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Nerf Untamed!!!!!


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AI based piece of crap. Just hiding in cover while pets doing the work and the last second out of nothing they mauling you in the back. Very very bad game design anet.😠

Plz nerf it now!

Here is how:

- half the size and duration of bubble 

- increase recharge of Traversal and do not reduce the recharge on hit(!)

- too much beast skills overall. 2 is enough per swap.

- tune down Shared Anguish to 2 sec. top. 

- increase unleash pet/ranger recharge by 8 seconds

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1 hour ago, Bazooka.3590 said:

AI based piece of crap. Just hiding in cover while pets doing the work and the last second out of nothing they mauling you in the back. Very very bad game design anet.😠

Plz nerf it now!

Here is how:

- half the size and duration of bubble 

- increase recharge of Traversal and do not reduce the recharge on hit(!)

- too much beast skills overall. 2 is enough per swap.

- tune down Shared Anguish to 2 sec. top. 

- increase unleash pet/ranger recharge by 8 seconds


Could try leaving bronze/silver.

Although you may not want to, because if you come far enough up into gold you will start running into soulbeasts and those will make you wish for your bad untameds back...

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17 hours ago, Bazooka.3590 said:

AI based piece of crap. Just hiding in cover while pets doing the work and the last second out of nothing they mauling you in the back. Very very bad game design anet.😠

Plz nerf it now!

Here is how:

- half the size and duration of bubble 

- increase recharge of Traversal and do not reduce the recharge on hit(!)

- too much beast skills overall. 2 is enough per swap.

- tune down Shared Anguish to 2 sec. top. 

- increase unleash pet/ranger recharge by 8 seconds

I agree it needs a nerf, even as a Ranger main.

But what really needs to be done are 3x things:

  1. Remove the 50% ICD reduction on hit from Unnatural Traversal. This skill should be working off a 40s ICD, not a 20s ICD.
  2. The anti-projectile bubble is honestly too big and too frequent, considering it stays on the pet and the pet can follow/teleport at players to make sure the bubble is always on them. The bubble could afford to see a decrease in radius as well as an increase to the ICD.
  3. The skill Nature's Binding is extremely problematic vs. certain classes/builds that have little to no access to Stability. It allows Untamed to automatically win by default, no challenge involved, against no-stab opponents who aren't tanks with a plethora of blocks & invulns. There are a few problems with it. 1) Absolutely no telegraph, happens instantly. There is no counterplay to this skill other than straight intuition to psychic dodge or Stability to walk out of it. 2) The radius of the binding is too small and too tight. Once it lands, you can't dodge roll or use animation based evade skills inside of it without hitting the wall and getting CCd. 3) The binding walls last too long. This skill needs either a clear telegraph added, the radius of the binding walls to be increased, or decreased duration on the binding walls, maybe all 3 nerfs.


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Untamed is too easy while too strong. But instead anet keep nerfing every build untamed is unable to kill in one combo.

17 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Could try leaving bronze/silver.

Although you may not want to, because if you come far enough up into gold you will start running into soulbeasts and those will make you wish for your bad untameds back...

It is much easier to play against soulbeast. IDK what are you talking about.

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2 hours ago, Bazooka.3590 said:

It is not silver:


It is brutal in the hands of capable players not just Boyce. In bronze/silver it might be ok but in higher tiers it is OP.


It's literally a Boyce video though.  

I assure you all of that can be done on a soulbeast; as 80% of that was just good movement from Boyce and bad straight line zergling/feeding movement by the enemies.  Even the enemy untamed just ran up and got wrecked like a bot.

Anyway, if played correctly the soulbeast can actually do more damage without risk of losing the pet, and be more flexible now with pet swap.  

But, I'm glad if no one listens as these endless 'nerf' threads are exhausting.  

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I'm tired of that too and once anet balance this kitten game there will be no more 'nerf' threads:P

Soulbeast is predictable even if it has big damage it can be countered. 

Untamed has double homing bubbles + has totally unpredictable 5000-8000k hit from 1200 in every 15sec. Even if it has a 20% lower damage output it is still better. Thats why Boyce playing it and many others in higher tiers.  

In gold and plat I have encountered twice as many UTs than SBs.


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