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Give us a way to acquire legendary weapon skin without crafting legendary weapon


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Hmm, I haven't outright bought stuff for legendaries where I could avoid it.  My method is to accrue mats until my bank overflows, then see what I can do with them (hence only three completed ones in ten years).  I did buy some things that cannot be target-gathered, and the amount of wood and metal needed had me reaching for the bank on occasion.  But the gold cost of the mats hasn't been much on my mind, so my comparison of ease is how much work I had to put in after deciding to use up my hoarded mats.  The Aurene weapons are distinctly easier than HOPE, and less soul-crushingly tedious than Pharus.  I enjoy map exploration and have many alts, so Gift of Cantha is no biggie to me.  I was doing DE meta a lot for a while, and should grit my teeth and start pugging it for extra Stones to speed up the 44 I still need to gather, but that's still easier than deforesting Orr a million times.

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To me, the question isn't whether something should be made easier to get or not.  The question is, "Where is the line to be drawn?"  If Legendary items are the most expensive/tedious/time-consuming/insert-other-adjectives items in the game (arguably so, at least by dev intent, though one player's tedious might be another's fascinating), then drawing the line there would mean there is precedent to be cited when arguing for making anything else in the game easier.


If that's the way you want to roll, ask away.  I can see why it might be better for individual players, at least in terms of gratification.  I don't see how that is better for any game that relies on long-term objectives to keep players logging in, potentially paying, and thus keeping the game afloat.

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5 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:


1) You put a slippery slope position on me that I think every single time a player wants something to be easier, a game studio should do it. Not true. My position was and still is that I don't think they should be catering to someone who doesn't want a thing to be easier purely because they had it harder. That does not mean I automatically think every single thing should be made easier in response to every complaint about it, which would be an absurd position to have. I guess I can see how you might have jumped to that conclusion based on the comparison to human invention, but that's all I can suppose in good faith.

2) You talked about legendary costs and asked me a leading question: "Do you seriously believe it's okay to just craft a Frostfang and expect to get an Aurene's Rending skin with minimal extra cost or efforts?" I definitely never used the word minimal and I doubt OP did either. What I recall using is language like "making things marginally easier" in the context of same weapon type additional skin, about one of the biggest time/effort investment things in the game.

3) It sounds like baseless speculation because you haven't cited actual people who belong to that group and feel that way about it. Insisting that matters when you haven't offered evidence they even exist is strange.

4) I'll grant you that the concern about difference in gen cost is valid, but that's not really in contradiction with, or directly related to, what I was saying, so.

  1. When you quoted me, and then replied as if I had just stated I do not want things to be marginally easier, that should be the natural assumptions that that's your stance. You never made it clear that wasn't the case.
  2. You or OP may not have but OP asking for 1/3 the cost of the original Gen 1 for additional skin is pretty much akin to minimal cost after looking at the cost differentials.
  3. Do you need their phone numbers and addresses as well? That is totally ridiculous. I crafted a Gen 3 sword for the skins and I have Gen 2 sword as well. Does that count? And I know at least another person who has done that in my guild. My exact quote: "And those who crafted an additional Gen 3 just to get all those skins will not be so receptive to the idea. And yes, there are players doing that. "
  4. I was referring to the "marginally easier''  by pointing out the cost differences. It is lots more than just merely marginally when comparing a Gen 1 with 2 skins vs a Gen 3 with 1 skin, when the former's total cost doesn't even match the latter.
Edited by Silent.6137
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29 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:
  1. When you quoted me, and then replied as if I had just stated I do not want things to be marginally easier, that should be the natural assumptions that that's your stance. You never made it clear that wasn't the case.
  2. You or OP may not have but OP asking for 1/3 the cost of the original Gen 1 for additional skin is pretty much akin to minimal cost after looking at the cost differentials.
  3. Do you need their phone numbers and addresses as well? That is totally ridiculous. I crafted a Gen 3 sword for the skins and I have Gen 2 sword as well. Does that count? And I know at least another person who has done that in my guild. My exact quote: "And those who crafted an additional Gen 3 just to get all those skins will not be so receptive to the idea. And yes, there are players doing that. "
  4. I was referring to the "marginally easier''  by pointing out the cost differences. It is lots more than just merely marginally when comparing a Gen 1 with 2 skins vs a Gen 3 with 1 skin, when the former's total cost doesn't even match the latter.

afaik, this is the first time you mentioned specific people (a grand total of 2). You have also not specified how receptive the person in your guild would be to the idea (I assume you are not).

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11 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

afaik, this is the first time you mentioned specific people (a grand total of 2). You have also not specified how receptive the person in your guild would be to the idea (I assume you are not).

If there's just 2 that I know of, you can be certain there's more than that. Speculating, maybe so but who in their right mind will think A+B which cost less is equal to B? (I just asked my guildmate and I quote: "Are they crazy?")

As I had said before, I'm open to the suggestion but only if costs/efforts are equivalent. And OP's request is far from that.

Edited by Silent.6137
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