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So about mech...


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Jade mech skins when? I want that white one from the strike/story mission, it looked so much better than what we get, would make playing mecha so much more appealing. Being able to have a skin and be "different". While at it, introduce more than one so we see some variety around. Thats all, I just want mechanist to have jade mech skins ^.^

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Unless it's nerfs or the option to hide/shrink other people's goo robots, I honestly don't want them to spend any more resources on Mechanist.

It's the most disgusting elite specialization and needs less incentives to play than it has now, not more. There already are too many players running around with that green, camera-obstructing abomination.

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I'd be into having some skins or even just dye channels for player pets. Necromancer in particular could use some variation in their pets. Depending on how the assets are put together, it could go even further, allowing players to dye certain effects (think Guardians being able to dye their fire green or something.) I imagine they're probably not built in a way to make this feasible though, especially given their reticence to allow weapons to be dyed. There's probably no easy access to an albedo to modify the tint on many of these effects. Skins might be easier, but again, I can imagine some inflexible designs that might make it very difficult.


I would definitely be in support of having the ability to reduce the size of other players' pets, if only so that those people in the community who have been driven absolutely insane by the Mechanist can finally go back to complaining about something else. 

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6 hours ago, Jerus.4350 said:

Not game resources, gem store resources.

Still, why mech players are so entitled even, not only mech lets them do absolutly nothing and just spam 111 most of the time if its pmech, now they think they need to get a skins for the mech aswell? Its selfish too, no other pet class nor spec in this whole game have any extra cutomizable options for their pets looks, so do you think anet would do this just for one spec? If anything they would ever do with mech is that they should just make "hide it" option for it and nothing else, so we finally dont see our screens just covered by mechs. And with OP suggestions this only would be the opposite with more visual crap on everyones screens.

To add on top of this, there are plenty of posts about people complaining how they wanna at least to reduce mech size or hide it alltogether just because they either are so annoyed at this point seeing so many mechs or in certain situations literally cant see anything else not even game mechanics but mechs. So if you made people use mech even more this would only increased that problem.

The only compromise i could see maybe is  them making legendaries affecting mechs abilities or appearances, i mean not like everyone has one so it wouldnt be spammed so much but at the same time it would be a variaty of skins for mech players aswell, but other than that if they made some cheap gem store skins for it and then people would be just spamming it i dont see it ending up very well keeping in mind those complaint posts. But again all of this is just an extra work for anet, and now we need more gameplay content in general, new living world season and new maps, and not some new mech skins...

Edited by soul.9651
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Eh, customers suggesting a product that they would buy isn't something i would describe as entitled. Chill, we know everyone hates mechanist.

As for other pet classes, ranger got a spread of 50ish different pet appearances to choose from with new ones being added each expansion (the only class afaik gaining content for their core class and previous specializations, now who is "entitled"?).

Personally as someone who hate the whole jade tech gimmick for how much it's overused, if people spent money to give my eyes a break from all that green i would be thankful.

Edited by miriforst.1290
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5 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Still, why mech players are so entitled even, not only mech lets them do absolutly nothing and just spam 111 most of the time if its pmech, now they think they need to get a skins for the mech aswell? Its selfish too, no other pet class nor spec in this whole game have any extra cutomizable options for their pets looks, so do you think anet would do this just for one spec? If anything they would ever do with mech is that they should just make "hide it" option for it and nothing else, so we finally dont see our screens just covered by mechs. And with OP suggestions this only would be the opposite with more visual crap on everyones screens.

To add on top of this, there are plenty of posts about people complaining how they wanna at least to reduce mech size or hide it alltogether just because they either are so annoyed at this point seeing so many mechs or in certain situations literally cant see anything else not even game mechanics but mechs. So if you made people use mech even more this would only increased that problem.

The only compromise i could see maybe is  them making legendaries affecting mechs abilities or appearances, i mean not like everyone has one so it wouldnt be spammed so much but at the same time it would be a variaty of skins for mech players aswell, but other than that if they made some cheap gem store skins for it and then people would be just spamming it i dont see it ending up very well keeping in mind those complaint posts. But again all of this is just an extra work for anet, and now we need more gameplay content in general, new living world season and new maps, and not some new mech skins...

If they were to just re-use models that are already in the game I think it could make multiple people happy.  Imagine a Watchnight skin, you know less shiny, and smaller. 

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If they add Mech Skin to the game other classes will also demand their own uniqueness

- Guard instead of lame blue flame wants real fire vfx or golden holy light

- Mesmer instead of butterflies and pink will likely demands something like bats/birds and red/white/etc vfx (please i need diz 🤩)

- Necro instead of traddional green of death would like to see crimson hue

- Ranger instead of green fart would like a little more....gentle white smoke

- Warrior...errrr anything will do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- Ele - you can kitten off  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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Your idea sounds a bit like path of exile ( i am thinking of the golem's elementalist skin swap ) , really sounds like a good idea , but indeed if they are gonna do that for the bot of the mechanist , they will need to add special weapons effect to other skills from other classes and... well the game is already a cluster kitten of colours , effect , explosion , so they will also need to add option to "regulate" those effects or else ... 


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I kinda feel people are drawing some false equivalences here. The mech is something that's out all the time, and plenty of people are complaining about seeing basically the same mech everywhere. I think that's a little more significant than changing a spell effect or even a temporary summon.

Rangers can choose a variety of pets. Mesmer illusions can have their appearance altered by altering the mesmer's appearance, as well as being temporary in nature. About the only equivalent case which is likely to have their companion out all the time and who cannot customise it is necromancer minions.

And there are skins that already exist, and which likely already have suitable animation sets. It probably wouldn't be too much effort to implement them. Maybe they could be acquired through a profession-based collection achievement based on learning about an alternative design. And other professions could have their own equivalents themed around their profession lore with whatever rewards are appropriate for them. (Would be interesting if mesmers could finally get the invitation to join the Collective.)

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On 10/20/2022 at 1:47 AM, Lyn.7902 said:

Jade mech skins when? I want that white one from the strike/story mission, it looked so much better than what we get, would make playing mecha so much more appealing. Being able to have a skin and be "different". While at it, introduce more than one so we see some variety around. Thats all, I just want mechanist to have jade mech skins ^.^

Asura Golem Pack would be a nice start. With an offensive and defensive model.

A Charr mechanical mech then.

A crystal construct too.

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