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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

i know, your cynicism from the vids and your UBERsarcasm threads 😄

if you dont mind take a look at the vid, i think its quite funne actually xD

alright man. sorry for going kinda monkey mode on you earlier, there are so many clueless whiners lately that it's become hard to tell a genuine and founded complaint from generic whining. My b lmao

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2 minutes ago, solemn.9670 said:

alright man. sorry for going kinda monkey mode on you earlier, there are so many clueless whiners lately that it's become hard to tell a genuine and founded complaint from generic whining. My b lmao

all good bud.  i was hoping you/we kinda come to (y)our senses at some point, so i didnt give up on you and me 😉


Edited by Sahne.6950
/ ( ) sounded rude
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Just now, Sahne.6950 said:

all good bud.  i was hoping you kinda come to your sense at one point, so i didnt give up on you and me 😉


yeah if it helps I don't really remember account names I just nickname people ingame, so on the forums I largely have no idea who I'm speaking to, so you're probably not the first victim of me not remembering an account name ; D

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2 minutes ago, solemn.9670 said:

yeah if it helps I don't really remember account names I just nickname people ingame, so on the forums I largely have no idea who I'm speaking to, so you're probably not the first victim of me not remembering an account name ; D

im not trying to fanboy or meet and greet you.. yuk   😉❤️


you were just raging in my thread thats all xD

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On 12/2/2022 at 3:00 AM, Sahne.6950 said:



Signet Tempest is your answer. Thats the build i am running in WvW and PvP(Sage/Forge Smoldering/Doom) for a long time now.

Personally speaking, this is how you get the maximum performance out of Tempest, in terms of "Damage <-> sustain"

Just try and root>stun>root>stun someone in a firefield or a overload and they melt, while you are a literal bunker.

So I tried this last night and was a bit surprised at how well it performed. I did notice a few flaws to it.  I’m having problems with condi and stuns.  The stun maybe just a me problem because I’m so used to having 2 stun breaks on my utilities, but the condis seem to be a real issue.  How are you dealing with groups that have multiple stuns and condi spam?


also, I noticed it’s not as much healing without water traits so I’m having to watch my hp a little more closely.

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45 minutes ago, Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:

So I tried this last night and was a bit surprised at how well it performed. I did notice a few flaws to it.  I’m having problems with condi and stuns.  The stun maybe just a me problem because I’m so used to having 2 stun breaks on my utilities, but the condis seem to be a real issue.  How are you dealing with groups that have multiple stuns and condi spam?


also, I noticed it’s not as much healing without water traits so I’m having to watch my hp a little more closely.

Condis shouldnt be a problem. Antitoxin carrys your HARD.

The most important thing is to not overcleanse when you are on fire. Be patient... only use the 5 when your getting loaded. Focus on getting the maximum ammount of cleanses out of every aura.

Dont forget that your Earth 3 also cleanses 2 condis when you jump out of your fire3/4 or fireoverload.

you could use cleansing sigil instead of torment, use -20%duration buffood, -25%duration from antitoxin, and if that is still not enough you can run Watersignet-20%duration and Earthenblessing -33%duration to chill/immob/cripple.   You can be literally condiimmune if you tweak it a bit

but that isnt even necessary..... just focus on not overcleansing and your fine. maybe use -20%condiduration food.


CC is your worst nightmare...  you need to learn how to work your way around it.

Hold on to your Overloads when you expect a incoming cc in the near future. You can break the cc and have 1 stab left.  

If you dont want to overload a attunement, you still wait till the overload is ready. You then tap the overload, and instantly swap to the attunement you want to go to. With this trick you can maintain permanent stabi on you.

While stunned you can:

You can go air and press 3 to counter their pressure with shockaura.

if you getting pressured from projectiles, you can use earth 4.

you can go fire and press 5 to gain aura for heal/cleanse/protection.

^all of those need to be bread and butter. Everytime your CCed you do one of those 3 things

While CCed you can also swap to water, as soon as your out of the CC, cast earthshield, roll, cast Waterelemental, Cast shield 5, cast Elementalheal, roll, cast Signet of restoration,  overload water. With this combo you can heal to full right after youve got bursted from CC pressure.


If you learn how to effectively use your overload tho, you will have more stunbreaks than any class. You just have the restricion of having to "ready" them. You are vulnerable for 4 seconds.... brigde that time with dodges and reflects.

if you still struggle against CC, you can use buffood with -stunduration.(works only on daze and stun)


Alot of this builds heal comes from spamming the Restosignet on cooldown. You got 2k damage? HEAL!

Also the waterelemental is a big part of your healing. Always call gunther. hes a good boy.

i hope that helps! ^_^

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1 hour ago, displayname.8315 said:

ead the first page a little.. the funny parts like how reaper is the "hard counter" lol..


Try a good glass theif that knows how to interrupt your heals.. core, DD, DE whatever..


Reaper heheh..

The constant chill application on reaper prolongs the time till you can overload. This locks you out of your stunbreaks and cleanse. Unless you play very cautious you will melt rather fast.

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