in your own third at the spawn of each map -[Edit is heavily debated]

+ War-points from Outnumbered, Champions and Lords when claiming an object are halved

+ [EDIT: nice Suggestion by @ Xenesis.6389 - see answers - shall be mentioned here "Overwhelming" for greatly outnumber Teams: „

„If they greatly outnumber either of the other sides, which would grant bonuses to their enemies like 100% more magic find off them as an example. This could be a way to motivate players to attack them instead of the other weaker enemy. „]


We need something to successfully hold 5 vs 20.

Fighting against 1 vs 2 should pay off and not be frustrating!

In general, consider whether it makes sense to allow a team to fully upgrade an opponent's fortress to T3, or to even add tactics in there.

Once this is successfully completed by one side, there is not much to do in WvW until a larger organization is found to flip the fortress back.


Side note: The 3rd party (blue in this case) has no interest in preventing this because they already saved their 2nd place in this matchup.


8 Edges of the Mists – larger Arena-Area

Double the size of the Mist Arena, or add more areas to the arena, so that more than one GvG/Zergfight at once is possible.

It would be perfect if the entire arena could also be used as a huge battlefield. There is not enough space to make an additional 1vs1 in peace.

If necessary it would also make sense to be able to open a new instance of its own. (like a big Guildhall-Arena but with WvW-Stats)



9 Commander-Communications - quick menu

Implement a better quick menu for Signals/Pings for non-voice-users

Example: potentially freely adjustable



10 Spawn Paths EBG - rework

Spawn camping needs to become more difficult.

Exits on EBG need to be further apart and provide escape alternatives.

Sometimes when 1 team dominates the 2 others, it is not possible to leave the spawn without getting killed over and over again.


At least two Exits must not be within sight of each other.

Example: -> Link see above



11 There is still so much work to do for World vs World vs World - priority 3 left out for now …




I really enjoy WvW when it comes to balanced fights between large groups of players. My ideas are meant to support and improve this important core element.

I did not list any suggestions regarding class and balance related improvements/changes on purpose, because I expect these topics to require much higher effort, and they should be a frequently worked on topic for the WvW-Team anyways.

In my opinion it is also important that the different assigned languages of the servers should not be neglected in the future Alliance-System. Maybe through a preferred language selection next to the Guild selection. (current server language tags: french, spanish, german)


What do you think? (Article-Effort: circa. 18+ hours)

Englisch is not my native language so here is a big thank you to my Translation Team: Darkie, Scorpie, Sanivia and Chaosteilchen

Greetings Tavin

PS.: I found a similar, fairly recent post here:

There are more or partly same points: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/120677-the-big-wvw-qol-suggestion-dreamy-ideas-thread/



Edited by Tavin.7450
Point 7 -> EDIT [cursive] , ✓✓ check off 1+2
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Good luck, we've tried for 10 years pitching ideals and QoL changes, very few things have been done, and mostly around the 2016-2017 era of the game when Colin left and Mike decided to finish up their wvw development backlog, and we had all the polls running. Wvw is not a priority for anet.


As for your points.

1. Sure we've suggested it before, it would help the newbs out and take away a troll tool.

2. Sure, although I'm sure they wouldn't want such a low cooldown so they can keep reminding the player to get their own mount instead of bumming it off nearby players.

3. Not sure what's the point of increasing the pips if you're going to also increase the pips per chest, that just cancels the change out. The pip milestones are also +1 not +2 per milestone rank.

+1 WvW Initiate Rank (1-149)
+2 Bronze WvW Rank (150-619)
+3 Silver WvW Rank (620-1394)
+4 Gold WvW Rank (1395-2544)
+5 Platinum WvW Rank (2545-4094)
+6 Mithril WvW Rank (4095-6444)
+7 Diamond WvW Rank (6445-9999)
+8 Max WvW Rank (10000)

We've been over the pips and skirmish track discussion hundreds of times by now, not gonna say much more on it.

4. I'd prefer eotm become a newbie training ground, and not hand out all the wvw rewards there, while also not splitting the player base there, and to maybe be a less stressful spot for the gift of battle hunters, so I would increase the reward track progress in there instead. This might affect the living story reward tracks but 🤷‍♂️

5. No opinion.

6. Sure I guess.

7. I don't like the idea of boosting stats or score points during outnumbered. Imagine you just had a T3 keep with guild claim and presence of the keep buffs on it but still lost it to an overwhelming zerg, how much is outnumbered stat buff going to help in this regard? And I certainly don't like the idea of inflating a sides power with score points they didn't earn.

It already doesn't give ppk for killing players under outnumbered during those times, and maybe that needs to be extended to objective capture points..... but going down any of those roads can lead to more pressure to get people off the map instead of encouraging them to get more people on them.

The only road to choose here is to further boost the rewards you can manage to get as it's much tougher for an outnumbered side to get kills or capture stuff. But most important of all they need to change the motivations of the two strongest sides attacking the weakest, to instead the two weakest attacking the strongest, this is one of the biggest snowball effects that gets people to leave a map.

P.S This is why some time ago I had suggested having an "Overwhelming" buff instead, where the biggest side on the map would get marked with this if they greatly outnumber either of the other sides, which would grant bonuses to their enemies like 100% more magic find off them as an example. This could be a way to motivate players to attack them instead of the other weaker enemy.

8. Arena, they need to just make a separate map that's one giant(and I mean something the side of SMC giant sized anet) flat round area that operates on wvw rules, and anyone can queue into no matter what match they are in. I, am, sick, and, tired, of, Anet, and, GvG, guilds, on, this, matter. Complaining about too small of a map, guild arena is pve rules, can't fight some guild cause they same color this week, or not in the match this week. Make one separate map and let them have their own playground and let the rest of us play wvw and eotm in the future, in peace from that kitten issue.

9. There's squad markers..... Voice is always going to be the preferred form of communication because it's faster.

10. The problem isn't really the 3 exits being close, in fact in ebg there's one close and one long exit. The problem is players aren't organizing themselves to either push out in a larger group, or double teaming the dominating side in the first place. On the mag issue of this, players tend to lose morale and leave because they get tired of the constant pressure, and then you have the idiots who just like running into a grinder. The weaker sides need to stop attacking each other for "ez" points and constantly focus on Mag, so that either side is relieving pressure on each other whenever Mag moves to defend something. But if you want to be braindead and run into a grinder and cap easy points on the other weak side, you deserve to get camped.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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Some really good points. I'd rather have core or new release maps moving in and out of WvW, or some connection to the rest of the game. EotM has a few weirdly useful features but overall it's a trashy map that's mostly for old karma train nostalgia. I think it's GvG potential should find an updated home and get legit treatment. 

Point 5 is something I usually bring up when I go on my open world pvp fit. I think it could reduce the need for hidden tags a little if their intent is more obvious. There would still be clutter on their fields and probably still people giving away their movement but I think over time that feature would go a long way to filtering people to where they actually want to be. I also think that feature should be promoted in the core and other maps also to build interest in the game mode. 

I also like Point 9. It's similar to what I suggested for Specter to improve it's single target handling. I use Alert Target a lot and would use it even if I was on voice comms anyway. Having the map and area around you being pinged is underused 

Edited by kash.9213
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#7 Outnumbered. No outnumbered shouldn't receive any stat bonus, the fighting play field should be balanced in that regards, it not the fault of the attacker that they were able to bring more to the fight. This was my biggest issue with removing the extra pips from outnumbered, but it was erred upon in light of raising pips for all. These changes didn't need to be mutually exclusive. Outnumbered pips could have remained while increasing base pips for all. Its kind of played out as expected and outnumbered now just mostly tells people to get out leaving even less on outnumbered maps. Whereas the purpose before had been to encourage more people in and or at least give extra incentive to those staying. Instead it was seen as people that would just afk pip collect, which I see daily in EBG everyday. For those staying to fight outnumbered it was more encouragement to try and hold even if they were going to be overrun without help, but if no one slows down the otherside then there won't be time for people to make it to the fight. Said it before and will keep doing so. 10% will never fight, 10% will always fight and 80% will do so if its worth it to them for whatever reason. For some those extra pips were it. We might see changes to this down the road but it is one stuck behind alliances.


Will have to look at others points when there is time.

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5 hours ago, Tavin.7450 said:


I was asked to post this here: (I've included some feedback)


I'm a passionate WvW-Player for many years now and have been active since GW2 was released in 2012. In real life, from time to time, I am professionally involved in designing and testing requirements for application software.

In the past, I've been a little disappointed with the low development capacity invested in WvW, and like many other people in the community I often had my own thoughts. In my opinion, WvW is an important part of the end-game content of GW2. Below is a list of solutions to some major and also minor problems that I think WvW has. They would bring enormous benefits to the gameplay or quality of life, but in most cases do not require an extremely high development effort.

Some would even be advantageous prior to larger waves of players (e.g. triggered by the implementation of higher loot amounts, or the release of the alliance system,...) to make the first impression of this game mode more positive, or to reduce potential anger among veteran players.

The list is sorted by priority (1-high to 3-low - in terms of positive effect for WvW game mode) and includes a personal effort estimation.



I have used many pictures - for every Point🖼️👁️‍🗨️:

Original Google Docs ⚔️ (slightly edited after initial feedback) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uGSDHlkebs3HrhL1zJ0pV-YnsIjIIvHuy0k0pb-CZNo/edit?usp=sharing

or Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/xvh94v/wvw_product_backlog/



1 Hiding Minis in WvW by default

The "hide" checkbox in the Miniatures menu should be switched on by default when entering every WvW map.

This will turn off Minis when entering WvW maps automatically.

Alternatively Minis should be invisible by default for enemies.


For newcomers, this means they get a friendlier welcome as they are not immediately hit on by veterans in a silly way, because their Minis are visible in mass-stealth-mode.



2 Buff Warclaw's Blessing (Speedbuff) 

Reduce the activation of this buff from 5 seconds to 2-3 seconds or, in case it is too performance heavy,

activate it specifically via skill (with appropriate cooldown)


If necessary, increase the duration and range.

Alternatively, a rental of “a weaker version” mount in the spawn would be conceivable (without mountskills)


With a view to newcomers to WvW:

Mounted players are out of range too quickly, so this buff won't be helpful most of the time, because the Warclaw buff triggers too late. It's very frustrating when you are always too late to the action.



3 Pips per rank - revise milestones

Adjust rank milestones:

From +2 pips per rank to +3 pips per rank, there are over 400 levels!?!

As a beginner you see no light at the end of the tunnel. You'd have to imagine what it would be like in PvE if the first progress you unlocked was a small increase in reward currency after 200 fractal runs.

For the beginning, a distance of about 50 WvW level / ranks would certainly be a goal.

After that, maybe 100 more.


To reduce the now increased pip gain per week, the pips per chest can be increased

If necessary, create alternative goals to influence your own pip level, e.g.:

+ 1 pip per tick for running in a squad with or near your commander.

+ 1 pip per tick for participating in attack/defense events.

+ 1 pip for server/alliance loyalty

+ ...

With an eye on newcomers and casual players:

Your own progress to more pips and WvW tickets is very time consuming. The rank part seems to be created especially for the WvW veterans and as endgame content.

Goals, such as the next rank for more pips, must also be within reasonable reach for the novice or casual player group. Otherwise, people give up early.

How many hours of gameplay do you need to put into 150 WvW ranks, with the result of one pip more?

 PS: I get 7 pips extra per tick for my rank.



4 Rework Edges of the Mists

A new map is needed that uses other maps as buffers when queues are full, and supports similar gameplay behavior.

New features:

+ halved pips rewards

+ allow mounts

+ with only a few cliffs and no frustrating walking paths to the commander

Experiments like new maps / map rotations, map events, mounts (Turtle), or water battles could be tried there.



5 WvW-Informations

Implement a menu similar to the looking-for-group feature where players, commanders, events or guilds (from the team/on the server!) can draw attention to themselves. The menu must be server and team specific. It makes no sense to recruit players who can not play in my team!

Advertising is important to be successful, especially against harder enemies.


Also, it would be handy if the menu was also accessible via a bulletin board next to the spawn and, or in the main keep.

We need more space for a larger text than in the looking-for-group feature if we want to announce an event correctly.

There should be a note, outside of the WvW-modus, that this menu is only viewable once you enter any WvW-map.



6 Champion Commander Siegerazer rework

The following doesn't help win, but there is something to do in WvW for everyone, if there is no player-commander.


This event for severely underperforming teams needs to be upgraded:

If the own keep/ spawntowers are held by the enemy over a certain period of time, or they upgraded the keep to T1 or T2, the Champion Commander Event should be buffed:

such as: 

+ a mobile shield around the NSC commander (like a stronger version of the shield generator)

+ armor/life -buff aura of the commander and at the claim event

+ after capturing the spawntower, more mats are available plus half-build arrow carts and 2 offencive treb are spawned

+ walls and gates of the spawn towers should then be invincible over a period of time (aproax 10 mins)


(Some buffs could also be attached to an offensive summoned banner, which only lasts within the enemy district near your own spawn)


These reclaim-events, supported by the system, should receive a repeating interval which becomes stronger over time as well as being more visibly marked on the map.

Maybe it makes sense that a matchmade-ranking should be linked to the commander's level. (When you are 1st in the match. you dont get more than LvL1)

Design Siegerazer Level 1-3 -> Link see above



7 Rework "Outnumbered"

The buff Outnumbered needs a rework. If an enemy team overpowers you, it doesn't help at all. Its just.. there and thats it.

For example this buff could provide higher stats like;

+ double Life/Iron Hide or increasing all Stats (+100) only in your own third at the spawn of each map

+ War-points from Outnumbered, Champions and Lords when claiming an object are halved


We need something to successfully hold 5 vs 20.

Fighting against 1 vs 2 should pay off and not be frustrating!

In general, consider whether it makes sense to allow a team to fully upgrade an opponent's fortress to T3, or to even add tactics in there.

Once this is successfully completed by one side, there is not much to do in WvW until a larger organization is found to flip the fortress back.


Side note: The 3rd party (blue in this case) has no interest in preventing this because they already saved their 2nd place in this matchup.


8 Edges of the Mists – larger Arena-Area

Double the size of the Mist Arena, or add more areas to the arena, so that more than one GvG/Zergfight at once is possible.

It would be perfect if the entire arena could also be used as a huge battlefield. There is not enough space to make an additional 1vs1 in peace.

If necessary it would also make sense to be able to open a new instance of its own. (like a big Guildhall-Arena but with WvW-Stats)



9 Commander-Communications - quick menu

Implement a better quick menu for Signals/Pings for non-voice-users

Example: potentially freely adjustable



10 Spawn Paths EBG - rework

Spawn camping needs to become more difficult.

Exits on EBG need to be further apart and provide escape alternatives.

Sometimes when 1 team dominates the 2 others, it is not possible to leave the spawn without getting killed over and over again.


At least two Exits must not be within sight of each other.

Example: -> Link see above



11 There is still so much work to do for World vs World vs World - priority 3 left out for now …




I really enjoy WvW when it comes to balanced fights between large groups of players. My ideas are meant to support and improve this important core element.

I did not list any suggestions regarding class and balance related improvements/changes on purpose, because I expect these topics to require much higher effort, and they should be a frequently worked on topic for the WvW-Team anyways.

In my opinion it is also important that the different assigned languages of the servers should not be neglected in the future Alliance-System. Maybe through a preferred language selection next to the Guild selection. (current server language tags: french, spanish, german)


What do you think? (Article-Effort: circa. 18+ hours)

Englisch is not my native language so here is a big thank you to my Translation Team: Darkie, Scorpie, Sanivia and Chaosteilchen

Greetings Tavin

PS.: I found a similar, fairly recent post here:

There are more or partly same points: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/120677-the-big-wvw-qol-suggestion-dreamy-ideas-thread/



Thanks for trying.

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Since others have gone into specifics, I'll just say that the small QoL stuff all seems cool.

On the larger issues, I get the impression that you're trying to solve problems at the surface without a grasp of their roots.  For instance, you say you want 5 people to be able to defend against 20 and you want to accomplish this by giving them massive combat power when outnumbered.  Say we do this--what happens when they lose the outnumbered buff?  Do they yell at people to leave the map because 1 extra person isn't worth losing their godlike buff?  Or, taking another tack, why can't 5 people defend against 20 right now?  Is it because they don't have enough stats?  And say that they could...would anything ever flip again?

I think you've correctly identified that WvW has an issue where the team that is currently short on people may as well log off, but this specific solution is a non-starter.

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great job and great suggestions. associating the images with your suggestions of point 6 and 7 came to mind something new. a bit fantasizing, but it would be really fun and would make everything a little more eventful in wvw and could also help in terms of balance. I try to explain. suppose the green team is at its best (a lot of players and few enemies to manage) will have the opportunity to tame on the map or maps it wants. 


when its domain exceeds (only by hypothesis) 60% or 70% of the structures of the map, a special event is automatically activated that I will deliberately call ''alliance event'' with a countdown of 1 min with communication on the screen.

the other two teams in extreme numerical difficulty will be forcibly allied, lose their color (red and blue) and become gray, just as at the relink they become the ruins. they become the same team they can no longer attack, they can only concentrate their forces against the team that dominates (the greens in this case)

the special event ends alone when the dominant team falls (hypothetically only) below 40% of the total structures of the map. the allied teams will return to their original color with a 1 min count. the structures return to the rightful owner, if they had occupied smc or structures of the green team, they will remain gray and the first one who arrives can take them.

probably quite complicated to do, but it would be really fun, a sort of self-regulation of the aquilibrium through a special event.

had you already thought about it? 

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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8 hours ago, Sviel.7493 said:

Since others have gone into specifics, I'll just say that the small QoL stuff all seems cool.

On the larger issues, I get the impression that you're trying to solve problems at the surface without a grasp of their roots.  For instance, you say you want 5 people to be able to defend against 20 and you want to accomplish this by giving them massive combat power when outnumbered.  Say we do this--what happens when they lose the outnumbered buff?  Do they yell at people to leave the map because 1 extra person isn't worth losing their godlike buff?  Or, taking another tack, why can't 5 people defend against 20 right now?  Is it because they don't have enough stats?  And say that they could...would anything ever flip again?

I think you've correctly identified that WvW has an issue where the team that is currently short on people may as well log off, but this specific solution is a non-starter.


Agree. If you are looking to bolster outnumbered then question the tools outnumbered players have to use, why they should attack while outnumbered, and what should motivate them to defend while outnumbered. But don't boost them else you encourage people to tell others to get off the map so that they gain an advantage in the fight. We need to look at what encourages people to balance out the populations.

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24 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Agree. If you are looking to bolster outnumbered then question the tools outnumbered players have to use, why they should attack while outnumbered, and what should motivate them to defend while outnumbered. But don't boost them else you encourage people to tell others to get off the map so that they gain an advantage in the fight. We need to look at what encourages people to balance out the populations.


And since people were complaining about losing pips for the outnumbered, offering more rewards is probably the direction players would prefer. It won't magically conjure up extra players from nowhere, but it may encourage players on other maps to rally on the outnumbered map for the temporary reward boost, enough to make a push to defend and take back a side if needed. Or attract more afk camping... 🤷‍♂️🤭 But again it all goes back to try and motivate both weaker sides to rally together to take on the current strongest, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and this is where you can also get temporary numbers for your cause....


I'm telling you guys, overwhelming buff, like a bounty, could make a difference... 😉

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I'm telling you guys, overwhelming buff, like a bounty, could make a difference... 😉


Now we might be talking same bounty or not. But a buy-in bounty system could be used in number of ways. In this case I could see the bounty NPC vendor could dynamically change up the bounties when its sees that a map is outnumbered and offer a limited time bounty to go kill green players on the red map (who is outnumbered) and get 'x' kills in the next 15 mins to get rewarded the cost times these other payoffs for successful completion. Something to said for sticks and carrots, and people do like goals while still also just playing the game mode they would already. Plus if they fail, its a good coin/currency sink.

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Point 7 Rework "Outnumbered" .

Yes, the "Outnumbered" buff  is a difficult topic and we have thought about it for a long time.

- about ppk: where there are hardly any players, there can't be massive points from ppk anyway 😉

- @ I am not a fan of more PIPs/more loot for players with this buff. It creates stress in the team. Everyone should prefer a balanced team ratio over this buff. ANet's change to remove the PIP bonus at this point was just right in my opinion.

- The bonus of, for example, +100 on all attributes does not actually bring the deciding advantage either and is in no way the ultimate final solution. Other solutions are needed here. It would probably just be a compensation against a totally superior team, which has +X attributes through tactics in objectives and ruins possession on top.

For a strong team with higher player count waiting for enemies, the ruins are easy to defend. Everyone on the map sees when someone ventures into the ruins and waits there (for the roamers). But of course it is also a part of the game that you find your opponent. 🙂

- @ Sviel.7493 very strong argument. We had the same problem with the PIP bonus. Strong bonus stats may actually be better off at the NPC commander only, (see point 6).

- Of course, the buff is not supposed to always turn a 5 vs 20 into a win ... In the long run, the higher player count must win. But a certain gameplay advantage should be there for times of HIGHLY unbalanced game experience. (there will always be hours of imbalance in power - i.g. time zones)

- @ Xenesis.6389 "Overwhelming" buff I think is a great idea. A core of the solution is the 1vs1vs1 which needs to become "the 2 weak vs the strong". Your suggestion supports that. I will mention the point above.

Whenever we are in the superior zerg, I'm always disappointed when the enemy teams know they are no match for us or nobody sites there....

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Here my two cents about Warclaw. Make that kitten thing buyable. I am unbelievably frustrated being the idiot that tries to chase an allied zerg because they run with 390467890w37986mph and not one. Not a single player giving a kitten about new players falling behind because mounts. Make it cost 50€ am i fine with if i can at least keep up with others. Btw not to mention the combat disadvantages one has over enemies than can hunt you down with their mounts. It's a real joiy being hunted all over the place by mounted players which leave you no chance to escape. So yea Anet. Take my 50€ and give me that kitten Warclaw.

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1 hour ago, Chzara.6590 said:

Here my two cents about Warclaw. Make that kitten thing buyable. I am unbelievably frustrated being the idiot that tries to chase an allied zerg because they run with 390467890w37986mph and not one. Not a single player giving a kitten about new players falling behind because mounts. Make it cost 50€ am i fine with if i can at least keep up with others. Btw not to mention the combat disadvantages one has over enemies than can hunt you down with their mounts. It's a real joiy being hunted all over the place by mounted players which leave you no chance to escape. So yea Anet. Take my 50€ and give me that kitten Warclaw.

What's hilarious is they adopted the temp 10 hr trial mount into pve but didn't for wvw. 🙄

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Pont 5 WvW Information
It would be good to combine with this idea:
The relink/alliance building phase should take place 1 hour before the reset.
For the first communication infos can also be exchanged in the bulletin board with the newly assembled team.
Bulletin Board - Team Muuguuluu

Voice address -> 30 min before reset - We want to talk: Reset Coordination- Alliance A - 1 reset commander prefers to lead (on blue?) - spanish lead - contact person Alliance A: xy.1234


Hello team, To good cooperation - our leads:

Monday: 8:00 pm Guild A
Saturday 6:00 pm: Commander B
Voice address ...

This way also people who don't follow everything in voice get to know and we avoid that at every relink reset several commanders go to the same map....

sorry for my english

Edited by Tavin.7450
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  • 3 months later...
On 10/12/2022 at 5:43 PM, Tavin.7450 said:

1 Hiding Minis in WvW by default


Nice! thanks -> Game Update Notes: January 31, 2023


  • Miniatures can no longer be summoned in WvW. This change is aimed at reducing screen clutter in large-scale combat and to remove a bad interaction with stealth that disproportionately affected players new to the game mode."
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On 10/12/2022 at 5:43 PM, Tavin.7450 said:

2 Buff Warclaw's Blessing (Speedbuff) 

Nice! thanks - found it now here too -> Game Update Notes: January 31, 2023

Warclaw Mount

  • The Warclaw's Blessing movement speed boon now applies to allies in a radius of 600, increased from 360.
Edited by Tavin.7450
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Regarding outnumbered - I'm not going to address the stat buffs because they make little actual difference at higher scales in my opinion.

What I would suggest is that the target cap of skills are dynamically altered up to hit a maximum of 25 players. The server already has to calculate less due to population so that excuse doesn't fly... By doing so, you at least have some counter to the stacking on a single pixel target limit abuse and a way to potentially bust the boon ball if the smaller force has the DPS.

Alternatively as suggested, in conjunction with the underdogs having "outnumbered" the opposite "overwhelming" buff may for example disable downstate while active.

I'm all for attainable attrition but something has to give or we all, at our wits end, simply logout.

Edited by MarzAttakz.9608
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