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Achieve everything-ish


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Hello community, 


I have started Guild Wars 2, not from a total beginner, but new-ish, as I have a character that is level 80 with 20 masteries. 


My main goal (long-term) would be to achieve near everything in Guild Wars 2, all masteries across all nine classes, with legendary weapons as well as the best gear I can find, have 100% completion on all maps.


I am not sure how long it would take me to do that, but I am guessing between 5-10 years, as I will be able to commit one hour of gameplay a day. 


I would like to ask for help on where to get started and what will be the fastest to achieve those goals? 


Thank you to everyone in advance. 



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1 hour ago, Dawid.7380 said:

I am not sure how long it would take me to do that, but I am guessing between 5-10 years, as I will be able to commit one hour of gameplay a day. 

Unlike that this time commitment would suffice, even at 5-10 hours. For reference: most accounts with over 40,000 achievement points (47k+ is the cap currently) are almost always sitting at over 10k hours played and in many cases above 15-20k hours played.

That of course is only focusing on achievements points, if the definition of achieving you have deviates from that, aka say experience every dungeon/instanced content or so, it might be possible.

1 hour ago, Dawid.7380 said:


I would like to ask for help on where to get started and what will be the fastest to achieve those goals?

- personal story of core

- dungeon stories

- living world seasons, HoT, PoF, EoD etc.

- fractals

- world boss trains

- max masteries on at least your main character

- strikes

- raids

- festival achievements

That should probably take around 1-2 years or at least a few months worth of playing.

Good Luck.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Hello , if you are about compressing time doing 2 things in one , i can advice you to take the leg collection for gen. 1 weapons  and the first 4 weapons of gen. 2 (it cost almost nothing for the 1st collection step ) , in almost all those collection there are part where you need to kill a world boss , do this fractal or this specific event , so while you play you will achieve some of those , even you not intended to do so . 

Unlocking mounts can be very time expensive (and money for griffon) , but map completion will become a piece of cake.

Masteries are account bound so unlocking by example glider lvl 3 will make it available for all your characters , very nice for mounts masteries.

For endgame content the best is to join a training guild , today the powercreep on some classes is so high , the first raids you will try to do all the veterans players will be able to complete your lack of knowledge doing raids the first time .

And final advice , dont forget that for unlocking elite specs for all your classes (allowing you amazing role compression in endagme content , if ofc you have the equipment for) you can do world versus world , you will win "proof and testimonies of heroics" , those can be converted into skill point for e-specs with a special merchant at your base in wvw , also it will complete randomly a hero point in the extension chosen completing at the same time map completion --> and so having stuff faster for legendary weapons.


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I have clocked up over 16,000 hours in game. Which is around 5 hours a day every day for 10 years. I have achieved some of the things on your list, for example I have 14 characters with world completion. I have unlocked all the elite classes, but I haven't tried many of them. I made a legendary weapon once, but no legendary armour. One character is kitted out in full ascended and she has worked through all the dungeon paths and all four tiers of fractals, but I don't do strikes or raids.
By my estimation it would take me around a century playing 1 hour a day to finish your list 🙂

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5 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Hello , if you are about compressing time doing 2 things in one , i can advice you to take the leg collection for gen. 1 weapons  and the first 4 weapons of gen. 2 (it cost almost nothing for the 1st collection step ) , in almost all those collection there are part where you need to kill a world boss , do this fractal or this specific event , so while you play you will achieve some of those , even you not intended to do so . 



This is a very good advice. At least start all the collections you can and youll be completing some steps unintended. Doing Orr shrines multiple times for different collections is a pain. 

Get your mounts early. 

Get your mentor tag through masteries. Maybe commander also once you buy the neccesary stuff (mounts). 

Dont hoard gold, hoard materials. Gold is just a useless number and there are taxes on transactions. Materials is what you will need.  With this I mean dont sell materials unless you really need gold or you are sure you are selling at a good price. 

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We seem to have similar mindsets with respect to objectives and commitment, and thought my experience might be interesting for you to gauge your expectations.


I am a long-time, super casual player focusing on mostly PVE-oriented with minimal interest towards competitive or instanced group play, and a similar ultra-lofty goal of completion. 


The difference is that I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary this week… and at 3,473 hours over 3,597 days, that works out to be very close to an hour per day for 10 years… So, where do I stand in respect to my/our goals?


- 442 Masteries (a couple of points shy of the final Icebrood/Dragon mastery, as well as the Raids)

- Full ascended gear on main character

- Maxed out all Crafting professions

- Crafted 7 Tier-1 Legendary weapons, (currently almost completed my first Tier-2 Legendary Weapon)

- Map Completion several times

- All mounts

- Personal Guild Bank

- A bunch of QoL Gemstore items

- 27,629 achievement points, which includes maxed-out Daily. 


With respect to achievement points, the math is what… about 60%?  Much of the missing points comes from playstyles that I have historically ignored… My wvw rank is 160, just shy 3k kills.  My pvp rank is less than 10.  My fractal level is 14.  I have 1 strike mission to my credit (for the Turtle mount) and have yet to try Raids.    So a ton of AP opportunities within those areas of play.  Many other missing AP are from the various Living Story episodes, as I find it tedious to repeat those, but will eventually.  I note as well the seemingly-infinite number of collections.. I think you could spend a lifetime alone trying to complete all of those.


Anyway, some of those objectives will align with your own, but thought it would give you an actual sample of what an hour a day for ten years can look like in context of your overall objectives.


I had the advantage of playing through content as it was introduced, which does provide for some linear focus… Your advantage is, that while overwhelming to have everything at once, you can plot out your objectives to try and maximize efficiency… Half of my Map Completions were without mount (and we won’t talk about the past when wvw maps were included!), and as mentioned above, as content is introduced, you find yourself revisiting prior content for various collections and achievements.  Nice to be able to consolidate those visits, when possible.


The biggest two general recommendations would be my complete agreement with Cuks above:  Mounts and Material collection.  The Path of Fire core mounts are inevitable as these are acquired naturally as you progress… However acquiring either the Skyscale or Griffon as soon as possible should be a priority.  Mounts are an invaluable time-saving resource.  Also as mentioned, saving materials that will be needed across different endeavors will save substantial gold from the Trading Post transaction fees, especially since you will be able to account and plan for them in advance. 


Other simple recommendations:

- Even when you are unable to play, take a minute to login to keep the Daily Login wheel turning.

- Complete all starter maps first to facilitate completion of your Daily (and by extension, do your dailies, which will take 5-10 minutes once you have established what is most efficient for you)

- Assuming you don’t have competing objectives, set your wvw Reward Track to ‘Gift of Battle’ and always looks for the ‘Big Spender’ within the Daily… this takes 20 seconds to complete (and costs 30 Badges) but will progress that reward track even when you are not playing wvw.

- There are many specific guides and advice with respect to working towards Legendaries.. My additional comments would be to not invest/convert base resources into account-abound components until you have everything ready… Example, don’t spend your 100g on Icy Runestones or combine your T6 mats into a Gift of Might in advance, just in case your priorities change at some point.  The two exceptions would be to remember that forging for Mystic Clovers results in needed T6 material by-product and that for T1 weapons, to assess the TP cost of precursors versus crafting, as the market for buying these outright has plummeted.


I believe that the biggest challenge you will face will be to accumulate significant resources (gold and mats) for collections, Legendaries, mounts, etc.  The advantage I had in comparison was that I flipped my legendaries, steadily accumulating resources for the next task, whereas my impression is that you’re planning on keeping yours.  The resource investment is significant, and to have to in essence start over for each one will be time-consuming.  The advice here is to not force this particular task… as you work on other areas, be mindful of saving the material you acquire, but don’t get frustrated or burnt out trying to work though this objective... this is the apex GW2 PVE marathon and not a sprint!


My assumption here is that you’re planning to farm this work yourself, and also that you’re not planning to buy gold using actual money through the gemstore…the latter approach of course changes things.


Hope this provides some context and perspective… all the best with your ambitious goals!

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On 10/23/2022 at 6:14 AM, Dawid.7380 said:

Hello community, 


I have started Guild Wars 2, not from a total beginner, but new-ish, as I have a character that is level 80 with 20 masteries. 


My main goal (long-term) would be to achieve near everything in Guild Wars 2, all masteries across all nine classes, with legendary weapons as well as the best gear I can find, have 100% completion on all maps.


I am not sure how long it would take me to do that, but I am guessing between 5-10 years, as I will be able to commit one hour of gameplay a day. 


I would like to ask for help on where to get started and what will be the fastest to achieve those goals? 


Thank you to everyone in advance.

My advice is to start by focusing on masteries; those are account wide so once you've got them once you don't need to do them again and many of them give helpful abilities which will make other things easier. Also pick one character (likely your existing level 80, unless you don't enjoy them as much) to prioritise for things like equipment upgrades, since it will be more useful to have 1 character with the best you've got so far than several which are pretty good but maybe not up to doing things like Fractals.

With some of your goals it would help to consider why you want them and what specifically that means. For example the best armour you can get is legendary, but the only difference between that and ascended is that it takes a lot more time and effort (and gold and materials) to get and you can change the stats for free (ascended can be changed via the Mystic Forge). With 9 characters you'll already have several builds to choose from, and there's only a minority of stat combinations which are frequently in demand for groups (when playing solo it doesn't matter that much) so it would probably be cheaper and easier to make all the ascended sets you'll need than to make 3 sets of legendary armour.

It's the same for weapons: legendary weapons look cool, and you can change the stats whenever you want but they're no stronger than ascended weapons, so if your priority is having suitable gear for anything in the game you don't need them.

Also this might sound weird considering you said you'll only have about an hour a day but don't try to rush things and burn yourself out or pressure yourself to do anything you don't want to do. If you want to do something the slow way because it'll be more fun then do it. If you don't feel like playing one day or you could spend more than an hour but want to do something else with that time don't push yourself to log in. One of the nice things about GW2 is very little is time-sensitive and that's repeatable things like festivals. You won't lose progress on any of your goals if you don't complete them quickly enough, so you can focus on what you feel like doing that day and enjoy it.

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I think you'd be a long time completing your list if you can only do 1 hour per day. Maybe just play the game to enjoy it.

As for my example. I'll be a 10-year "veteran" in November, with just over 10,000 hours game play, in which I took a year out to play other games. I'd class myself as casual.

So here's what I've achieved in those 10k hours:

I have 36.9k achievement points.

139 unlocked titles.

Mastery Level 455. PvP rank Dragon, WvW rank 515.

16 legendary weapons plus a Kralkatorrik version skin, 2 legendary back items, 2 legendary accessories, and legendary amulet.

9 characters, one of each profession, max level and kitted out in ascended/legendary. All have 100% core Tyria exploration. plus 2 or 3 characters that I deleted that also had 100% Tyria completed.

6 of those characters have 100% full map completion, including LS maps, expansion maps.

All crafting professions maxed out.

Plus some QoL account stuffs.

I recently deleted a character to remake them in a different race. I boosted to 80 and moved the ascended items over. I decided to time how long it took to go from 0 to 100:

To map complete everything, with small amounts of AFK-ing, do all of the story from core Tyria upto EoD finale, took 97hrs.

So, I've done quite a bit as you can see, hopefully this post can give you some perspective and to just log in and enjoy the game. The rest will come as you play. Set reasonable goals that you want to do.

The best way to start is to get to grips with one profession. Level up, do the story and map completion as you level. Tidy up when you're at 80. Get into exotic armour. Start the expansions stories and map completions. You'll accumulate materials and wealth along the way, to build ascended/legendaries.

Edited by Holykitten.3064
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