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The game is getting easier, and in my mind, it is ruining the game.


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On 11/29/2022 at 1:35 PM, Dreams.3128 said:

I mean, to be fair, this is what the majority of the crowd wanted. They wanted to win, they didn't want vertical progression, they didn't want instance content like raids to be a constant, and if they did they wanted to have similar or the same rewards that came from raids in OW. People wanted to play this almost as if it was a single player game even though this is literally an mmorpg.

Raids aren't necessarily the alternative to easy gameplay. They are certainly not the amazing, exciting challenge that some people make them out to be. They're laborious and predictable routines that take considerable preparation. That doesn't look like a definition of fun in my book.


So if the alternative to easymode is only raids, then sign me up for the simpleton stuff.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It always amazes me how certain people are fine with having both harder and easier instanced contenet, but then they try to privatize(?) OW with claims about it needing to be made specifically according to their needs. How about having a range of different difficulty content across the game, with kind of logically increasing difficulty as you go through the released content?

How about no?

You are (intentionally, i guess, because this discussion is not new) ignoring the key difference between those two types of content. Specifically, that in instanced content you are choosing who you will be doing it with (and vice versa, others can choose whether they want to go with you or not), but in OW you are supposed to be fine with whomever is on map.

That means, that in OW the content needs to be doable even for groups that unintentionally end up doing heavy carrying.

Basically, an instanced content can be designed around any difficulty level you might desire, but OW needs to be balanced around lowest common denominator.

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How is it "gatekept" when it "can be killed by a group of new players after 2-3 tries"

Oh, obviously that "gatekeeping" claim is false. Not for the reasons you specified later, though ("you can make your own group") but for the simple fact that the second part of that claim is a lie. Or, to be more precise, a gross misrepresentation of the real state of things. Yes, it is possible to kill it with a group of new players after 2-3 tries. No, it's not very likely to happen - in fact, you are not likely to kill it in 2-3 tries even with a group of average veteran players.

It's not "gatekeeping" that keeps players away from that content, but the levels of effort and preparation needed to be able to clear it, which aren't equal for everyone (for multitude of reasons), and can be way too big for many.




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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

How about no?

You are (intentionally, i guess, because this discussion is not new) ignoring the key difference between those two types of content. Specifically, that in instanced content you are choosing who you will be doing it with (and vice versa, others can choose whether they want to go with you or not), but in OW you are supposed to be fine with whomever is on map.

That means, that in OW the content needs to be doable even for groups that unintentionally end up doing heavy carrying.

Then again, how about yes? Because difficulty/learning curve in games is normal and expected.

3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Basically, an instanced content can be designed around any difficulty level you might desire, but OW needs to be balanced around lowest common denominator.

Not really, it can and should be made with the general playerbase improving over time in mind to avoid stagnancy.

3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, obviously that "gatekeeping" claim is false. Not for the reasons you specified later, though

Nope, that's exactly the reason.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

How is it "gatekept" when it "can be killed by a group of new players after 2-3 tries" combined with the fact anyone can make their own group for any content at any time with their own requirements or lack of them? Please guide me through the logic of what you've just said in your post (preferably while keeping in mind what I just wrote).


Because in order to make a group you need to actually know the fight and be able and willing to lead people ?

And I was talking about a group of new players with experienced commander. Should have clarified it.

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10 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

Because in order to make a group you need to actually know the fight and be able and willing to lead people ?

And I was talking about a group of new players with experienced commander. Should have clarified it.

Ok. And what that experienced commander would do? Explain the mechanics? So that's  the equivalent of reading a guide or watching a video to then explain the newcomers or simply adding "know mechanics" in the group description (something that also actually happens fairly often in lfg btw) and you are good to go, right?

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok. And what that experienced commander would do? Explain the mechanics? So that's  the equivalent of reading a guide or watching a video to then explain the new commers or simply adding "know mechanics" in the group description (something that also actually happens fairly often in lfg btw) and you are good to go, right?



Said commander can assign roles , choose a strategy and  call the shots during a fight which makes learning way smoother.

Simply watching a guide can give you a rough understanding but you are not going to remember everything anyway so practice is a must.

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16 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

Said commander can assign roles , choose a strategy and  call the shots during a fight which makes learning way smoother.

Simply watching a guide can give you a rough understanding but you are not going to remember everything anyway so practice is a must.

Anyone can do the same by ->(...)reading a guide or watching a video to then explain the newcomers or simply adding "know mechanics" in the group description. You can make a training run and try out what you saw/read in practice, this is how you improve, same way anyone else does/did. In no way anything here is gatekept because other people don't solve the content for you (except they do and make the guides, sometimes training/no-req squads, but somehow that's still not enough).

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21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

this is how you improve, same way anyone else does/did. In no way anything here is gatekept because other people don't solve the content for you (except they do and make the guides, sometimes training/no-req squads, but somehow that's still not enough).



Good luck learning Qadim or Dhuum in a training pug group where everyone is new.

I think it's a pretty safe to say that no one did it that way.


And yes 90% of LFG being "w2 250kp" ( true story btw) is definition of gatekeeping.


But anyway , I am not going to waste any more time on "can't find a job ? Just create your own company"  comments.



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31 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:



Good luck learning Qadim or Dhuum in a training pug group where everyone is new.

I think it's a pretty safe to say that no one did it that way.

Are you sure you've read what I said? (...)reading a guide or watching a video to then explain the newcomers or simply adding "know mechanics" in the group description.

You can be new to raids and still know mechanics to make progress while learning. Not sure what you think is being "lies" here. People go blind into stuff when it's released, whether it's raids or now cm sms and they complete them. For the older encounter it is easier because then the guides exist.

31 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

And yes 90% of LFG being "w2 250kp" ( true story btw) is definition of gatekeeping.

Nope. And without a change you can always make a training squad with "know mechs" in description (if that's what you want). You choose not to, which is still your choice and not someone "gatekeeping" you from content. It gets even better(??) because you're blaming some of the players for wanting to have a proof of the players knowing the content, while you yourself are clearly not willing to play with other players new to the content, because for some reason you're entitled to having the experience groups taking you in 🙄

31 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

But anyway , I am not going to waste any more time on "can't find a job ? Just create your own company"  comments.

Not even close to what's being said here.

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2 hours ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:



Good luck learning Qadim or Dhuum in a training pug group where everyone is new.

I think it's a pretty safe to say that no one did it that way.


And yes 90% of LFG being "w2 250kp" ( true story btw) is definition of gatekeeping.


But anyway , I am not going to waste any more time on "can't find a job ? Just create your own company"  comments.



Lol, i started raiding when it was released. We didn't Had a DPS Meter so everyone wanted eles and when Something went wrong people Like me who wanted to Play Rev where blamed. We didn't Had any strategies or Guides who helped us. In my First group we would Go weeks whitout Killing gorse Because we Had No Idea why.

*Old granny voice* you Young Kids don't know how good you have it, but even when you get everything Served right away you don't want to Put even a little effort in.

No, but really. Now there are Tons of Guides and ways to make a group and write youre lfg. So instead of whining, start doing.

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It never ceases to amaze me the number of ways people think of to cry about raids. Jesus.

“Omg they’re discriminating against my 5K dps build when I should be able to play my way”


“I shouldn’t have to resort to using discord to find raid training communities, because I hate discord for some obscure reason”


“I have to read a guide or watch a video to better understand the mechanics in an encounter if I don’t feel like trying to figure it out by myself like the people who played when it first released? That’s too much to ask of me”


“I want the rewards from raids but I hate raids, why is the game FORCING me to play raids?!?”


And it goes on and on and on. Honestly just quit the game and play something else if you’re gonna whine that much. 

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9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then again, how about yes? Because difficulty/learning curve in games is normal and expected.

Yes, but the game needs to have a learning curve first. This game does not. Unfortunately, the "curve" here is not a curve, but has a massive chasm in the middle, which most players are not able to cross in order to progress further. That's because apart from normal components of the curve (gradual understanding of game mechanics, and gradual increase in the "manual skill" of putting your understanding and experience in practice), it also has one more (build system understanding) that is not gradual but has a massive step to it - and that step for the most players is scaled by using out of game knowledge. And that single step is responsible for really massive increase in effectiveness. It's that one game component that makes the whole idea of "learning curve" and "gradual improvement" mostly meaningless in this game. Or, to be more precise, it makes it meaningful only above certain level of play, but makes it meaningless where it should count most - at the lower tiers of playerbase.

9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not really, it can and should be made with the general playerbase improving over time in mind to avoid stagnancy.

Yes, and, as such, it should be made around the improvement level of general playerbase. Not upper tiers of said playerbase.

9 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nope, that's exactly the reason.

It's not a reason, because "just make your own group" is not a solution for like 90% of the playerbase. Or rather, it is a "solution" that only results in failure. Like i said, a random group of players new to raids is extremely unlikely to be able to clear any encounter in few tries. Some people can do it, but most cannot.

Sure, noone can prevent you from trying raids, and other players are in no way obligated to help you in any way (nor does them not helping you can be perceived as any form of "gatekeeping"), but their accessibility is only illusory, and an "advice" of "just go make your own group" is not a working advice at all. Nor is it a solution, because for this it would have to solve the issues that limit the content accessibility, when in reality it does nothing of the sort. In truth, it's just a roundabout way of saying "not my problem, solve it on your own", nothing more. WHich, while true, is hardly helpful.

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10 hours ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:



Good luck learning Qadim or Dhuum in a training pug group where everyone is new.

I think it's a pretty safe to say that no one did it that way.

That's LITERALLY how EVERYONE did it when the fight came out and in some cases for statics it's the case even now (or PUG trainings without experienced players).

Worse even, the resources that are available left and right by now WERE MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO WENT IN BLIND.

As late comer to the content you already have it far easier and even that is not enough. Those training groups with experienced players trying to teach new players, those weren't always around. Those experienced players were inexperienced and new too at one point. Those guides, discords, guilds, etc. those are resources to make use of IF someone is serious about overcoming the challenge.

You have no right to other people's time and experience. Lucky enough though, there are many players who ARE willing to help, on THEIR terms, not yours.

If you are looking at XYZ KP groups for entering fights, you are looking in the wrong place as someone new to the content and SHOULD rightfully get the boot. Start respecting other players time, and you might actually get some where.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's not a reason, because "just make your own group" is not a solution for like 90% of the playerbase. Or rather, it is a "solution" that only results in failure. Like i said, a random group of players new to raids is extremely unlikely to be able to clear any encounter in few tries. Some people can do it, but most cannot.

and yet that is the most obvious "solution" or approach to group content. The lack of willingness or ability is often a very personal and subjective one. Players with these problems have to first change their approach to the issue instead of expecting others to do that for them.

2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Sure, noone can prevent you from trying raids, and other players are in no way obligated to help you in any way (nor does them not helping you can be perceived as any form of "gatekeeping"), but their accessibility is only illusory, and an "advice" of "just go make your own group" is not a working advice at all. Nor is it a solution, because for this it would have to solve the issues that limit the content accessibility, when in reality it does nothing of the sort. In truth, it's just a roundabout way of saying "not my problem, solve it on your own", nothing more. WHich, while true, is hardly helpful.

Which leaves out all the resources AND voluntary content provided to new players by experienced players. Yes, it isn't any experienced players problem and even still, some go out of their way to try to help, faced with players who are seemingly so inept and unable to take up personal responsibility that it always ends with:"the others are at fault".

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32 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

and yet that is the most obvious "solution" or approach to group content. The lack of willingness or ability is often a very personal and subjective one. Players with these problems have to first change their approach to the issue instead of expecting others to do that for them.

Indeed. This is the correct approach to this type of content. It's just that if the problem for a player is that they cannot adjust to what is required, then a "solution" of telling them to do exactly what they are incapable of doing is not a solution. It's just a dismissal posters use when they don't want to bother with actual arguments.

32 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Which leaves out all the resources AND voluntary content provided to new players by experienced players. Yes, it isn't any experienced players problem and even still, some go out of their way to try to help, faced with players who are seemingly so inept and unable to take up personal responsibility that it always ends with:"the others are at fault".

As you probably could see, i do not agree with blaming other players for the fact that someone cannot do it. Noone should be expected to have to help out others (be it in the way of making guides, training, or carrying) - if they want to do some of those, that's good, but if they don't, it's also perfectly normal and understandable. Anyone that brings up an issue of "gatekeeping" while expecting others to do one of those things for their sake, is clearly wrong.

That still does not change the fact that most players just cannot do this type of content (for a multitude of reasons, not all of which are skill related).

When someone tells others to "just make your own group", they are not trying to help. Most of the time those that use this type of argument know perfectly well how such an attempt is going to end (Spoiler: badly). they use it just to shut the other side up, and tell them to go fail somewhere quiet, where they won't bother others with it. It's not an advice. It's a pure dismissal that does not even try to address any of the issues the player being "advised" might have had, pretending instead that those issues do not exist.


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19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

When someone tells others to "just make your own group", they are not trying to help. Most of the time those that use this type of argument know perfectly well how such an attempt is going to end (Spoiler: badly). they use it just to shut the other side up, and tell them to go fail somewhere quiet, where they won't bother others with it. It's not an advice. It's a pure dismissal that does not even try to address any of the issues the player being "advised" might have had, pretending instead that those issues do not exist.


Oh I agree, but I also see the "make your own group" argument as just the go-to overall advice which summarizes a ton of advice:

1. taken literally: make your own group.

This will directly impact a players experience and perspective on what it actually means to be in charge of a group, both creating understanding as well as sympathy for the work of others while ideally providing a ton of insight into how they can make themselves more attractive to other groups. Walking in someone else's shoes and so on.

2. change you approach to how you are trying to access the content.

Players who continually fail to access specific content are obviously working with misconceptions or a flawed understanding of how accessing this content works.

3. look for like minded players, aka a similar group which shares values.

Find a guild, training discord, practice runs, etc. where success will be far more likely than whatever you have been trying so far.

4. take charge of your own success.

Don't expect or rely on others to do your work for you. Ask for help sure, but make sure you understand that the greatest amount of what will affect success is the own effort and work one puts in, even if others are helping.


It's just that after years and years of spelling these things out, many players by now simply go with the short form of:"if you don't like it, do it yourself" aka "make your own group". If far more players would "make their own group", everyone would have a far easier and enjoyable time.

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On 12/6/2022 at 11:27 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

It always amazes me how certain people are fine with having both harder and easier instanced contenet, but then they try to privatize(?) OW with claims about it needing to be made specifically according to their needs. How about having a range of different difficulty content across the game, with kind of logically increasing difficulty as you go through the released content?

How is it "gatekept" when it "can be killed by a group of new players after 2-3 tries" combined with the fact anyone can make their own group for any content at any time with their own requirements or lack of them? Please guide me through the logic of what you've just said in your post (preferably while keeping in mind what I just wrote).

Nope we have Raids for that .

Don't try to limit  our resources/playtime with releasing different content with various difficulties that we dont agree

If you want instanced version of OW/new Strikes-Raids you can ask that .


(common......people will not learn to roroations/max dps , by having "hard content" ...People improved their dps by getting bored and playing the LFR (uto-que) in othe games for VERY LONG TIME... here we cant have LFR because we must sell the Raid set...

Old gg plz implant a LFR, so the one side forgets the mistakes of the other and we move on ....We must beat WoW/Riot/Smite... We mus destroy those 2.5 Beckons )


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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

That's LITERALLY how EVERYONE did it when the fight came out and in some cases for statics it's the case even now (or PUG trainings without experienced players).


Lies again.

LITERALLY EVERYONE did it with within already formed communities and groups.


But yes , it could have possibly be done for some period of time after release before majority of player base gained encounter experience and started gatekeeping it.

1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Worse even, the resources that are available left and right by now WERE MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO WENT IN BLIND.


YEAH , because it's easy to find a company to do it when EVERYONE IS INEXPERIENCED.

How you can't grasp this simple concept is beyond me.

1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

As late comer to the content you already have it far easier and even that is not enough. Those training groups with experienced players trying to teach new players, those weren't always around. Those experienced players were inexperienced and new too at one point. Those guides, discords, guilds, etc. those are resources to make use of IF someone is serious about overcoming the challenge.


No not really.

Late comers usually have to deal with elitism , speedruns and gatekeeping.

Doing challenging content shortly after release  is probably the best PVE experience you can have in MMO

1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You have no right to other people's time and experience. Lucky enough though, there are many players who ARE willing to help, on THEIR terms, not yours.


I never said I have.

People usually don't need HELP. They need players who are willing to PLAY with them.

1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

If you are looking at XYZ KP groups for entering fights, you are looking in the wrong place as someone new to the content and SHOULD rightfully get the boot. Start respecting other players time, and you might actually get some where.


LFG ( the only group making tool game offers ) is "wrong" place ? L:oL , ok.

Also if absolute majority of LFG consists of said groups that's called gatekeeping regardless of your perceived "rights"  So I dunno what are you even trying to say.


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15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Lies again.

LITERALLY EVERYONE did it with within already formed communities and groups.

BS, I was running PUG groups 6 days per week to only learn how SH worked as chrono tank. You have no clue as to progression raiding for the average player and even static players which need to practice outside of their static works.

Even here, those statics ALSO had to learn the fights.

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

But yes , it could have possibly be done for some period of time after release before majority of player base gained encounter experience and started gatekeeping it.

The flaw here:

there is constantly new players entering raids. If that were not the case, there wouldn't be such a disparity in LI and KP. Simple logic dictates that your position is nonsense.

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

YEAH , because it's easy to find a company to do it when EVERYONE IS INEXPERIENCED.

How you can't grasp this simple concept is beyond me.

I never said it's common. I said that it would apply there. Yes, I am pretty sure by now MOST groups are made up of some experienced players, which makes it even easier on inexperienced players if they are in the correct groups (aka trainings).

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

No not really.

Late comers usually have to deal with elitism , speedruns and gatekeeping.

Doing challenging content shortly after release  is probably the best PVE experience you can have in MMO

You have never done progression raiding, and it shows.

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

I never said I have.

People usually don't need HELP. They need players who are willing to PLAY with them.

That's called demanding other payers time and if you are expecting other players to take you along while being inexperienced, aka they have to cover for your short coming, it's called demanding to get carried.

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

LFG ( the only group making tool game offers ) is "wrong" place ? L:oL , ok.

Ding ding ding, you got it genius. The in-game LFG is in fact one of the worst places to look for when wanting to enter raids. Why do you think the constant: find a guild, join a training discord, etc. is given as primary advice over and over? That's not experienced players trolling, it's them actually giving ADVICE over and over and over.

15 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

Also if absolute majority of LFG consists of said groups that's called gatekeeping regardless of your perceived "rights"  So I dunno what are you even trying to say.

The majority of LFG groups are made up of a vast amount of different skilled players. Given that entire communities have sprung up around trainings, trainings groups are likely one of the smaller groups posted on the LFG and those that do post fill up pretty fast.

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10 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Ding ding ding, you got it genius. The in-game LFG is in fact one of the worst places to look for when wanting to enter raids. Why do you think the constant: find a guild, join a training discord, etc. is given as primary advice over and over? That's not experienced players trolling, it's them actually giving ADVICE over and over and over.


How about an LFR (auto group)  ?

10xDPS  ( no boons needed like normal Strikes) .

Essentially is the like the current system , but has 1x simple botun with random Dungeon/Raids rotation + old LFG stays the same . It removes the LFG-UI clutter and it a fast way to introduce people straight to action .


(....But .... it might effect the raid sellers that have been working hard  for 10 years now.....)

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1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

BS, I was running PUG groups 6 days per week to only learn how SH worked as chrono tank. You have no clue as to progression raiding for the average player and even static players which need to practice outside of their static.

Even here, those statics ALSO had to learn the fights.


Yeah.  When content was new as I said

Not to mention that practising other roles when you already familiar with encounter is totally different story.


3 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The flaw here:

there is constantly new players entering raids. If that were not the case, there wouldn't be such a disparity in LI and KP. Simple logic dictates that your position is nonsense.


I don't even understand what are you trying to say.

Sure, there are new players but clearly not enough in order to make any difference.


4 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

never said it's common. I said that it would apply there. Yes, I am pretty sure by now MOST groups are made up of some experienced players, which makes it even easier on inexperienced players if they are in the correct groups (aka trainings).


And makes it way harder for "incorrect" groups ( like 90% of LFG )

5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You have never done progression raiding, and it shows.


I did.

I am playing MMOs for more than 15 years now.  Doing new group content after release is literally the best experience you can ever have.

8 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

That's called demanding other payers time and if you are expecting other players to take you along while being inexperienced, aka they have to cover for your short coming, it;s called demanding to get carried.


LoL , its not.  That's called asking for fair treatment and equal opportunities.

Not to mention that the whole premise is deeply flawed. I remember joining one pug raid as newcomer ( I had one or two kills can't remember already ). Rest of the group had like 20+ on average but I was "given a chance" .  In the end half of the group was dead but we got the kill.

So was I "carried" by those experienced players who were lying around for almost the whole fight ?

If someone is inexperienced it doesn't mean they can't perform their role.

15 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Ding ding ding, you got it genius. The in-game LFG is in fact one of the worst places to look for when wanting to enter raids.

Yeah , I know genius.

But that doesn't change my point.


10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

No, but really. Now there are Tons of Guides and ways to make a group and write youre lfg. So instead of whining, start doing.


Or maybe instead of whining about someone's alleged "whining" you will try to read more carefully next time and restrain from giving advices no one asked for ?

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Hot take, I want the game to be *easier*...or at least the story part I have to complete(like a super easy option toggle for ppl like me or maybe if you're repeating on an alt and want to just get through, I will pay MONEY for that man).  I enjoy the story and following along and all the little mini game mechanics of it etc....and then I get stuck in some boss type battle that I struggle with and its a HUGE slog and I just hate it.  Soul sucking tedium I take no joy is struggling through a boss I have to solo for the story and struggle 15min. to slowly defeat because I'm not great at a game.  Give me an 'easy' toggle where I can walk through that *even more*(I realize for the story it is harder to fail they keep letting you rezz etc. its just a slogg is all.)


Ahaha, it takes all sorts of folks.  And no, I don't think that will ever really happen, I KNOW the story sets you up NOT to fail.  Just sayin', its not my cup of tea and the thought of having to do it again for alts is no fun.  But I'll suffer it to get to the general game and more PvE I can dictate the details of myself.  😝

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13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Yeah.  When content was new as I said

Not to mention that practising other roles when you already familiar with encounter is totally different story.

I was talking about release week of wing 5....

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


I don't even understand what are you trying to say.

Sure, there are new players but clearly not enough in order to make any difference.

Oh so now there are players which acquire and learn the fights weeks, months and even years after they were added. Didn't you just caim that most learn the mechanics and fights on content release?

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:



And makes it way harder for "incorrect" groups ( like 90% of LFG )

Yes, because the LFG system isn't the place to look for trainings which is an issue with the LFG and its design (and limitations) and not any players fault.

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

I did.

I am playing MMOs for more than 15 years now.  Doing new group content after release is literally the best experience you can ever have.

Sure, but it's certainly not the easiest and success is far harder for early adopters.

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


LoL , its not.  That's called asking for fair treatment and equal opportunities.

Not to mention that the whole premise is deeply flawed. I remember joining one pug raid as newcomer ( I had one or two kills can't remember already ). Rest of the group had like 20+ on average but I was "given a chance" .  In the end half of the group was dead but we got the kill.

So was I "carried" by those experienced players who were lying around for almost the whole fight ?

If someone is inexperienced it doesn't mean they can't perform their role.


There is tons of players overestimating their ability and impact. 

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:

Yeah , I know genius.

But that doesn't change my point.

No, it invalidates it because the LFG and the way it's designed directly results in how it gets used. Which in this case means: It's pretty bad for new players for this content.

13 minutes ago, Hindenburg.3415 said:


Or maybe instead of whining about someone's alleged "whining" you will try to read more carefully next time and restrain from giving advices no one asked for ?

Oh I am sure you aren't asking for advice. I'm also sure your attitude will make you a great addition to most squads which have the benefit of taking you along.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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11 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Ding ding ding, you got it genius. The in-game LFG is in fact one of the worst places to look for when wanting to enter raids. Why do you think the constant: find a guild, join a training discord, etc. is given as primary advice over and over? That's not experienced players trolling, it's them actually giving ADVICE over and over and over.


13 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

If you are looking at XYZ KP groups for entering fights, you are looking in the wrong place as someone new to the content and SHOULD rightfully get the boot. Start respecting other players time, and you might actually get some where.


Hopefully the company will take steps to improve the LFG .

Normal Strikes/Easy Raids will be the 'ramp up " needing to teach people

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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5 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:



Hopefully the company will take steps to improve the LFG .

Normal Strikes/Easy Raids will be the 'ramp up " needing to teach people

That is likely one of the first things we agree upon. The LFG is in desperate need of a rework and improvement!


The current situation around players having to self organize with use of outside resources is a huge problem in and of its self.

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